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Thread: Profit

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Profit

    I'm sure many of you have traded before. I'm also 100% positive that most of you have given profit in trades. Don't you feel that it's quite expensive to give 0.5 CS profit for something that's worth 1.0 CS? I mean, that's 50% profit! Yes, I did use percentage there. Don't just label me a "Maths Freak" there.

    I was selling 14 Fire Dragon Lamps today and someone on my friends list offered 30 Club Sofas. I told him I was either going to trade them for Habbox value or trade 6 Green Birdbaths and 12 Fire Dragon Lamps for a Throne. He then laughed at me saying that my deal is only worth 60 CS and wished me good luck with it. So I told him that I wasn't going to give him 16.7% profit with the Fire Dragon Lamps and that his deal would give him even more profit that I gain if I trade for the Throne, so it was quite ironic that he laughed at me. He started to get a bit annoyed and called me a Maths Freak for using percentages when calculating profit. So I basically gave him an example with a Gold Dragon Lamp and a Club Sofa. If you offer 0.5 CS worth more than the Habbox value for a Gold Dragon Lamp, you're only giving 0.17% profit. Whereas if you buy a Club Sofa for 1.5 CS worth, you're giving a whopping 50% profit. Which would be cheaper?

    Then I continued on about how, in real life situations, that taxes at shops and restaurants are also calculated in percentage, because it would be strange if it's a fixed price, say 3 Pounds. Would you walk into a shop to buy a bottle of Coke for 1.5 Pounds (random values, 'cause I'm not in the UK and I don't know) and then paying 3 Pounds tax? That would be insane, no? Then he started saying how money is used in real life and rares are used in Habbo so they're different, but I don't really understand why. They're both medium of exchange, just used in the real world and the virtual world.

    At that point, I just got too intellectual for him. He started cursing me and saying how I'm such a nerd etc. So then I said something like "Sigh... British kids these days..." and he replied with "What? I'm barely a kid. I'm 19". Great. A 19 year-old British person who can't even understand simple Mathematics. That led me on to talking about how I love the fact that Habbo decided to release a rare called "The Brain" and that it's funny watching British kids shouting "BUYING BRAIN!", even better when they go "SELLING BRAIN 2 HC!" I won't get into details with that 'cause I'd just end up with getting flamed.

    So what I'd like to ask for is your opinion on this profit issue. Do you guys think I'm just being crazy here and that it's worth paying an additional somewhat-fixed price as profit, or do you think that it's actually better to calculate in terms of percentages?

    Please include some opinions to back up what you're saying when you reply...
    Last edited by DieselShaq; 06-11-2008 at 04:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    When trading, I try and get profit unless its something I desperately want. I usually just calculate the profit in CS not percentages. So say if I am buying something which is 1.25, I wouldnt mind paying 1.75 if I need it urgently or really want it. And if I am buying something which is 17CS, I wouldnt mind giving a 0.5CS profit. I try and give a maximum of 0.5CS profit. Although I did try for 3 days to sell my 13 Greek Pillars and no one wanted them. I sold it all for a 1HC loss and the next day, 2 people wanted to buy :\
    So really for me, I calculate profit in CS not percentages and it depends on what I am selling or buying.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I normally ask for atleast 0.25CS profit sometimes more cos i am greedy but you'll never see me giving profit much but if i want sometime alot i will give in the range of 0.5-1.0cs sometimes.
    I've left. I'm back.

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