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Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Latest Awards:

    Default FansiteGroup - Coders (PHP/MySQL/Ajax/Javascript)


    Seems that Ryan (Blob) can't be online enough to get the job done at a good enough pace. So I'm on the look out for someone who can work with him so the process can go a lot faster.

    What we're basically after is someone or some people who can code any of the following;
    • PHP
    • MySQL
    • AJAX
    • JavaScript
    The PHP and MySQL are the most important at this stage as we can use pre-written scripts for the AJAX and JavaScript at the moment.

    Here's a short description of what the system needs;
    A user must be able to register by submitting a site. By this I mean they register when they choose to submit their first site as part of the process. For instance they'd select a username and so on then give their site's information. However, once registered they can add new sites via their dashboard. Members must be able to upload advertisement banners of different sizes to the system. This allowing them to be displayed on all the other sites in the group. They should also be allowed to upload what I'm calling a Widget Graphic which is a small graphic (like a logo) which goes onto their button that displays on the fansite lists. Then of course the main thing is there has to be a away for members of the site to easily integrate the advertisements into their site. Using javascript or something like that, so they are rotating and can be chosen to fit specific parts of their site.
    There is more to it than that, but that's the basics and the extra information can be discussed later on.

    Can't offer any sort of payment unfortunately due to the fact the site is non-profit.

    Thanks for reading and hope there's some people who would like to help out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Whitstable, Kent


    First Comment =D and sounds all good well done

    Edited by Aflux [Forum Moderator] - Please don't post pointlessly. This includes posting things such as "first post" and nothing directly related to the thread and/or previous post[s].
    Last edited by Aflux; 19-01-2008 at 12:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Latest Awards:


    MODERATOR NOTE! Please close thread, no longer needing coders

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