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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by qaxzsw View Post
    Thanks for the advice but I don't make the reason im **** at football is because im gay, i think my p.e teacher picks on me becasue im gay. I wouldn't say im very camp at all tbh, i dont have a camp voice really or walk like a woman.

    I dont think the only reason I don't do football is because of them, I just hate football and it makes me angry that I'm forced to participate and I'm also crap so.
    If it's that bad and your teacher is targeting you then you really should talk to a councillor about it. As for football I really just don't think you can do much about that. In Canada between 16 and 18 years old in the education system you require a minimum of one education credit, either PAL or GYM. in PAL the students don't really have to meet any outcomes and can opt out of whatever they want, but in GYM it's much more strict and very competitive. Your physical education class sounds a lot like the latter so unfortunately I don't think you can really get out of doing football entirely, but you shouldn't have to deal with anyone bothering you whilst you play it.
    I'm not crazy, ask my toaster.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by qaxzsw View Post
    and basicalyl everyone at my school has actually told me not to go and dosn't think im a mong, its the chavs who think i am a mong and I don't care what they think and even if I played football they still would - thats chavs for you.
    nice one on the ol' contradiction there

    Quote Originally Posted by qaxzsw View Post
    Well I am going to diss the chavs because they all deserve to die. And I am friends with some of them but that still dosn't make me want to do to football.
    and again

    at the end of the day you're going to look worse for wussying out. its football. all you have to do is run about and look interested. thank your lucky stars its not rugby or swimming

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by cocaine View Post
    nice one on the ol' contradiction there

    and again

    at the end of the day you're going to look worse for wussying out. its football. all you have to do is run about and look interested. thank your lucky stars its not rugby or swimming
    I love swimming and I don't care about rugby because no-one ever trys to tackle me or w.e
    Gabriella Cilmi and Mollie King are legends.
    I quite like Una Healy too

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by qaxzsw
    Anyway my P.E teacher is FORCING me to go back on wednesday to football club
    This sounds to me like it's an after-school club, unless I'm reading it wrong? If it's an after school club then you have every right not to turn up.

    I absolutely hated playing football in PE and I really just took it as an opportunity to annoy the people who were good at it. I'd ask for the ball then pass it to the other team; it annoyed the people who were good at football and then they just stopped giving the ball to me - which is what I wanted!

  5. #45
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    A teacher cannot make you go to an optional club and then put you in isolation because of it. I'd honestly just complain about him. If his reason is because of lack of effort in lesson, then you get a standard detention where you just sit and be bored and do the odd task.

  6. #46
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    I am in the same situation tbh. My teacher just plays football, football, football every god damn term and its not fair because we are supposed to be doing tennis, basketball, badminton etc which are sports I enjoy and like doing, so I just dont go to his lesson, I go to my media teacher and ask him if I can stay with him and he gets me my mark so it looks like I was in P.E

  7. #47
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    If football is a part of your lessons then there's not much you can do about it tbh, you'll have to suck it up and carry it on. If it's an extra curriculum thing then you can't be forced to go.
    You could maybe complain and ask your headteacher or whatever to do like more games to suit everyone?

  8. #48
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    Im wasnt fussy about what i did in P.E apart from gym stuff (balance beams and horses) so i faked an injury e.g. say i twisted my ankle on the stairs just, and because i participated in everything else, they couldn't care. Football was a fun time for me, i was usually a defender and my team was crap so id usually get the ball and the sole purpose of me on the ball was to volley it back up field, not a hard task and usually id aim for people to hit.

    You should try that trying to hit people makes it more... fun

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mathew View Post
    This sounds to me like it's an after-school club, unless I'm reading it wrong? If it's an after school club then you have every right not to turn up.
    yeah this is what i was thinking?

    if it's within the lesson he has every right to try and make you get involved, that is his job. but if he's threatening you with isolation to make you give up your time outside of school to play football then just report him, that isn't an acceptable reason at all.

    even though i guess this is over now anyway cos this thread is over a week old? how did it go ?
    you can be my daddy

  10. #50
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    Right, i really think people who say "man up" need to **** off. :L Highly doubt they have been in this position.
    I was sort of like this, i hated P.E (not im not fat) i just disliked it as i seen it as pointless and hardly any exercise.
    I got out of P.E for around 3/4 years straight. I just kept faking notes from my parents and he soon got bored.
    forever the queen.

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