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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default - Basic Forum Now Open!

    Our (very basic) but new online community is now open. We'll be adding new features over the coming days, and also hosting numerous competitions and events. Keep your eyes peeled for them!

    Quote Originally Posted by Original Post
    Veelo is about you, and what you want out of Veelo. We're not a site that revolves completely around its' management - we revolve around you. Get the point?

    Veelo is unique in the way we target our community, and make them involved in everything we do - it's that simple! The foundation of Veelo is about Communities, and allowing you to be a part of our online community.

    It's not who you are, it's about what you can become. Veelo aims to make everyone feel a part of something, and to make them feel like the decision-makers. Often, major websites put themselves and profit at the heart - we put you in the driving role.

    So we're a forum, what else?
    We're a Community Forum, meaning pretty much anyone can join - as long as you're over the age of 12, that is! Veelo allows you to discuss things that interest you with people who think a similar way, therefore creating a strong foundation for every one of our users. We're about making new friends, and connecting with them through hobbies and interests. Not only that, but you can have your say on pretty much everything, too!

    We're also implementing an arcade - but why?
    Our Arcade will be based on teamworking, and competition. We've got some big competitions and prizes to be won, all you need to do is be involved!

    I don't understand, what's different?
    We're not based around being different, we want to put everything in to one website, and make you feel happy and proud to be a part of it. We're hoping to expand and include things that some of our members have come up with, and to involve them in the making of the site. We're currently 'just' a forum, but we hope to be so much more to our community.

    Veelo Regions
    Currently, Veelo operates across the country. But we want to make it more personalised, to you. We're currently looking at launching a new project called 'Veelo Regions', which, with the help of our 'Community Ambassadors', aims to involve more and more people in areas across the country. Our Community Ambassadors, who are a part of the Veelo Forum, will be Project Managers in their area - they'll seek to put on events, competitions and much more using their local budget, provided by Veelo. We'll tell you more about Veelo Regions when it's finalised, we promise!

    So is everything free?
    A vast majority of Veelo is free - the only things we'll ever ask you to pay for are Upgraded Accounts. Donations are most welcome, but by no means essential - these donations will go to helping your Community Ambassadors, in your area!

    Can I connect with Veelo now?
    You can! Visit today!

    We hope to be seeing more of you in the future, and hopefully, you'll join us on our quest to create our community.

    Further Updates:
    Moderator Applications are now open. Click HERE.
    Facebook Competition - First 100 likes get a FREE Wristband.

    We hope to see you soon!
    Quick Link:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Latest Awards:


    Don't think I'll be joining due to not really being unique, I'll check later though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Latest Awards:


    as @Samanfa; said its not really unique, i like websites that have that edge!

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