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Thread: Member

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marketing View Post
    Considering you are a ** user, it is odd how you tell on people... for using ** lol
    erm you say it like I do it all the time, I gave a little bit of information in as a bit of a joke really. I mean it was all available for the open eye and easily accessible... You've became nice and bitter recently.

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldenMerc View Post
    erm you say it like I do it all the time, I gave a little bit of information in as a bit of a joke really. I mean it was all available for the open eye and easily accessible... You've became nice and bitter recently.
    I just think it was in poor taste, Ross.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxMATTGxx View Post
    Here's the email from Sulake:


    It had to be done!
    you should snitch on hffm since their forum manager cough footface pokemon cough openly sells habbo accounts on it// or did lol
    pretty sure mammoth buys and sells there too idk!
    or ask powertoo to tell other fansites about this lol

  4. #244
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    Ultimately Tom was a bit of an idiot and forgot that he'd been put on a slightly higher pedestal than everyone else. It's easy not to notice when one day you're an e-rebel forum moderator and the next you've got the keys to Habbox's ferrari server. Ultimately it was just a joke and although it hurts Habbox's credibility in our point of view it ultimately does no damage to Habbox's reputation in general, I sincerely doubt that Tom is going to make this mistake again as he probably doesn't want matt moaning at him again. Tom's been a force for good in general and whilst we shouldn't take this as meaningless it's certainly not grounds for firing.

    *********** bans/dnhl/firings
    Firstly, what's up with the orwellian thought-police / ministry of truth style censoring? It's not like we censor the words torrent, thepiratebay and rape. Just because they're not filtered doesn't mean we condone using/doing them, it means we can have a proper discussion about them. The moment you censor stuff the moment people actually take interest and start investigating. The filtering does the exact opposite of what is intended. Linking's another matter and linking to illegal activity has also always been disallowed on this forum anyway. However if we are to persist with this discussion over *********** then may I suggest that we use the more general term 'real money trading' or RMT for short as it'll be far less confusing for those reading along who are not in the loop.

    That's really besides the point anyway. If Habbox does not take steps to fire people who obviously do RMT then Habbox can be viewed by Sulake and other users of Habbo as indirectly endorsing RMT, at the same time RMT hampers Sulake's income, it is not in Habbox's interest for RMT to continue. Really if people are going to be stupid enough to use the same account name on both sites then they deserve to be fired out of stupidity. If you are involved in RMT and you hold a high-ranking position at Habbox, like Zuth, then that is particularly bad as it sets a bad example for all the other staff. We already know that Sulake can on a whim impose rules which make little difference (e.g. people can be charged for colourful names but not for being allowed to see rep comments) so it's not a big stretch to imagine Sulake filtering the word Habbox if Habbox doesn't at least go to the small effort of firing staff who are involved in RMT.

    Habbox has had a long history of having integrity, maturity and therefore setting a good example for both users and other fansites it would therefore be imprudent to not take action.

    And really it's not like Habbox is really unfair about it, what I've been able to glean out of situations where people have been caught out is that if they don't outright lie about being involved in RMT in the past and promise not to do it again then they'll possibly be left alone, and indeed that seems the sensible way to go about it.

    Like duttygurl Liked

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chippiewill View Post
    Ultimately Tom was a bit of an idiot and forgot that he'd been put on a slightly higher pedestal than everyone else. It's easy not to notice when one day you're an e-rebel forum moderator and the next you've got the keys to Habbox's ferrari server. Ultimately it was just a joke and although it hurts Habbox's credibility in our point of view it ultimately does no damage to Habbox's reputation in general, I sincerely doubt that Tom is going to make this mistake again as he probably doesn't want matt moaning at him again. Tom's been a force for good in general and whilst we shouldn't take this as meaningless it's certainly not grounds for firing.

    *********** bans/dnhl/firings
    Firstly, what's up with the orwellian thought-police / ministry of truth style censoring? It's not like we censor the words torrent, thepiratebay and rape. Just because they're not filtered doesn't mean we condone using/doing them, it means we can have a proper discussion about them. The moment you censor stuff the moment people actually take interest and start investigating. The filtering does the exact opposite of what is intended. Linking's another matter and linking to illegal activity has also always been disallowed on this forum anyway. However if we are to persist with this discussion over *********** then may I suggest that we use the more general term 'real money trading' or RMT for short as it'll be far less confusing for those reading along who are not in the loop.

    That's really besides the point anyway. If Habbox does not take steps to fire people who obviously do RMT then Habbox can be viewed by Sulake and other users of Habbo as indirectly endorsing RMT, at the same time RMT hampers Sulake's income, it is not in Habbox's interest for RMT to continue. Really if people are going to be stupid enough to use the same account name on both sites then they deserve to be fired out of stupidity. If you are involved in RMT and you hold a high-ranking position at Habbox, like Zuth, then that is particularly bad as it sets a bad example for all the other staff. We already know that Sulake can on a whim impose rules which make little difference (e.g. people can be charged for colourful names but not for being allowed to see rep comments) so it's not a big stretch to imagine Sulake filtering the word Habbox if Habbox doesn't at least go to the small effort of firing staff who are involved in RMT.

    Habbox has had a long history of having integrity, maturity and therefore setting a good example for both users and other fansites it would therefore be imprudent to not take action.

    And really it's not like Habbox is really unfair about it, what I've been able to glean out of situations where people have been caught out is that if they don't outright lie about being involved in RMT in the past and promise not to do it again then they'll possibly be left alone, and indeed that seems the sensible way to go about it.
    Some of the other big fansites managers also use ** - in my eyes, Habbox is putting itself at a disadvantage when other fansites can make more impressive events.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marketing View Post
    Some of the other big fansites managers also use ** - in my eyes, Habbox is putting itself at a disadvantage when other fansites can make more impressive events.
    Any fansite which uses RMT to fund events is not really a fansite. It's simply a contradiction in terms and if it is happening then Matt should prepare some evidence proving that it happens and send it to sulake and those fansites will probably get a VERY firm slap.

  7. #247
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    What are the words being filtered? It's perfectly fine to avoid the filter if discussing them properly, and censoring them just creates more curiosity over the apparent "illegal" activity. It seems weird to censor something that has happened on Habbo for years. Having them unfiltered doesn't mean you condone it, and even with the words filtered you'd still have to have moderators making sure these activities do not occur because it's not exactly hard to avoid the filter :/

  8. #248
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    In this case the purpose of the filter is outright censorship so avoiding the filter to discuss it would be against the rules in all likely-hood. That said Matt did intentionally avoid the filter to talk about it in the staff forum, but I imagine that's a bit different.

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