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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    The blue, green marble

    Latest Awards:

    Default habbox show and after party

    last night was the habbox show hosted by mazel. unfortunatley his habbo let him down and he kept getting disconnected and was therefore unable to host.
    We still had a good time though, sierk chose random people from the crowd to host, tooclose and mazel (for the time he was there) did competitions.

    After the show was over we all headed down to my room for an after party. We had a great time enjoyed by all

    i will post a screenie when the manage attachments button stops erroring :S

  2. #2


    This isn't habbo.co.uk news or rumours. This is to do with habbox not actual habbo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    The blue, green marble

    Latest Awards:


    it happened on habbohotel.co.uk so therefore it is classed as habbo news.
    before making an argument please think about how you going to do it.

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