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  1. #11
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    I am a big believer that equality begins with the normality exercise which, for the most part, can be achieved by the development of an educational (or, realistically, societal) system on which the minorities are not only homogenised within their community, but also are capable to dismiss the existence of a segmented area on which they'll be studied/taught as though they they are the B-side of mankind

  2. #12
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    This story, and the just like, mentality of just focus your energy on something else, are a huge part to me as part of this debate. Yes I understand that some people will have differing opinions and that's OK, what's not OK is when you try to demean or belittle other people for having their own opinions.

    Also, I firmly believe that whether you "agree" with someone's seuxality, gender identity, the way they prefer to be addressed, why not just do it and move on? If I, as a single woman, asked to be addressed as "Ms", or even chose to change my NAME, would there be the same outrage? No absolutely not people would just get on with it and change the way they refer to you out of basic levels of respect.
    That's a totally false comparison because your name means nothing, whereas the idea of gender/sex is core to society and nature.

    You demanding that I pretend you are a sex/gender other than the one you actually are, is an infringement on my rights. This notion that "respect" means going along with whatever someone else demands is also nonsense on stilts. Everyday people disagree with us and refuse to do exactly what we would like them to, as is their right. Your side of this debate uses the cloak of respect as a way to crowbar your way to people being sacked, castigated and hounded for stating biological facts and social realities. See JK Rowling as a prime example.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 20-07-2021 at 12:26 AM.

  3. #13
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    Widely accepted in the scientific world that there's a difference between gender and sex, but nope can't possibly count because it didn't USED to be the case and we should all stick with good ol' fashioned 1930s family values where no-one has choices and everyone has to be cookie-cutter material.

    Interesting how you get all huffy and talk about your right to be unkind and backwards when anyone asks you to be nice but then demand that laws and society go along with your own views
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    Widely accepted in the scientific world that there's a difference between gender and sex, but nope can't possibly count because it didn't USED to be the case and we should all stick with good ol' fashioned 1930s family values where no-one has choices and everyone has to be cookie-cutter material.
    No it isn't widely accepted that there are more than 2 genders/sexes.

    The fact you're pushing for this drivel to be taught to innocent children proves you yourself know this stuff isn't widely accepted either.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus
    Interesting how you get all huffy and talk about your right to be unkind and backwards when anyone asks you to be nice but then demand that laws and society go along with your own views
    I have no idea what you're on about.

  5. #15
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    Interesting, it's almost as though THAT ISN'T WHAT I SAID AT ALL.
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    Interesting, it's almost as though THAT ISN'T WHAT I SAID AT ALL.
    Would you like to tell me then exactly what it is you want to put in the minds of the nation's children?

    Tell me *exactly* what though - don't just come back at me with some vapid phrases like "Love is Love" for forum likes.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 23-07-2021 at 12:13 AM.

  7. #17
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    I don't think we're really equipped to tell you what *exactly* needs to said in these lesson plans...

    The point of the matter is that there are loads of young people who feel like they don't fit in because they are gay, or feel like they're a girl stuck in a boys body, and vice versa etc... Kids don't grow up learning about this until later in life, and more often than not it's by a old-timer who doesn't agree with it all, and doesn't accept it, which the kid then adopts that same mentality... but unless they've experienced it, or know a friend who is going through it, it's completely alien to them and often refuse to believe what this person is saying and claiming it to be false or that they're just out for attention etc... Whereas if it's commonly taught from a young age, kids will better understand what they/their friends or peers are going through and it won't be looked upon as a mental disability like some are claiming it to be.

    Not to mention that a lot of LBGT+ people self-harm or worse due to bullying, which all comes down to a lack of knowledge and understanding. I can't begin to understand how it feels to be blind, but I can close to eyes to experience it briefly. Much like people who aren't in the LBGT+ community, they can't begin to understand what they're going through or how they feel, but they can't simply close their eyes to briefly experience it... This stuff needs to be taught for a better understanding, to ensure future LBGT+ kids aren't picked on, so they can freely open up about how they feel and not be worried about how they're going to be treated.

    I don't pretend to know a lot about the LBGT+ community, but I do accept whatever choices anyone wants to make about themselves. This should be standard

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Would you like to tell me then exactly what it is you want to put in the minds of the nation's children?

    Tell me *exactly* what though - don't just come back at me with some vapid phrases like "Love is Love" for forum likes.
    Why bother when you're just going to make something up for me and act like anyone who cares about being nice is only doing it to pretend because you personally don't give a damn about anyone so surely no-one else can. I said that it's widely accepted that sex and gender are two different things (because that's what was being discussed at the time and SHOCK HORROR some people actually respond to the current topic instead of going off on tangents every time they realise they're horribly and totally wrong but don't want to admit it) and you came back with an entire other argument. It's pointless, you're just really crap at debating and pull out strawman after strawman until people give up
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  9. #19
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    How do you want teachers to ignore LGBTQ+ and pretend like it doesn't exist when we have staff and students that identify as such? It may scare you but I observed a new teacher introduce himself to his class and the first thing he asked for were students to write down their name and their pronouns... All of them did it without any of them questioning why - times have changed since when we were at school.
    Love Triz Loved

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    Why bother when you're just going to make something up for me and act like anyone who cares about being nice is only doing it to pretend because you personally don't give a damn about anyone so surely no-one else can. I said that it's widely accepted that sex and gender are two different things (because that's what was being discussed at the time and SHOCK HORROR some people actually respond to the current topic instead of going off on tangents every time they realise they're horribly and totally wrong but don't want to admit it) and you came back with an entire other argument. It's pointless, you're just really crap at debating and pull out strawman after strawman until people give up
    You can never stick to the actual topic and instead just say the other person cannot debate. That's not a debate Tom. Why don't you try replying to what I asked (without parroting meaningless phrases from Stonewall) which is what exactly are you proposing to teach our children in school when it comes to LGBTXYZ+.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kardan View Post

    How do you want teachers to ignore LGBTQ+ and pretend like it doesn't exist when we have staff and students that identify as such? It may scare you but I observed a new teacher introduce himself to his class and the first thing he asked for were students to write down their name and their pronouns... All of them did it without any of them questioning why - times have changed since when we were at school.
    I want teachers to teach their actual subject and not indoctrinate children with lunatic fringe ideas.

    You know, in my classes we actually discussed this subject from time to time and because the students knew I wasn't politically correct and wouldn't go running off to the Headmistress if they dared say something politically incorrect, they actually told me what they thought because they had my trust and confidence to the extent they would be pretty open about what they really thought. And all of them laughed at and mocked the idea of 100+ pronouns.

    Let me ask you a question back. If a student said to you that the concept of pronouns was complete garbage, would you report/punish them?
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 23-07-2021 at 10:19 PM.

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