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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

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    wake up around 8 and get ready and get breakfast
    morning conference call w/ colleagues at 930 to discuss what we're going to do
    take and make calls or send and receive emails all day
    listen to music in between as my neighbour is furloughed and can't get to the gym so blasts her music or does idk starjumps or some shit
    eat lunch at some point
    4pm conference call to downwind, usually play some sort of game or just listen to one of my colleagues bully everyone else
    work past 5pm trying to catch up with everything
    speak to friends, post memes.
    watch my soaps if they're actually on if not i play town of salem
    eat at some point

    go out once a week for food, don't bother going out for daily exercise

    pigged 25/08/2019

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

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    god what wild lives we all lead atm

    Today I wrote four (FOUR) handwritten letters just bc I have time now lol. Wrote one to my great aunt who's 90 and doesn't have any internet connection and I know she rly likes when I write, one was to an old housemate and we write each other cute cards quite a lot, then I had 2 funky postcards so I wrote to two of my friends' little kids (they're like 3 - 6 years old) cause I thought that'd be adorable.

    But I just have so much time on my hands I'm doing stuff just to kill time?? sometimes it's nice but sometimes I just want to go and eat dinner in a restaurant or go visit a friend in a diff city on the train or something tbh.
    Like YellowBelli Liked

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

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    Ah I plan to write a few letters this week too. I'm secretly hoping people write back with handwritten letters too.

    So my daily routine is basically making breakfast, lunch & dinner for the family and doing housework in-between. Any moment my kids start playing independently, or nap, I use the time to play AC, do some Habbox stuff or just chat with friends via phone or video.

    Next week will be completely different, as I am working from home so will spend most of the day shut in the bedroom, listening to the kids and partner wreck the house !! Not looking forward to the evening clean up !!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    I'm on complete lockdown (day 8 of 14) because my housemate had a bit of a cough that definitely wasn't the virus. My days are basically wake up, shower, haul my monitor upstairs to where the pc I stole from work is, plug it in there and sit on my own staring at the screen for most of the day because my access hasn't been set up properly and no-one seems bothered by that. Then I have lunch, stare at the screen some more, and eventually bring the monitor back to my room and sit on my own staring at the screen for the evening and then sleep. On days I'm not working... I don't move the monitor.
    | TWITTER |

    Blessed be
    + * + * + * +

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

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    wake up at 5 am, do HIIT or wii fit or lift weights or go running, depends on the day

    tend to the kids and make breakfast for the husband and I

    start working around 8:30/9 whilst habboing sometimes

    lunchtime/nap/kids around 11-3

    second workout around 4/5/6, dinnertime is somewhere in there

    bedtime around 9/10

    We part, only to meet again. 12/11/04

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

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    I feel quite lucky that my work is business as usual just at home lol I used to work from home every Friday so now it feels like everyday is a Friday and I’m stuck like in that film Groundhog Day

    I’ll take up at 8:50 if I had a shower the night before or 8 if I fancy a shower and go straight upstairs and log into my laptop lol my “office” is out loft extension upstairs so it’s quite lonely as I’m up here alone from 9-5 ( sometimes I’ll have a nice lunch break at 12 but depends how busy I am because we have so many projects going on at the moment)
    I’ll work until 5 which isn’t even bad my days go quite quickly lol then at 5 I’ll do that ‘Pe with joe wicks’ with my boyfriend because he’s living with me
    then maybe Charlotte and her boyfriend and our mum join us for some sort of board game and we’ll sort what we’re doing for dinner
    then just shower and watch tv of some sort or play with the dogs in the garden until when I fall asleep

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gina View Post
    I feel quite lucky that my work is business as usual just at home lol I used to work from home every Friday so now it feels like everyday is a Friday and I’m stuck like in that film Groundhog Day
    See I feel rather guilty, I have a well paying job, which by what I get paid I should have been on the governments maximum furlough pay of £2500 a month, but with complications I won't bore you with (In short, will only accept basic rate of pay, and not my weekly bonuses that make up a lot of my pay), I'll be getting a little less than the maximum now - around £2100

    I understand that even £2100 is a lot of money and more than most earn in a month, but I feel guilty in the sense that there are people who are still going to work or working from home who are doing so for less money than I'm getting by sitting on my arse. Granted I wanted to go back to work since my 5th day off in a row, but at the same time if I go get another job whilst on furlough; my furlough payments would stop, and I'd instead be paid for the work I'm doing, which will guaranteed to be less money than I'm on by sitting on my arse, and I wouldn't be able to justify working 40+ hours a week for less money than I was just sitting at home lol.

    I've been assured by my company that it's still business as usual, they've just had to legally place everyone on furlough to be able to apply for the 80% from the government. Though since this is all unprecedented, I am taking that with a pinch of salt, but luckily with my line of work I can walk in and out of different companies and start the following week, so I shouldn't have a problem.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sectional View Post
    See I feel rather guilty, I have a well paying job, which by what I get paid I should have been on the governments maximum furlough pay of £2500 a month, but with complications I won't bore you with (In short, will only accept basic rate of pay, and not my weekly bonuses that make up a lot of my pay), I'll be getting a little less than the maximum now - around £2100

    I understand that even £2100 is a lot of money and more than most earn in a month, but I feel guilty in the sense that there are people who are still going to work or working from home who are doing so for less money than I'm getting by sitting on my arse. Granted I wanted to go back to work since my 5th day off in a row, but at the same time if I go get another job whilst on furlough; my furlough payments would stop, and I'd instead be paid for the work I'm doing, which will guaranteed to be less money than I'm on by sitting on my arse, and I wouldn't be able to justify working 40+ hours a week for less money than I was just sitting at home lol.

    I've been assured by my company that it's still business as usual, they've just had to legally place everyone on furlough to be able to apply for the 80% from the government. Though since this is all unprecedented, I am taking that with a pinch of salt, but luckily with my line of work I can walk in and out of different companies and start the following week, so I shouldn't have a problem.
    that’s so mad I forget people are still getting a fair amount of money , when I think of 80% I always expect it to be like nothing lol my boyfriend and sisters boyfriend are both on furlough but they both get paid more than I get on full pay lol peak times x I’m only an apprentice at my job so I’m on 1k a month
    I mean could be worse and it’s only until next Jan when my apprenticeship is over but man it sucks knowing my boyfriend is in bed all day and getting paid more than me working ��
    but what can u do anyways it’s nice to have a routine
    Last edited by Gina; 02-04-2020 at 09:29 AM.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gina View Post
    that’s so mad I forget people are still getting a fair amount of money , when I think of 80% I always expect it to be like nothing
    we are struggling a bit in my household as my mum finally secured our house and has a ridiculous mortgage to pay but she’s self employed and it’s having effects with everything going on as she obv doesn’t get furlough
    we’ve got mortgage holiday for now tho which is good but my boyfriend and sisters boyfriend are both on furlough, then me and my sister are working as usual
    but I’m an apprentice at my job so I only get a solid 1k a month (I mean it could be a lot worse and I don’t have many things to pay other than my car insurance, phone bill and any money for food or rent) but yes a stressful time !! but I’m happy I’m doing something and not stuck lounging around all day
    Yeah for most I imagine 80% is bugger all, but it's better than nothing eh? I used to work as a Manager at Cineworld as of just over 2 years ago, so naturally all my friends still work there, and they'll only be getting around £700 a month, which for some will only just pay for the basic living, but none of them have mortgages, so if they did then they wouldn't be able to afford their mortgage, granted the mortgage holiday for 3 months would have helped them, but some of them have kids etc...

    I'm lucky (Depending upon how you look at it lol) that I have no dependants, I live alone (lmao typing that I've come to the realisation that I am in fact not lucky haha #loner) I was saving up to move into a bigger house, so technically I can afford to not work for about 8-9 months without any help, but that would be eating into my savings I've been working on for the last year or so.

    I guess it's all relative though isn't it... For example if someone was earning £5000 a month, chances are they got bills to match, and might only have about £100-300 left as spare cash at the end of each month like the most of us, people often live by their means of income, like buying a more expensive car, perhaps on finance, so instantly they might have £500-800 a month come out just for that, they've probably got a more expensive house, so bigger mortgage payments etc... So I bet some people are getting the full £2500 a month and shitting themselves because they can't afford to pay for everything at no fault of their own.

    I was sensible in that I never planned to stay in my new job for a long time, it was only ever temp so I could earn a lot of money, so I never changes my spending habits, I still drive the same car, I still buy the same food etc.. The only thing that changed was I bought a house, which was more so a sensible change lol. Due to this reason, if I actually tried, I could save around £2k a month, as the plan was that I go back to Cineworld as a Manager as I enjoyed that job, and I'd still be able to afford to pay for everything I have now on a wage that's less than half of what I earn now... So because of that reason, this £2100 I'm getting is probably around £1000 more than I actually NEED to live, but that's only because I haven't been living by the means of my income like most people do when they get a pay rise etc..

    I read somewhere that they're talking about self employed people getting help, but I remember somewhere reading that you need to have been trading for a year, and be able to file a years worth of tax returns, therefore realistically speaking you need to have been trading for around a year and a half. Is that not something that applies to her - assuming what I briefly read was correct? Can't say I read much into it since I'm not self employed, but yeah I feel for those people who just purchased a house as the housing market will/is going to crash, and people who have just purchased their houses will probably see the worst of it since they've just bought it and BOOM their house price drops, which will often leave them in negative equity, whereby their mortgage is worth more than the actual house price - Doesn't really make a difference as long as you don't sell it, basically wait until the housing market stabalises, but it's still a scary thing to know that if you sell your house, you'll still owe the bank money lol.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    I'm a *-*social shielder*-* so stuck inside indefinitely with absolutely no routine, nothing to do, nothing!
    On day 1 I tidied my room to give myself a task and purpose, I'm now considering making a big mess of it just so I'll have something to do again!
    I would much rather be back at work

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