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  1. #1
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    Default *DEBATE* Should public smoking be banned? Winner = Klock

    Should Public Smoking Be Banned?

    It has been a hot topic of 2005 that as to whether public smoking should or should not be banned in the Uk.

    With much more scientific research going into the effects of passive smoking (breathing in others cigarrette smoke) there has been a long term investigation as to whether ban smoking from certain public places eg; pubs, or the whole general public.

    "Evidence shows in Helena, Montana where there has been a ban in effect since 30th March for six months have shown that heart attacks have reduced by almost half and as a result of this non smoking environment it has encouraged smokers to smoke less or quit altogether."
    Research - New Scientist Magazine

    The streets are predicted to become supposedly cleaner especially in common areas such as high streets and town centres where ciggarette butts on the floor are a common sighting.

    A poll in May 2005 stated
    Quote Originally Posted by BBC News
    The poll of more than 1,500 people by market analysts Mintel found 52% support for a ban, including two-thirds of non-smokers.

    However, one of the main concerns of the general public and certain officials is suitible punishments as to people who break the rules of the ban and also who is to enforce it. Also will smokers feel that they are being unfairly treated as they chose to take part of a lawful activity.

    Trials have already taken place in New York, Northern Ireland and Norway with promising results, so this leaves the question,

    Should smoking in public be banned in England?

    Please do not comment with "yeah it should" or "No it shouldnt" please make relevent points and point of views aswell as evidence to back up your post. Please do not treat this thread as a way of means to announce whether you or someone you know, smokes or not. It is implied by the term "smoking" we refer to the smoking of tobacco.

  2. #2
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    no it shouldnt i think there should be designated areas where people can smoke. smoking is somewhat of a lifestyle choice if you choose to smoke its you personal decisions to settle this matter it shouldnt be completely banned because there isnt really a reason it should be its a person choice. if smoking was banned it would cause an uproar in the streets due to the fact over 50% of the world smokes so yea btw jin i beat ur tetris score on Us forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Wirral, England


    I think smoking should be banned altogether! But obviously thats not going to be possible.

    As for banning it in public places, I think deffinately, yes. But this may cause alot of problems. People are going to break these rules, which means crime is going to go up. Leading to other crimes etc.

    Well I think anyway. But i do thnk that it should be banned in public places

  4. #4
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    It should because have you ever stood beside a smoker? they homp. plus it's not good when about 100 people are smoking and you are breathing it in. Everyone is breatheing in second hand smoke which is more harmful that smoking itself.

    Edited by jesus (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not have text in your signature which is over size 4.

  5. #5
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    I don't believe in should be banned in public places.
    Although, obviously, there are health risks attached with passive smoking I believe we have free will and the people who decide to smoke should be able to smoke where they want.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssricky
    no it shouldnt i think there should be designated areas where people can smoke. smoking is somewhat of a lifestyle choice if you choose to smoke its you personal decisions to settle this matter it shouldnt be completely banned because there isnt really a reason it should be its a person choice.
    But where would these designated areas be? Would they be suites in office blocks with well ventilated rooms for people to smoke in? Who would put the cost forward for these rooms?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave
    As for banning it in public places, I think deffinately, yes. But this may cause alot of problems. People are going to break these rules, which means crime is going to go up. Leading to other crimes etc.
    I do not see the crime rates actually increasing or people breaking the ban rules commiting other offences, most people may consider themselves to be able to get away with having the odd cigarrette in public and probably laugh at the possible consequences of publically smoking if there was a ban which would highly likely be having your cigarette stubbed out and a verbal warning from a police officer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joeymac
    Everyone is breatheing in second hand smoke which is more harmful that smoking itself.
    I haven't really heard of it being MORE harmful but I have certainly heard of it being almost just as bad.

    Of course it still raises the issue that would business' lose out, as a drinker and social smoker, in my personal experience I need a cigarrette if I drink, but if my pub is banning smoking and I can't possibly stand outside and smoke I would probably be more inclined to drink at home or a friends where I may smoke.

    The pubs may lose out on business but also may gain business from a different market such as famillies. As such they might decide to create separate segregated area for smokers but what if my friend is a non-smoker and would rather not sit in a room where SEVERAL smokers have gathered. They may have accepted to be around me as I smoke as I am only one person but with other smokers in the room it is a different story.

    In my personal opinion I find the solution to be in a timed ban so from lets say morning rush hour (8 til 10) and evening rush hour (3 til 5) no one may smoke in public and as for pubs no one may smoke inside pubs until after 7pm.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada


    This is a different story where I live. Marijuana is being legalized in Canada - so banning msoking in public areas won't even be brgouht up here.

    However, I am all for banning smoking in public places. Why pollute the lungs of children who have never touched a cigarette in their life? It pollutes yourself and others who don't even have a choice.

    Another reason that I am for banning smoking in public areas is that I think that this will have a positive affect on global warming, if this was to be a worldwide decision. One country may not make a noticable difference, but if the law was put into affect worldwide, I am sure that only positive things could come of it.

    The life expectancy in all countries would be sure to go up as well.

    For those reasons, I am all for banning smoking in public areas.

  8. #8
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    [QUOTE=:Jin:]But where would these designated areas be? Would they be suites in office blocks with well ventilated rooms for people to smoke in? Who would put the cost forward for these rooms?[QUOTE]
    But where would these designated areas be? well we are discusing smoking in public so designate areas in alleyways, certain streets like lines painted on teh ground, in areas in certain parks, areas in subway stations, infront, behind buildings, rooftops even or patios in bars and restaurants.
    Would they be suites in office blocks with well ventilated rooms for people to smoke in? that wud be one place but there cud also be rooms with air filtration devices to purify the air or rooftops of buildings like i said before
    Who would put the cost forward for these rooms? well i wud say the tabacos companys due to teh fact if they did pass this law and were given this option to keep smoking leagel i think they wud pay it

    any other questions former tetris champ

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I really dont know if i am pos or neg on this

    Posotive points

    - non smokers get clean air

    -non smokers who work in a smoking place (me in a bar/restraunt) wont wake up with that horrible feeling in thier lungs in the morning- when you are out with your friends in a pub and you are happy drinking having a laugh and some drunk man comes and askes for a lighter and gets in your way - that wont happen any more

    - the opinnion of smokers is sooo messed up and wrong " we can smoke if we want we pay for it so why should we be told to stop ?" blah blah.. it is so wrong they dont realise they are damaging other peoples health- when people have to go outside to smoke in the rain they might not bother and try to give up (healthier nation)

    Negative points

    - people will stop smoking and there is soooo many jobs that link to smoking and also the tax profit on tobacco willl go down which means other tax will go up

    - they have banned smoking because its bad for peoples health why dont they ban junk food which is equally as bad for you ? simply because tobacco sales have went down e.t.c

    - some pubs will suffer people might just rather to stay in and smoke and drink which means small bussinesses will suffer

    Its all really going to be sooo intresting what is going to happen when the law falls into place it could go really well

    people stopping smoking blah blah then a few months we will see a strugle with jobs on tobacco or maybye the taxes or maybye this has all been taken into plan alreday ?

    or people could just get majourly moody there might be more fights and squabbles and fines all over the places for companies refusing to follow this rule

    it all really balances out ..
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Should be banned everywhere, full stop.

    Edited by :Jin: [Forum Administration]:

    6. If you are going to make a point please back up the point with evidence or statistics.

    7. Please do not make any short pointless comments like "It's wrong" or "I agree" etc.

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