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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Cell #24931, Block 15.

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo Name: Grabbed
    Habbox name: reeski10
    Entry: Bust that scammer!

    Need Credits you can't afford,
    Wishing you were a mighty overlord,
    Until suddenly from through the door,
    Comes a habbo claiming, "I'll give you more!"

    Your eyes follow him around the room,
    unknowing that his proposal is your doom,
    He says, "I'll buy you credits for your rares",
    You agree immediately, but he stops and stares.

    You begin to think of the things you could get,
    He asks for the rares, you put them in and agree without regret,
    He tells you the credits will be in your purse,
    He flees the room, uttering a curse.

    You patiently wait for the credits to arrive,
    But you know you've been scammed, deep down inside,
    You begin to come to terms with the loss,
    And realise you must become your own boss.

    So next time this happens, don't just say bobba,
    It'll help much better if you call a hobba!

  2. #32


    Habbox name: Randy-ortonrko
    Habbo name: rilinga

    Entry:bust that scammer

    People out there are mean and cruel
    asking for passwords and make them druel
    but no fears someone is always here
    to make your fears go
    hobbas habbo staff habbos too
    will even guide your around the hotel
    dont fall for scams
    because they can be catched on cams
    call for help
    and then they go yelp!
    run there away
    2 hours banned or perm banned or 24 hours
    walk away and thats how u plau

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Serj Tankian's Bed x]


    Bust that scammer!
    If you have been scammed and abused,
    And possibly left puzzled and confused,
    Report for help, find a friend,
    Doing this will put it to an end,
    But if the hobbas can't hear for cry of help,
    Before you are sore, before you yelp,
    Fill out the form on Help & safety,
    And stop other habbos stuck in misery

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Bust That Scammer: A Poem By jam1990

    Bust that scammer, bust that scammer
    Bust that scammer, bust!
    He's the one who took your furni,
    And turned it into dust!

    Bust that scammer, bust that scammer
    Bust that scammer, bust!
    A passwords like a secret,
    Keep it private, you must!

    Bust that scammer, bust that scammer
    Bust that scammer, bust!
    Remember if your banned,
    Your furni'll turn to rust!

    So next time you get offered,
    Free credits from a site
    Say: "Your a silly scammer
    Now get out of my sight!"

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Habbo Name:CJ41
    Habbox Name:CJ41

    Bust That Scammer!

    While you're on Habbo
    You better watch out
    Most people are nice
    But there's some nasty ones about

    Anyone can get scammed
    It isn't that nice
    They might leave you something
    A note on a stickie, or a few mice

    You may be really rich
    You may be brand new
    But keep your eyes peeled
    Or it could happen to you

    I've been scammed before
    I know what it's like
    You just wish that something
    Could put it all right

    So if you're in doubt
    Use the call for help
    Then that scammer
    Will be banned.....FOR LIFE!!!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Arrow Bust That Scammer

    Habbo Name: Impalpable
    Habbox Name: .Dee.

    Bust That Scammer

    Mikki the habbo
    Gave her password to CreditsBoy3893
    The boy laughed and took all her furni
    She clicked Call For Help
    Instead of getting her hammer
    She typed in what happened
    And the scammer was scared
    The little habbo left without a single care

    She waited until a hobba appeared
    The hobba asked questions
    Sitting on her rear
    She answered them slowly
    Like a cop asking a peer

    The hobba gathered all the information
    And she waited in a little temptation
    The hobba left and he went looking for clues
    She sat there with nothing to do
    The scammer came back and he laughed with all his might
    The hobba popped in and boy was he in fright
    The hobba said put your hands in the air
    And he did like he didn't care
    Mikki got her furniture back
    And never again was hacked.

    All habbos
    Don't do what Mikki did
    Or you will get scammed
    Yes you will get scammed...


  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2005
    o.O nosey!


    If you see a scammer,
    Causing trouble about,
    Don't be lazy,
    Go and take that scammer out!

    Call for a hobba,
    Don't wait all day,
    Just call for a hobba,
    And it'll be ok

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Bust a Scammer

    Habbo Name: Willenium
    Habbox Name: Willenium
    Entry: - Bust That Scammer

    Be Aware.
    There after your rare.
    Look around there everywhere.
    In a teleporter behind a yukka.
    You can't spot them noone can.
    They think there funny stealing your furni.
    But all they do is make you worry.
    Look around you its amazing what you'll find a habbo getting scammed right There infront or behind.
    What do you do you think for a moment with a frightened look on your face
    "This can't go on its a total disgrace".

    Bust that scammer its not hard.
    All you have to do is call a hobba tell them what you see,do it quick before the scammers run and laughs "hehe"

    Taking passwords its all a game but when it happens to there victims its a Shame and all they have is scammers to blame.
    Hobbas are our heroes they deserve respect.
    Just by a click of a button they come to our rescue every day and every night putting up a fight.

    Keep your password don't let it out thats why scammers are creeping about.
    Don't fall for anything wheither its a website or something that there saying.
    I'm not telling this poem for prizes or praise.
    I'm just telling you this to preach the abuse that habbo scammers raise.
    All that am here for is to say that scammers are bad and deserve to pay.
    Thank you for reading this poem of mine i hope it wins and glows to shine.
    Last edited by Willenium; 04-05-2005 at 02:03 PM.
    [CENTER][COLOR=Blue] Willenium

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo Name : ?-Doc-?
    Habbox: ?-Doc-?

    Ok im Going to make a short one. Because you dont need a long one to explain the situation

    There Once was a habbo called Sam,
    He constantly liked to scam,
    Along came a hobba,
    who saw him say "Bobba"
    Now Sam never scams.

    As you can see , you should never attempt to scam anyone.
    Or avoid the Bobba filter.
    If you see this , click on the Question mark "?" and call a hobba.

    - Doc

    P.s - Good Luck Everyone I Read Alot Of Poems.
    They ALL deserve to win. =] *Crosses Fingers*
    Last edited by ?-Doc-?; 06-05-2005 at 07:26 AM.
    Its about the quality of the post, not quanity! ©

    "One Who Gossips to you, Gossips OF you."©[My quotes, Mine! *Smack*]

    E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G "Cuz your my everything ... "

    Keep Giving Rep Points To People Who Deserve It Its Not A Popularity Contest © ?-Doc-?

    "I Am .. Your Father"

    Concentric - Super Mod
    Please do not have an excessively large signature, or one which uses more than one picture/smiley.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Default Bust That Scammer

    Habbo Name: Kattie121
    Habbox Name: X!GOTH!X

    Scammers bite we know thats right,
    But they'll win if we don't fight.
    Don't give personal information,
    Because they'll hack thats their motivation.
    Don't give your password or e-mail address,
    Because it will land you in a big mess.
    So if someone asks you for confidential info,
    Walk away, just say NO!
    Last edited by X!GOTH!X; 08-05-2005 at 02:13 AM. Reason: The ****

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