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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

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    Hey party people!

    Apologies for sending this out a little late, #pray4flyingjesus plsplspls

    August is always a mad one - we have birthdays galore, school holidays to contend with, erratic weather... oh, and the Habbox Summer Spectacular.

    Here are some stats about that, for those who like that sort of thing:

    - 34 of you put in at least one shift in the hosting seats as a staggering 222 hours of events were hosted, missing only ONE hour and that was because Habbo itself was down! A hefty number of these are not our regular hosts, so extra thanks to anyone who stepped up from outside the department, and hopefully you've got the hosting bug now!

    - 25 separate DJs treated us to 213 hours of the radio being online through the tournament. A massive 199 hours of on-air competitions were hosted during this time - even more radio comps than last year when most of the world was in a strict lockdown!

    - More than TEN THOUSAND CREDITS were (or will be once we sort it all!) given out as prizes, and considering how generous some of our hosts are we may have gone wayyy over that. In any case over 1000c per day was won on average, even taking into account the short first day!

    - We gave out even more points overall than last year - BY A HUGE AMOUNT. Unless I've made a terrible terrible error in my calculations, a total of 22,688 points were won, meaning involvement in our forum competitions and department campaigns must have been drastically higher than last year, which is really lovely to see - as always, keep checking for more competitions!

    - An enormous 722 separate Habbos were awarded points during the tournament. This is again significantly higher than last year, and extra impressive considering points only go to top 3 Habbos in each game - so the number of players taking part overall could be astronomical!


    So SOTM this month is a little different, as there are really just too many people to thank! It really is quite overwhelming to see the community come together not only for ourselves but in outreach to those who weren't part of Habbox; each and every person who got involved in any way shape or form should be incredibly proud and I hope you know how much we appreciate you all.

    Rather than the usual 2 winners who get an HC box each, we're extending that number for August for a few more. I cannot stress enough how much each of you at Habbox deserves our thanks, but we do have to pick a finite number!

    So our very super special thanks to those below:

    @Ekelektra; was on air for an incredible 42 hours during HxSS, and all but one of those involved radio competitions... meaning Erin alone is responsible for nearly 1000 radio points!
    @nic01e; was the host with the most - the most events booked, the most breakdowns over sorting the staff panel, and the most votes for Best Host during the HxSS 2021 awards!
    @Oivind; built beautifully for the HxSS badge event, but also hosted for us, fixed broken queues, and still found time to win Daily Top Scorer on FOUR separate days! No wonder he got Best Overall Player, kachow!
    @tbl; took on the blue team Admin role again, and proved that we have great taste as she was a massive help with running the tournament throughout - oh, and she also sorted through an enormous 614 forum competition entries for us!
    @welshcake; retains her spot on the list, having entertained us greatly through HxSS and totalling an insane 95 hours on air through the entirety of August! At least, that's what we think she wrote on her timesheet...
    @MadameJaquack; had her very first HxSS this year, putting her all into it as she does with all things as a team leader. She's also kept herself busy with 420 (blaze it) individual edits to HabboxWiki in August!
    @LucyFaye; has hosted the most events overall through August, won Nicest Player (joint with Lynn!) at HxSS, and most importantly upset everyone by releasing a 2nd Spot The Difference competition

    You've all won a month of HC, please get in touch to claim it!

    There are so many more people who should be so proud of everything they contributed during August and although we might not say it enough we are so grateful for your hard work and dedication. Whether it's new event rooms, new EVENTS, coming up with fun interactive radio shows, new comps, advertising and recruiting... and especially a special commendation shoutout to all of our managers for their amazing campaigns this year - it was a great set all around. Thank you and we're sorry we can't afford to give EVERYONE the HC you all deserve!

    I've said it a few times now but I don't think there are really words to say how grateful I am for absolutely everyone who got involved to make HxSS such a massive success - and everyone who continually works to make Habbox the best community on Habbo.
    Please plsplsplspls keep doing what you do, being who you be (yeah good grammar there), and enjoying what you enjoy.
    Each and every one of you is part of the lifeblood of Habbox, and as we all know, Habbox IS life.

    Thanks everyone!!

    Last edited by FlyingJesus; 12-09-2021 at 08:06 PM.
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    Blessed be
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