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  1. #71
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    i think its only okay when they test it for like a cure for something
    or whatever
    something that we need to keep on living or something like that

    but it sickens me to the idiots who do it just for stuff like hairspray/bodyspray and stuff like thatt
    no point to it at all
    just because people smell they have to blind an animal or whatever for it.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Ok this has probably been said already but If you think about it if we couldnt test Cures or Medicines on animals then we wouldnt be able to test them, So it would be disasterous for developement if we did get rid of it, but i do think that testing cosmetics on animals is wrong becase cosmetics are accesories not neccesities.
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  3. #73
    Join Date
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    I think its totally wrong to test on animals espcially with cosmetics, even with medicine it should be a last resort as thousands of people volenteer to test medicines for hospitals/doctors/scientists ect.

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Reading, UK


    i have different views depending on the seriousness,
    i am ok with testing natural products etc that do not contain harmful ingredients but i do not agree with testing harmful products that could cause pain or irritation to the animal

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    As many as 115 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the U.S. every year. Much of the experimentation-including pumping chemicals into rats' stomachs, hacking muscle tissue from dogs' thighs, and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mothers-is paid for by you, the American taxpayer and consumer, yet you can't visit a laboratory and see how the government has spent your money. You can't even get an accurate count on the number of animals killed every year because experimenters and the government have decided that mice and rats and certain other animals don't even have to be counted.

    Animal experimentation is a multibillion-dollar industry fueled by massive public funding and involving a complex web of corporate, government, and university laboratories, cage and food manufacturers, and animal breeders, dealers, and transporters. The industry and its people profit because animals, who cannot defend themselves against abuse, are legally imprisoned and exploited.

    Fortunately for animals in laboratories, there are people who care. Some of them work in labs, and when they witness abuse, they call PETA. Thanks to these courageous whistleblowers, PETA's undercover investigators and caseworkers, who sift through reams of scientific and government documents, have exposed what goes on behind laboratory doors.


  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Undiscovered View Post
    How is it right, animals are being killed for you make- up, there is areas like shoe box sized, min food and water, should be doing exercises, the argument of, the medicines thing, n oway, if we cared that much we wouldnt abuse them, people dont care so no one gives a dam, the majority of you say they dissage but I bet they dont actually LOOK at what there buying to see if it non animal tested, well I do, and also, if you CARE about animals so much, Im sure your a vegy? If yes then thats ok, but if not, your just a hippocrit, as they die in the same way.
    I eat meat, so I'm not a veggie, but still, I think animal testing is cruel. I always (used) to get free range stuff, but now, I don't eat much meat anymore.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    I get a thrill from animal testing! :evil: :wink_blue

    Cheers to animal tesing! cass14

    Actually I hate it. Ban it now!

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zengo View Post
    I eat meat, so I'm not a veggie, but still, I think animal testing is cruel. I always (used) to get free range stuff, but now, I don't eat much meat anymore.
    Free range stuff isnt actualy any better treated than battery stuff alot of the time, the free range logo is easy to obtain and holds very little real standing, look for the britsh farms something or other symbol, as the laws in the UK are very strict and its hard to obtain meaning only farms wich treat the animals very will can obtain it "/

    Quote Originally Posted by Jnike View Post
    [B][COLOR=red]As many as 115 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the U.S. every year. Much of the experimentation-including pumping chemicals into rats' stomachs, hacking muscle tissue from dogs' thighs, and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mothers-is paid for by you, the American taxpayer and consumer, yet you can't visit a laboratory and see how the government has spent your money. You can't even get an accurate count on the number of animals killed every year because experimenters and the government have decided that mice and rats and certain other animals don't even have to be counted.
    Ignorance is not a crime, but your realy abusing the privileged here. First off did you copy this of some brainwashing site becuse its VERY badly linked to the people your talking to, who for the most part are NOT American, nore in many cases even tax payers in there own country's of origan yet.
    Plus what does a count actualy matter when put in context with the aurguments for animal testing anyway?

    Animal experimentation is a multibillion-dollar industry fueled by massive public funding and involving a complex web of corporate, government, and university laboratories, cage and food manufacturers, and animal breeders, dealers, and transporters. The industry and its people profit because animals, who cannot defend themselves against abuse, are legally imprisoned and exploited.
    1) Over here we call it the NHS. The US doesnt really have an equivalent so health cares + and its reaserch+development has to be corporatly funded. The drugs trade is very lucrative, it turns out people will actualy pay quite a lot for life saveing drugs. Strange as that might be. Theres exploition of the market, less here thanks to the NHS, but of animals, not really.
    2) animals can defend themselves, plants cant

    Fortunately for animals in laboratories, there are people who care. Some of them work in labs, and when they witness abuse, they call PETA. Thanks to these courageous whistleblowers, PETA's undercover investigators and caseworkers, who sift through reams of scientific and government documents, have exposed what goes on behind laboratory doors.
    Yea. then peta can avoid tax, exploit children and vunrable sectors of society, take there cash, on the premis of useing it to look after the animals. Then kill all the aniamls, and be rich. But in this case, the kill out of greed, not to help people and save lifes, which is obviously a Much better cause in your opinion i take it?
    Weird that so many of PETA's empoliys are in jail for animal rights abuses aint it. Yet these "horribe" people who are trying tosave lifes and getting attcked by petas brainwashed idiots, actualy have very good records of treating there animals exceptionaly well. Better than most people treat there pets in fact.... Odd that.

    Finaly if you want to support RND you need to use the correct url and image code o.0

  9. #79
    Join Date
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    Call me ignorant and big headed but I'd prefer a mouse to die rather than a human.

  10. #80
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    So should anyone. The only come back is cosmetics from these PETA lovers. To be fair, looking good is something of the future it seems, so to some, they would rather look beaufitul, than ugly. So why not let something try it out before hand?

    Also, if they test cosmetics on animals, surely the testers would know what things would make an animal sick or burn...

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