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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Article.
    Should be banned everywhere, full stop.
    reason? ne negitives to what wud happen if this was passeD? please think before you post -.-

  2. #12
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    Reading, Berkshire

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    By the way for the record I am not allowed to win any of these debates although I will still put my opinion forward.

    Quote Originally Posted by corey777
    This is a different story where I live. Marijuana is being legalized in Canada - so banning msoking in public areas won't even be brgouht up here.
    Not at all a valid comment, smoking tobacco is legal yet they are still considering a public ban. Just because cannabis is legalized doesnt mean they wont consider potential bans.

    I would be suprised if they chose to allow the public smoking of cannabis as it is a substance that alters normal perception and it is possible to become under the influence of cannabis by passive smoking causing a risk if someone was to drive etc after passively breathing in smoke.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by :Jin:
    By the way for the record I am not allowed to win any of these debates although I will still put my opinion forward.

    Not at all a valid comment, smoking tobacco is legal yet they are still considering a public ban. Just because cannabis is legalized doesnt mean they wont consider potential bans.

    I would be suprised if they chose to allow the public smoking of cannabis as it is a substance that alters normal perception and it is possible to become under the influence of cannabis by passive smoking causing a risk if someone was to drive etc after passively breathing in smoke.
    im pretty sure they wud put forth precautions and warning about smoking marijuana and driving it is basic common knowledge if it was legalized there would be rules and laws set down to make it safe even tho others wud do things to make it illegal

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by :Jin:
    Not at all a valid comment, smoking tobacco is legal yet they are still considering a public ban. Just because cannabis is legalized doesnt mean they wont consider potential bans.

    I would be suprised if they chose to allow the public smoking of cannabis as it is a substance that alters normal perception and it is possible to become under the influence of cannabis by passive smoking causing a risk if someone was to drive etc after passively breathing in smoke.
    Just before I say this, my first comment wasn't towards the debate - it was what is happening where I live.

    Anyways, why would they consider banning tobacco in public areas when they are legalizing marijuana in public areas? Your comment doesn't make sense at all really.

    Your second comment is valid, but unfortunately is being overseen in Canada, as it is in the process of legalization =\

    Edit: This has gone a bit off topic. Perhaps this post should be withdrawn from the discussion

  5. #15
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    Santas Grotto

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    I believe it should.
    1) It's killing the people who do it.
    2) The second hand smoke is killing people.

    Think logically here. If you're doing something that is harming something, that is legal it should be made illegal. Seriously it's like they don't mind killing people.
    Second hand smoke is the smokers killing other people, which is murder in my books. So, yes, that is illegal but yet, they don't get imprisoned.

    Yes, it should be banned.
    Not just in public, but everywhere.
    jesus christ, that's a pretty face.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idlewild
    I believe it should.
    1) It's killing the people who do it.
    2) The second hand smoke is killing people.

    Think logically here. If you're doing something that is harming something, that is legal it should be made illegal. Seriously it's like they don't mind killing people.
    Second hand smoke is the smokers killing other people, which is murder in my books. So, yes, that is illegal but yet, they don't get imprisoned.

    Yes, it should be banned.
    Not just in public, but everywhere.
    umm u do know that smoking in public has been happening since world war 1 and no one has died of second hand smoke in public yet except for a few waitresses :\

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Idlewild
    I believe it should.
    1) It's killing the people who do it.
    2) The second hand smoke is killing people.

    Think logically here. If you're doing something that is harming something, that is legal it should be made illegal. Seriously it's like they don't mind killing people.
    Second hand smoke is the smokers killing other people, which is murder in my books. So, yes, that is illegal but yet, they don't get imprisoned.

    Yes, it should be banned.
    Not just in public, but everywhere.
    Banning smoking everywhere is not the solution. Some people need a cigarette at stressful times - or just to get them through the day.

    And keep in mind, what about people already addicted? Every smoker will go into withdrawl. What a cranky world that would be for the first few weeks.

    And think about the negative affects. Cigarettes are expensive because they are taxed so highly. If those taxes disappeared, this money would be needed and would just end up taxing non-smokers higher than they already are. Whether it be from income tax or sales tax - the government will find a way to get it from the public.

    And, banning smoking would lead to more crime. People would be growing tobacco and we would have the same problem as marijuana right now. There would be more conjestion in the court system and quite frankly, we don't need that right now.

  8. #18
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    If smoking were to be banned, the government would need to stop manufacturing cigarettes.

    I see all these advertisements on smoking and what it does to you, how deadly it can be, and they even write a little detail such as: "SMOKING CAN CAUSE LUNG CANCER". What I don't get is do they bother telling us how bad smoking is, yet wanting to make money from it?

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by BLuweesH
    If smoking were to be banned, the government would need to stop manufacturing cigarettes.

    I see all these advertisements on smoking and what it does to you, how deadly it can be, and they even write a little detail such as: "SMOKING CAN CAUSE LUNG CANCER". What I don't get is do they bother telling us how bad smoking is, yet wanting to make money from it?
    Actually, cigarettes are distributed by private tobacco companies. The nasty pictures and text you see on the packages are rules set by the government that are given to tobacco companies. This is to try to discourage smoking obviously.

  10. #20
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    I could come up with a few points on each side of the debate. I'll decide at the end which side I am for and which side I am against.

    I will fist start off with Yes, it should be banned in public places then move on to No, it should'nt be banned.

    Reasons For.
    Smoking in public places might become band, which also includes on the street, in a pub and everywhere else really. There is a risk of passive smoke, and this will increase anyones chances of getting lung cancer from someone elses smoke. We dont't want to die from anyone elses smoke. The only we we can stop this, is by not allowing it in the public places. Maybe they could just ban it from the rush hours (8:30am To 6:30pm). Between these timings you wernt allowed to smoke on the street. As for the other places, I find it stupid. Pubs have fan filters, I should know this because some of my family own pubs; even my dad, and he smokes, it doesn't bother anyone. When I go up and help him, it doesnt bother me. I even go and talk to the locals, it doesnt bother them either. So as for the Pubs and Clubs it should not be banned there. There are some problems this may cause, such as; people getting cranky because they aren'y allowed a cigerette on the street, and at work. Another problem that it might cause is people will still do it. No doubt about it. The litter is getting bad because of the cigerette butt ends, they are all over the place, the only solution is to make it a rule that if you smoke,a nd you stampyour butt ends on to the public floor, you will get fined, a minimum of £20. So far, no one as died from second hand smoke, except from maybe people who work in smoking places e.g a pub and have asma.

    I will now move on to the arguments against banning it.

    Reasons Against.
    Smoking in public places should not be banned. I think this because if they do ban it, then people will still do it. If they ban it, a smokers life will be at risk still because all of the adrenalin and the nicotine will build up in the body, the only way to stop this is by not banning it or allowing it in hardly any public places at certain times. If the government don't mak this a rule, then many people will lose there lives, but its the way life goes, we will all die sometime. But as the saying goes; I'd rather be late in this world, than be early in the next. It hasnt really bothered anyone up to when the Government had suggested this; then the arguments started with whether it should, or not. Most people I have asked have answered with No it shouldnt be banned. If the Government ban smoking then I think more people might start and do it. In school, We ban chewing gum, people still do it to look "cool". What I'm implying is that, if we ban it, more people will do it too look "cool" and "hard" in front of there mates and to impress the opposite/same ***. What about the people that smoke in cars, while there driving. Is the motorway classed as a "public place" because I dont think police would patrol the motorwa and roads, just for people we can't cut a bad habit.

    In conclusion I think It Should be banned in some public places such as; the streets and the roads and motor ways, if they count. I also still think it Should Not be banned because people would think they look cooler and harder if they break the law. No doubt about it, people will still do it. If the Government decide to ban it in all public places then its stupid! Especially in the pubs and clubs. The only people that it really bothers, is the people that breathe it out right infront of your face, and you get a coughing fit for the next 20 minutes. If they also decide to ban it, then they should atleast let the smokers smoke somwhere else and have a time gap where they shouldn't smoke and a time gap where they are allowed to smoke. Maybe the times between 8:30am and 6:30pm, which is 30minutes before the rush hour and 30 minutes after the rush hour.

    I ma of babbled on a bit, but these are my personal views on something that doesn't really bother me.

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