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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011

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    Well I am not a fan of uniforms but it depends the style and color lol. Although I rather wear my own clothes. I do not care what other people thinks about me really.

    Be careful what you wish for!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Canberra, Australia

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    I've had to wear school uniform through all of primary and high school. (Year K to Year 10)
    There was no school uniform in college (Year 11 & 12) and I don't have to wear a uniform now that I'm at Australian Business Academy Although we do have personalised ABA jumpers for the winter which is awesome!

    Okay, so I've experienced both sides of this, wearing school uniform sure is easy, there is no need to choose what to wear in the morning, everyone wears the same and it's stress free. The only real let down of school uniform is that it might be uncomfortable, low quality, too formal, too much effort, etc.

    Being a male, I don't worry about this so much because I usually just wear any T-shirt with jeans if I don't have to wear uniform. If I do have to wear school uniform then I'm not going to complain so much, although I went to schools that had a pretty slack and easy uniform, meaning that I didn't have to wear a tie or belt and ugly socks. Perhaps I was lucky?

    I cannot speak for the ladies when it comes to not having to wear school uniform, however but I have heard how much they stress about it on Facebook statuses, ex-girlfriend, you just hear it.

    In some countries, there are schools with ugly school uniforms, this is so when students travel to and from school, they are less likely to be targeted targeted by a pedophile. Also, students with school uniforms are easily identifiable if they become lost on a school excursion (field trip) or whatnot.

    If you surveyed a range of people from different demographics & psychographics;
    • parents SHOULD be FOR school uniform - main reason: Safety
    • male students would be AGAINST school uniform - main reason: Escape the discomfort & experience freedom
    • female students would be FOR school uniform - main reason: Not have to decide on what to wear every morning
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

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    I am really against for school uniform because:

    1. They will cost alot

    2. Too much of wasting laundary supplies

    3. a waste of time of extra cleaning

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Mt Zion, Georgia

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    I've been in both sides.

    My old school had a uniform in place, and honestly it didn't really help. It wasn't a strict policy, but it was a uniform policy none the less. Just a polo with Khaki or black pants. It didn't reduce the amount of bullying and it didn't reduce the amount of stuck up people showing off their new clothes. The reason why I say that is because with out uniform we had different brands. People with less money would go for the Walmart brand and those more wealthier would go for the more expensive options (American Eagle, Ambercrombie, Aeropostle, etc) so the stuck up kids would flaunt their expensive uniforms and bully those wearing uniforms bought from Walmart. Don't even get started on the shoes, people at my old school would thow a fit if you had knock off brand shoes and not the real deal because you couldn't afford it.

    However, Uniforms do make a school look more presentable, it also makes it more bland, as the kids will essentially be wearing the same exact thing every single day. Almost as you're wearing a prison jumpsuit.

    The school I attend now doesn't have a uniform policy. Everyone looks so unique and different than the other. However the area I live in now nobody is too rich, like they aren't poor, but they aren't filthy rich. So most people wear whatever. So people wear band tees, jeans. Graphic Tees and what not. Plus there isn't much bullying here so, there really isn't a need for it.
    Last edited by StevenWinehouse; 09-03-2014 at 05:59 AM.

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