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  1. #21
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    Apr 2005
    On pluto, with sporks.

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    I don't really think theres any point raising the age limit. Now that it's 18 you still see underage people drinking, so whats raising it going to do? Make kids think it's oh so grown up to drink too much.
    On three,
    we're jumping from this ledge,
    this build's tall,
    I'm sure we'll wake up dead

    But I still love her..

  2. #22
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    I think that this is a bad idea simply due to a load of reasons that I could think of from the top of my mind. For example, 18 is a suitable age to drink alcohol as you can easily control yourself. Also, if the aage limit is increased it isn't exactly going to stop people that are 18 from drinking, people even younger than 18 may be drinking. Finally, colcluding my view could be that shops could loose profit if they are not selling the alcohol.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Over There, Look! xD


    Quote Originally Posted by Baving
    Should The Legal Drinking Age Be Increased To 21?

    The topic on whether the drinking age in the UK should be raised to 21 has been questioned by many politicians due to the fact of 'Binge Drinking'. The government are saying that the problem with 'Binge Drinking' is getting worse and that it needs to be sorted quickly. The fact of the excessive crime due to alcohol related intake is also getting worse.

    That figure has nearly doubled from 10 years ago. The government are saying that this is to much and that action should be taken. They believe that the route of the problem is 'Binge Drinking'.

    Binge Drinking is costing the government billions of pounds each year.

    This amount of money could be spent on better things such as education and the national health service.

    If you look at other countires such as the United States that have a drinking age of 21, they do not have such a problem. So could raising the age of drinking in the UK to 21 help combat the problem of 'Binge Drinking'?

    This brings up the question for the debate: -

    Should The Legal Drinking Age In The Uk Be Increased To 21?

    Please do not post pointless comments such as 'I agree' or 'I don't agree'. You must explain your points and try to back them up with evidence. All other forum and debate rules apply. Thanks
    Are You Smoking Summit, No Way the Drinking Age in america is 21 And it ****s. And alot of Pubs Would Lose Out As Its Usually The 18 Age That Lot OF People Drink At

  4. #24
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    In my opinion i dont think it should be changed to 21.

    I think this because in my opinion it will make more teenagers drink trying to act "o yeah I broke the law so I'm cool".

    When you hit the age of 18, you are officially an adult. You can gamble, buy house, and other things that you can do at 16. If they also did raise the age, adults that are 18,19 and 20 will be annoyed because my brother drinks alcohol, and can handle it every Saturday night, hes only 19.So, for him to be legally allowed to drink he would have to wait 2 years. Most people can handle there drink. Theres only maybe 3/10 who can't, and have to take it to an extra level.

    When having a meal in a restaurant/bar if you are 14, your are allowed to order one alcoholic drink with your meal. If they changed the age to 21 to drink normally, would that mean they would have to raise the age to 17. Stupid.

    Alcohol sellers would have to check for ID even more now because; people can normally tell if someone is over 18, but they checked still checked if they looked under 21. Does this also mean if you were 27 and you looked young for your age, they'd ask for ID, after you said you were 27.

  5. #25
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    It is still easy to get hold of Alcohol at the Age of 15. My mate, he looks like he is 30 Years old and he is 14. He can buy Beer and alcohol but he has a baby face. The shop owners just sell it to him beause he has a Bread and alot of chest hair. If they ask for more ID then the Age limi shouldn't be a bother.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    england ~(midlands)


    i think it shouldnt b cause its not goin to be fair on the 18 19 20 year olds now and like its goin to make a diff ppl can just get fake id's cant they cause theyr easy 2 get hold off or just wear stuff that makes them look older so wats the point ?

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Well actually 18 is just the legal age to BUY alcohol. The legal drinking age is 5. Sounds silly but yep... Also 16/17 year olds can drink with there meals.
    So, anyone from 5 onwards can drink in there own home... which is pretty odd. I think that that should be raised to say 14. Some pubs and clubs only serve 21 and overs, it depends what sort of a cliental they are aiming at... I think that the law is quite good... I mean, it keeps people from drinking in the streets and home. I think that people drink more when they are in the own home as there is less for them to do...
    Raising the age will just cause more crime. It wont stop drinking, it will just make people have to drink elsewhere, teenagers grow up so fast now. Its the way of todays world. We have lost our innocence, and theres no way of changing that.
    I mean, you can get married, have children, smoke, drive, own your own home, get a job etc before you can legally drink in a pub properly. Isn't that enough. Most 18 year olds are mature enough to handle there drink... Plus, what would Uni be like without alcohol... Bloody boring thats what!
    Anyway, im ranting a bit. All in all, i think the age is right... If it was raised to 21, it would just cause more crime and problems and maybe kids would be more likely to turn to drugs... If the punishment of serving alcohol to 18 year olds was to be the same as drug dealing then it destroys the point. Alcohol is not dangerous. People are.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    The bus

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    Drinking is useless anyway.. rather than immature teenagers over drinking leave it to older more mature 21 year olds.

  9. #29
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    Alot of shops and restaurents around where I live have now raised the drinking abnd buying of alcohol to the age of 21. They are following the governments new '21 Rules' as it is known.

    There is a pub in the town where I live and they wont let anyone buy alcohol if they are under 21. Around this pub there use to be a very bad binge drinking problem but since the new age rule it has settled down alot.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

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    No i dont think it should be increased till 21. America have the limit to 21 but if we're going to follow in their footsteps they also allow people to have guns. If it was increased it wouldn't stop many people
    For Example my brothers 16 and he's drinking now dnno where he gets it from but he does. At the age of 18 you are classed as an adult and i think if it was hired it would make you feel like a child again. I think if people binge drink they should have a ban slapped on them and if they drink within that time they go to jail. So in conclusion no i dont think it should

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