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  1. #1
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    Default Reading Motivation


    Reading is essential. But I'm so lazy nowadays and I can't be bothered to. Since I have all the time in the world, I'm pretty sure I need to read and not waste my time sleeping or watching tv all day long. I have tons of books too. Mostly I didn't read. Any suggestions how to bring my reading spirit up?

    moderator alert Thread moved by Sloths (Moderator) from Discuss Anything as I feel it is better suited here
    Last edited by Sloths; 17-07-2018 at 12:29 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinyFroggy View Post

    Start off being rigorously selective about what you're going to waste your energy reading, by piling up some of your TONS of books and checking them one by one, quickly, until you find something you might consider being fun, no matter whether it's a Donald Duck comic book or Kafka's. Is it boring? Change it. Don't the next book seem to be fun enough? Grab another one until you discover the one that manages to keep you captivated and make you think there's no thing you'd rather do.

    It's simple like that man. IT'S YOUR BOOK. FIND IT, AND YOU'RE SAVED.

    In my country, the reading activity suffers the most with people's unawareness because we're, since a very early age, obligated to read the "greatest literature classics", no matter if you are 100% alphabetized, technically. This causes a terrible effect, this doesn't make people to hate the greatest classics... it makes them to hate READING as an activity. It's as though you're listening to a song you find boring and it creates on you a hatred for MUSIC in general although, obviously, both our reading and listening choices are 100% developed under our personality and personal experiences, that's why it's SO important to discover your personal book, or song, instead of thinking you don't belong to these media because 1 or 2 pieces unamused you somehow, besides the fact it might not be your case, obv XD

    There is not an UNIVERSALLY-FAVORITE book but, if you want a suggestion, I'd totally recommend you to try one of these books criticized for not being "high" because of its easy level of comprehension (lol) but, paradoxically, you can learn a lot from it and can, little by little, re-ignite your love for reading, man. Mainly Sci-Fi titles. Mainly I, Robot

  3. #3
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    I read quite a lot and my personal tactic for this is to have a few on the go, I walk to and from work so I’ve got an audiobook to listen to on the way, then I have an Ebook to read during my lunch break so I don’t have to take a physical book with me places, then I have a physical book I keep on my bedside table to read before I go to bed.

    It’s all just routine and finding the books that you enjoy reading and not reading random books just for the sake of it if you aren’t enjoying them!

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  4. #4
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    It's indeed a daily construction, an exercise. Requires a certain effort when it's done properly so, just like the physical activities, it's natural that you feel like you cannot be arsed about it, in spite of the fact reading is a lonely task, that one does on their bed, suggesting it's like the most "passive" thing though it is like one the most active task you're ever doing, you know?

    It's a routine like Preguiça's said. Don't expect yourself to magically become a mastered reader and most importantly don't force yourself to read what you don't want to do, the amount of pages you don't want to do. You'll see yourself reading like 20 pages in the first day and, tomorrow, things will happen more naturally to you and it won't be that hard to read 25, for example. Sooner or later, you'll start to feel the pleasure of reading running thru your veins and, about bloody time, you are safe. :-)

    If you really put your mental effort into reading (and if the author is good enough so you can do it thoroughly) a cool thing happens. You force yourself to emulate all of your five senses, which somehow makes you smarter and enhances your whole "thinking" thing, heh. I have seen A LOT of differences in my overall mindset comparing myself to last year (when I lit just thrown myself into reading entire novel series) and now (that I'm, er, just trying to recover everything I've lost). It is not only a source of intelligence but your life starts being more rich, interesting, DEEP even if all you're doing is talking with an acquaintance. I think books keep me sane and if I stay a lot of time without reading them, I just start to feel strange, emotion-less, lose the hunger lego_sick

    (Just remaking the advice because the previous one seems a lil' bit crappy lol)
    Last edited by LUCPIX; 30-07-2018 at 04:03 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by LUCPIX View Post
    It's indeed a daily construction, an exercise. Requires a certain effort when it's done properly so, just like the physical activities, it's natural that you feel like you cannot be arsed about it, in spite of the fact reading is a lonely task, that one does on their bed, suggesting it's like the most "passive" thing though it is like one the most active task you're ever doing, you know?

    It's a routine like Preguiça's said. Don't expect yourself to magically become a mastered reader and most importantly don't force yourself to read what you don't want to do, the amount of pages you don't want to do. You'll see yourself reading like 20 pages in the first day and, tomorrow, things will happen more naturally to you and it won't be that hard to read 25, for example. Sooner or later, you'll start to feel the pleasure of reading running thru your veins and, about bloody time, you are safe. :-)

    If you really put your mental effort into reading (and if the author is good enough so you can do it thoroughly) a cool thing happens. You force yourself to emulate all of your five senses, which somehow makes you smarter and enhances your whole "thinking" thing, heh. I have seen A LOT of differences in my overall mindset comparing myself to last year (when I lit just thrown myself into reading entire novel series) and now (that I'm, er, just trying to recover everything I've lost). It is not only a source of intelligence but your life starts being more rich, interesting, DEEP even if all you're doing is talking with an acquaintance. I think books keep me sane and if I stay a lot of time without reading them, I just start to feel strange, emotion-less, lose the hunger lego_sick

    (Just remaking the advice because the previous one seems a lil' bit crappy lol)
    Lol, Both of your comment is informative.

    I kinda agree with your advice on choosing book that attracts you the most.
    I'm gonna try to do it and I'll let you know how it goes.

    I wish I can find great audio books too, Sloth. I just don't know the right source to get them from. You know any good one?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinyFroggy View Post
    I kinda agree with your advice on choosing book that attracts you the most.
    Fortunately for us, there is an Amazon jungle, a whole world of books released since the elaboration of the written word. The major problem is that we often fell into the fable of reading a book that doesn't please us and, then, automatically associating it to the ultimate thought we absolutely hate reading or we weren't made for such nonsense!! We kind of understood that it's alright if you like Romance other than Sci-Fi and OK for a Classical music fans to wrinkle their noses to Rock so since when have we internalized that we aren't true readers in case we show disinterest in what we call "Classics" and choose the often-demonized young titles because we think - and have the right to - it has more to do with our style? Why aren't we allowed to have specific and personal tastes when it comes to novels? Some beginner readers might fear doing it in the wrong way as it's a constant and scripted route but it's important to remember that there isn't a wrong way of doing so. How would you react in case somebody tries to convince you that you are not a real music listener because you don't have Beethoven in your playlist? It's an absurd, of course

    Please, be aware, man: Sometimes you will simply find a title drab (even if it's technically liked by millions and gained an adaptation into movie because it's cliche and squared enough to be able to be well adapted by the Hollywood folks) and you may simply stop reading it and finding something else that truly gives you joy. It's like a dream partner hunt: If it's being a pain in the ass to ya, make the queue to move!! Go find yourself!
    Last edited by LUCPIX; 09-10-2018 at 06:58 PM.

  7. #7
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    Hahah. Wonderful lucas! I agree with you.

    Though, I've always believed I like and love reading. It's just no actions being taken. And I need to change that. Maybe venturing into new genre that isn't the typical me will help me a lot. I notice I have the wonder and curiosity for those better and it makes me get thrilled a lot too Will try it!
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinyFroggy View Post
    Hahah. Wonderful lucas! I agree with you.

    Though, I've always believed I like and love reading. It's just no actions being taken. And I need to change that. Maybe venturing into new genre that isn't the typical me will help me a lot. I notice I have the wonder and curiosity for those better and it makes me get thrilled a lot too Will try it!
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