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Thread: car accident

  1. #1
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    Default car accident

    have you ever been involved in a car crash?
    and have u ever been a driver involved in a crash? has it affected you at all and if so how?

    was in a couple of accidents as a passenger when i was younger but was so young i dont remember but was nothing major with no one injured

    since ive been able to drive ive already had 2 accidents and both of them have managed to shake me up pretty well lol first accident was a few months back and my car skid when i was going round a roundabout, car just started spinning and had the choice of trying to steer it into the centre of the roundabout or trying to steer it out and crashing into a lamp-post lol crashed into the middle of the roundabout and was so shaken lol, was so bizarre because if i saw it happen my instant reaction would be to check the person was ok, but not one single person checked i was ok, everyone just stopped in their cars waiting for me to stop blocking the roundabout

    my car wasnt too bad and was right by my boyfriends work so i drove to his work and couldnt stop crying and shaking lol his manager drove my car around to check it was safe for me because i had to drive myself home
    but was probably the scariest situation ive been in because no matter where id steer i couldnt get control of the car again and was just at a point of panic not knowing what to do lol lucky for me only cost £50 to repair my car and i dont think ill ever be able to drive when its snowy or icy ever again lol literally traumatic

    the second time was a couple of weeks ago, i was driving my sister and her boyfriend to see my dad
    so stopped at a junction to try and turn left and just as im about to turn, a car goes right into the back of us lol my sister and her boyfriend were both like wtf she just hit you and i was just shocked, none of us and none of the people in the other car got hurt and lucky for us both there was no damage so didnt have to faff with insurance
    she had her kids in the car and said they were distracting her and was really apologetic that she wasnt paying more attention
    this time i wasnt shaken though just a bit annoyed that it happened

    really weird though i was at work yesterday and i was holding a rail of clothes, and someone was trying to get past and went into the back of my rail with their trolley and hit it really hard, for a solid 5 seconds i thought i was in my car again and someone had just hit the back of me and was fully shaken loli literally had a flashback to the lady hitting me and then a few seconds later i clocked i was in a primark stockroom and was completely fine
    but was so strange ive never felt like that before or felt triggered like that

    what experiences have you guys had

  2. #2
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    yes twice
    both times I was fuming

    first one was some idiot drove into the side of me, I got out swearing at the old guy (lol) but ultimately didn't really bother me
    second one was a junkie cyclist came out of a junction and got his head smashed on my window then the kerb (and caused like £1.5k damage to my car, *****), pissed me off again as I got breathalysed etc when he was clearly high as shit and got nothing and let go and I got shafted by insurance as cyclists don't need any..

    neither stuck with me though.

    had a lot of near misses though because people are **** idiots and shouldn't be driving (a lot of people coming out of junctions they shouldn't given my speed, not giving way when I have right of way, people not understanding how roundabouts work, or how lanes in roundabouts or lanes in general work)

    but I'm a bit of a ***

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottish View Post
    yes twice
    both times I was fuming

    first one was some idiot drove into the side of me, I got out swearing at the old guy (lol) but ultimately didn't really bother me
    second one was a junkie cyclist came out of a junction and got his head smashed on my window then the kerb (and caused like £1.5k damage to my car, *****), pissed me off again as I got breathalysed etc when he was clearly high as shit and got nothing and let go and I got shafted by insurance as cyclists don't need any..

    neither stuck with me though.

    had a lot of near misses though because people are **** idiots and shouldn't be driving (a lot of people coming out of junctions they shouldn't given my speed, not giving way when I have right of way, people not understanding how roundabouts work, or how lanes in roundabouts or lanes in general work)

    but I'm a bit of a ***
    yes amount of near misses ive had is ridiculous lol people are so dangerous when they drive its so scary !!! especially the amount of people that dont understand roundabout lanes ... jesus tho 1.5k damage

    when i just passed my driving test i was driving my boyfriend and his mate home from clubbing because they were both drunk and got breathalysed, i still get shook when i drive past police

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gina View Post
    yes amount of near misses ive had is ridiculous lol people are so dangerous when they drive its so scary !!! especially the amount of people that dont understand roundabout lanes ... jesus tho 1.5k damage

    when i just passed my driving test i was driving my boyfriend and his mate home from clubbing because they were both drunk and got breathalysed, i still get shook when i drive past police
    I've never been stopped by the police yet (thankfully.. touch wood)

    I'm like generally a very chill and calm person but when I drive the amount of people I want to fight is stupid.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottish View Post
    I've never been stopped by the police yet (thankfully.. touch wood)

    I'm like generally a very chill and calm person but when I drive the amount of people I want to fight is stupid.
    i mean when they saw me they probably wondered why a 12 year old is driving 2 boys around, i wouldve stopped me too loool

    and hahahah i bet

  6. #6
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    I've never been in a car accident thank God.

    For the record, the holiday to Ingoldmells/Skegness was probably one of the worst ones lmao! I went on the Friday, poorly by the Sunday, went to hospital due to the illness on Wednesday and didn't feel any better until I came home . I had food poisoning from having a cup of tea in an arcade (we narrowed it down to that due to it being the only different thing I had eaten/drunk to my family, and my cousin only had a couple of sips from her drink and was unwell with it too). Then on the same holiday, Barry Chuckle died, it just got worse .

    However, I was on holiday in Ingoldmells/Skegness last year with my parents, sister, her boyfriend and my boyfriend. We were going into Skegness for the day, but we couldn't all fit in the car so my boyfriend and I got the bus (I said I'd take him on an opened-topped bus because he'd never been on one and I'm nice like that). Got there fine, so in the evening (we were in Skegness until late, I remember it getting dark and it was in summer so it must've been 9-10pm. My parents, sister and her boyfriend just got in the car to go back and my boyfriend and I were stood at bus stop because it was a 20 minute wait. Finally the bus came and we got on it.

    We sat on the top deck and were at the front, driving along and there's a bus on the other side of the road, and we're at a junction where a taxi is (now I don't know if this is true, but because we were at the front I personally saw the bus on the other side of the road flash our bus and I'm assuming the bus we were on did the same as well, you know what I mean when bus drivers see each other they wave, pip horn or flash lights etc.) I think the taxi driver either was an idiot or thought both buses were somehow letting him through even though we were both moving? So we see this taxi keep edging out of the junction, and keeps going and then you just hear this smash into our bus (it was proper minor, took a little chunk out of the front of the bus) but it scared me which I think it's going to do if I've never been in an accident lmao? We got off the bus for a couple of minutes (I wanted to be nosey tbh) and the taxi driver is trying to blame the bus driver etc. but yeah luckily nothing else has happened like that, been in a car with a couple of near misses though.

    Side note though, I think I'm jinxed with buses on holiday. My boyfriend and I went to Blackpool in October and it was Halloween and we were on bus on way back into Blackpool town centre. Someone was stood at bus stop and put his arm out and then when the doors opened he tried to egg the driver lmao. Luckily that plastic shield thing was there, but the driver called police and everything lmao.

    Oh yeah I was in a car with my ex once and he nearly caused a pile up because he couldn't get off a slip road lmao. A tiny bit further up the road there's traffic lights and I see this guy in next car telling me to get my ex to wind window down. Turns out he's a policeman and told my ex he nearly caused a pile up and to watch where he was going. Ironically we were just before the police headquarters (where the policeman was heading) to too.
    Last edited by Samantha; 13-04-2019 at 10:25 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gina View Post
    i mean when they saw me they probably wondered why a 12 year old is driving 2 boys around, i wouldve stopped me too loool

    and hahahah i bet

    i'm sure you don't look 12.. anymore

    you're ancient now aren't you, Shaz is like 20 or 21 ain't she, feels weird man you're always 12 in my mind

    i hope you manage to like forget your crashes though, driving in snow is a pain in the ass though I agree, I have a big hill I drive down and slid down it a few times, not enjoyable.

  8. #8
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    - should not read this thread the day after passing test and the day before going out for my first solo drive -

    when i was younger I think about 6-7 me, my sister and my dad were on the way to the swimming pool and a woman was speeding and turned right on a red light and slammed into the side of our car. Our car went flipping over a few times and landed upside down, the firemen had to come cut us out. I was hanging upside down for a while. It's one of my earliest and definitely my most vivid childhood memories. Fun!!!!

    We never went back to that pool.

    Fun facts, still to this day can't listen to Steps without reliving it... it was my new CD we were listening to on the way. Or wear orange (I was wearing orange shorts that day).

    Like Ozad Liked

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    - should not read this thread the day after passing test and the day before going out for my first solo drive -

    when i was younger I think about 6-7 me, my sister and my dad were on the way to the swimming pool and a woman was speeding and turned right on a red light and slammed into the side of our car. Our car went flipping over a few times and landed upside down, the firemen had to come cut us out. I was hanging upside down for a while. It's one of my earliest and definitely my most vivid childhood memories. Fun!!!!

    We never went back to that pool.

    Fun facts, still to this day can't listen to Steps without reliving it... it was my new CD we were listening to on the way. Or wear orange (I was wearing orange shorts that day).
    omg thats so crazy though, glad u were ok! and congrats on passing though i saw on insta,
    driving is fun i love it i find it so calming driving alone with the radio on when im on my way to my boyfriends, its nice not having time to proper overthink too because my head is too busy focusing on everything else around me on the road
    i find the only scary bit about driving is just other drivers, u just have to be so careful of what theyre doing co they all drive like lunatics

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gina View Post
    omg thats so crazy though, glad u were ok! and congrats on passing though i saw on insta,
    driving is fun i love it i find it so calming driving alone with the radio on when im on my way to my boyfriends, its nice not having time to proper overthink too because my head is too busy focusing on everything else around me on the road
    i find the only scary bit about driving is just other drivers, u just have to be so careful of what theyre doing co they all drive like lunatics
    do you prefer like country roads (if you have any) or motorway or having a calm drive

    i always prefer motorway and seem to be the odd one..

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