Hi Guys,
Just thought I'd introduce myself. I've been a Habbo since last December and I'm gradually finding my way round with the help of the Habbo friends I have made. I have created a room P0nyta1ls Place so feel free to visit me when I am in world. Just to explain the current research is focused on the UK & Finland because it's where Johanna and I live. We hope eventually to develop the research further and include more hotels.

The current research is about understanding the different activities Habbos take part in. It seems each time I come in I find some different aspect I had not heard about before. The first stage of the research is about us learning about Habbo and Habbos so we design a questionnaire which reflects your interests and you want to take part in. The research is funded by a British Academy/ Leverhulme Research award that I won. This means that the research programme has been reviewed by five independent academics before being approved. Also, we work by permission based research that means we always provide you with a permissions form. I have sent then now! We are aiming to have the questionnaire go live during June. I'll keep you informed.

Some of you have checked out my qualifications so I will not bore you with that. Just ask if you want to know anything else.