Not really cos straight people can have sex just as much as bisexual people just with one sex. straight/gay people can have sex more times than bisexuals.. Being Bi just means you can have both..
I love it when youflex like that
Aslong as their not being over-affectionate, I'm alright with it.
Anyway if you're not happy with someone getting off with eachother turn the other way.
whatever tickles ya pickle.
I dont really like people getting on eachother in public anyway, But in private places i dont mind..
If you have any queries or questions, just PM me!
To be honest, theres a time and a place for certain things, and kissing in public isn't one of them.
lets have some fun this beat is sick,i wanna take a ride on your disco stick.
lady gaga (L).
I couldn't care less to be honast, half of the people I know probably think I am gay since me and my best friend act like a married couple half the time , If they're happy and open, there isn't any issue for me to be bothered about.
I dont mind gay pepole at all, im fine with it. I just dont like public displays of affection right in front of my face.
I have no other issue with gay people, i couldnt careless as long as they arent touchy feely or w.e in front of me.
I feel alive
You were my ecstacy
It's you that I'm craving
I feel alive
You were my energy
So why do you hate me?
Why does that upset you?
I don't find a problem with any thing your friends are saying, I'm sure you as a homosexual male doesn't like a male and female kissing, or a female and a female. You have to remember homosexuality has only became legal in the UK in the last few decades, many of the older generations are still highly against it aswell as religion, meaning that the 'anti-gay' views are still passed on. 'Build a bridge and get over it'. If you think what they are saying is bad, you have ALOT worse to come.
Now, I'm gay and still kiss my boyfriend in public. why? because in all fairness I couldn't care less what people think about it, if being around him and holding his hand etc makes me happy then stuff everyone else. If they don't like it they can look the other way easily.
Last edited by Warren; 06-07-2008 at 10:55 AM.
Last edited by today; 06-07-2008 at 03:15 PM.
Everyone is entitled to kiss in public, if it's okay for straight people to do it, then it should be fine for gay/bi-sexuals to kiss in public too.. aslong as it's just moderate kissing, not sucking each others faces off :/
I come from Italy. The situation in Italy is far more difficult than in the UK: we are influenced by Vatican, who would prefer to burn themselves rather than saying that homosexuality is normal and doesn't come from Satan.
There's also a lot of ignorance in Italy: We have teenagers who thinks that if you don't hate gays, you're gay. Never heard of that teen commiting suicide because everyone in his class said he was gay ? Pfff... :|
IMO I think that homosexuality is normal: we're still talking about love and attraction, things that we find in straight relationships too.
I also agree with Vicky-Pollard about kissing in public: I was in the tube and there was a straight couple "sucking each others faces off" in front of two old ladies. They were so embarassed (I mean the old ladies of course)...
Last edited by Cajak; 07-07-2008 at 11:18 AM.
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