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  1. #1
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    Default HabboxLive feedback please!

    Hello guys and gals,

    Myself and James have been discussing the department and what needs to be improved etc.
    But what better way than to ask you, as the community, what you think!
    We have come up with a few questions and replies would be highly appreciated!

    1. What would make you, as a listener WANT to tune into HabboxLive on a regular basis?
    2. Is there any changes that you think would make a huge difference?
    3. When you go onto, what do you look out for? What makes you decide whether to stay tuned
    in or not?

    Your ideas would go a long way into helping us improve the department, remember you can be positive or
    negative, however please do not target any individuals, also give a good reason why something is negative
    so we know HOW and WHY the issue is occurring to help up improve, as at the end of the day, it's you all that
    matter most and we REALLY want to make HabboxLive the absolute best place for you!

    Please do be honest, just PLEASE give reasons! It would be preferred if you could give good AND bad points.

    Thank-you all very much!

    James & Tom

    HabboxLive Management

    [21:24] laura: play me steps scared of the dark
    or i'll fire you

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I haven't really got answers to the questions specifically, but I'll still give feedback!

    ~ I don't know many of the staff at all. The department is big compared to the other ones at Habbox, but the HabboxLive Department's presence on the forum is awful (sorry, but it's true). There's a couple of DJs I could name who interact on the forum, post threads engaging potential listeners to tune in whether it be to win big prizes or just to increase listener numbers, but as for some - they have 0 posts and have been staff months! I know posting isn't part of a DJ's job, but a part of their job is to gain listeners and keep them tuned in, I don't see why we should tune in when the DJs don't bother to interact with us in the first place.

    ~ I know this is going to be sorted, but the bulk of the department don't come on the forum nor do they DJ, so I believe if you eliminate those who aren't pulling their weight then the numbers will decrease within the department, but it'll be more manageable. This won't improve listeners, but it might potentially get more people hired, who actually stay active! I say this because the majority in the department just sign in once and then don't come on again, I think perhaps this is just more general feedback for the department, but you could potentially look at why they don't stay and what you as a manager could do to improve that.

    ~ There's a lack of listeners. Apparently it's 'picked up' recently, but I've just tuned in to find no one on air, with one other listener besides me, that doesn't give me any urge to keep tuned in. If I see 1 listener, I will just assume that the DJ is streaming, there won't be any interacting, no competitions etc. so I will tune out. Why are the listeners so low? It's not that late but for some reason no one's really interested.

    ~ If there's music on that I like, I'll gladly tune in for a bit, but there rarely is and if a DJ is streaming (linking on to the one listener thing) then they're obviously not taking requests so music I like probably won't be played.

    ~ There needs to be more radio shows, I don't mean giveaways and stuff like that, they don't keep listeners coming back for more as it's just the standard wait for the code and repeat it in the room; once they have their furniture they tune out and don't come back. I would keep them interested on air more, do bigger competitions if your budget allows it, make it worthwhile to tune in - you could even do a real life prize for a radio show as a one off, a lot more people would be interested then (you could potentially run this over a few days so they have to tune in more than once). I get bored of giveaways, it involves little interaction which is key as a DJ. If you want more forum members tuning in, offer more sought after prizes such as forum ones as opposed to Habbo ones, see what the potential listeners would like to win.

    ~ General feedback about the department again, you have approximately 23 members of staff in the department, 6 of them have the role of 'HabboxLive Guest DJ' yet only 2 of them have logged on within the last month, wasn't the Guest DJ role for those who had been high in the department previously, or showed dedication some other way? I would potentially reconsider the role entirely, and remove those who just have it for the name, make it a more 'worthy' role. What I mean by that is, have Guest DJs who will put time into the role, have Guest DJs who will potentially host a bigger event every once in a while to make HabboxLive great again. I don't want to go on about staff too much, but I believe once you know who is and isn't working in the department, you have the ability to remove those who don't pull their weight then you can focus on the staff that actually want to be there! You can give more time to them and you can all come up with a plan together on how the department can improve.
    To summarise:

    ~ Get DJs posting on the forum more/visiting Habbo/Habbox official rooms more.
    ~ Get rid of all those who don't DJ or come on the forum (I understand that you don't need to come on the forum to DJ, so those who are doing neither, get rid). Remove Guest DJs who just have the role for the sake of it.
    ~ Come up with better radio shows instead of just giveaways, they don't solve long term problems.
    ~ Offer better prizes.
    ~ Increase listeners and get DJs interacting with the listeners more.
    Like _spirit Liked

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samanfa View Post
    I haven't really got answers to the questions specifically, but I'll still give feedback!

    ~ I don't know many of the staff at all. The department is big compared to the other ones at Habbox, but the HabboxLive Department's presence on the forum is awful (sorry, but it's true). There's a couple of DJs I could name who interact on the forum, post threads engaging potential listeners to tune in whether it be to win big prizes or just to increase listener numbers, but as for some - they have 0 posts and have been staff months! I know posting isn't part of a DJ's job, but a part of their job is to gain listeners and keep them tuned in, I don't see why we should tune in when the DJs don't bother to interact with us in the first place.

    ~ I know this is going to be sorted, but the bulk of the department don't come on the forum nor do they DJ, so I believe if you eliminate those who aren't pulling their weight then the numbers will decrease within the department, but it'll be more manageable. This won't improve listeners, but it might potentially get more people hired, who actually stay active! I say this because the majority in the department just sign in once and then don't come on again, I think perhaps this is just more general feedback for the department, but you could potentially look at why they don't stay and what you as a manager could do to improve that.

    ~ There's a lack of listeners. Apparently it's 'picked up' recently, but I've just tuned in to find no one on air, with one other listener besides me, that doesn't give me any urge to keep tuned in. If I see 1 listener, I will just assume that the DJ is streaming, there won't be any interacting, no competitions etc. so I will tune out. Why are the listeners so low? It's not that late but for some reason no one's really interested.

    ~ If there's music on that I like, I'll gladly tune in for a bit, but there rarely is and if a DJ is streaming (linking on to the one listener thing) then they're obviously not taking requests so music I like probably won't be played.

    ~ There needs to be more radio shows, I don't mean giveaways and stuff like that, they don't keep listeners coming back for more as it's just the standard wait for the code and repeat it in the room; once they have their furniture they tune out and don't come back. I would keep them interested on air more, do bigger competitions if your budget allows it, make it worthwhile to tune in - you could even do a real life prize for a radio show as a one off, a lot more people would be interested then (you could potentially run this over a few days so they have to tune in more than once). I get bored of giveaways, it involves little interaction which is key as a DJ. If you want more forum members tuning in, offer more sought after prizes such as forum ones as opposed to Habbo ones, see what the potential listeners would like to win.

    ~ General feedback about the department again, you have approximately 23 members of staff in the department, 6 of them have the role of 'HabboxLive Guest DJ' yet only 2 of them have logged on within the last month, wasn't the Guest DJ role for those who had been high in the department previously, or showed dedication some other way? I would potentially reconsider the role entirely, and remove those who just have it for the name, make it a more 'worthy' role. What I mean by that is, have Guest DJs who will put time into the role, have Guest DJs who will potentially host a bigger event every once in a while to make HabboxLive great again. I don't want to go on about staff too much, but I believe once you know who is and isn't working in the department, you have the ability to remove those who don't pull their weight then you can focus on the staff that actually want to be there! You can give more time to them and you can all come up with a plan together on how the department can improve.
    To summarise:

    ~ Get DJs posting on the forum more/visiting Habbo/Habbox official rooms more.
    ~ Get rid of all those who don't DJ or come on the forum (I understand that you don't need to come on the forum to DJ, so those who are doing neither, get rid). Remove Guest DJs who just have the role for the sake of it.
    ~ Come up with better radio shows instead of just giveaways, they don't solve long term problems.
    ~ Offer better prizes.
    ~ Increase listeners and get DJs interacting with the listeners more.
    Thank you very much for taking the time to feedback!
    Everything that is said is taken on board and i agree with a lot!

    We have the Christmas show's coming up soon, for which there is a lot planned for.
    Interaction is something that is an issue and it's in our best interest to sort this out.
    More shows will happen, eg we have the Christmas show's soon, after that we will plan more to be had!
    Sadly the listeners do lack, many times i will be on air for 3 hours DJing not streaming, going around public rooms
    but most of the time people just aren't interested.
    With more shows that will be coming, this will open up more prizes.
    Over the next few weeks / over the next month, I will be watching Guest DJ's and seeing who is active
    and changes will follow, for the main staff, people who are not completing minimums week after week will go to.
    Most of the time if i am streaming, i will look to see if any requests have been sent in, so that is always available for
    your own choice of music.

    Once again thank-you very much for your feedback and it's all been taken on board!


    [21:24] laura: play me steps scared of the dark
    or i'll fire you

  4. #4
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    Forum activity within HabboxLive isn't the best but we do encourage it and we do give out rewards for those who are posting around etc and there are a few that actually do. The ones that don't are usually the ones that just dont bother DJing and I think this is a Habbox problem rather than a departmental problem. People apply, don't do anything and just end up leaving possibly to other fansites because they offer more like they pay their staff to do their minimums whereas we offer them rewards. I think it's better to have rewards but people like getting credits straight away. At HabboxLive we actually have a really good reward system that actually many DJs stick to but like I say other fansites actually offer them more.

    I think the staffing issue has been a Habbox problem for a while now and that's why I was really excited about the role of staff AGM because it was going to be someone who can focus solely on staff and do more staff events, help bring more staff in etc. Because if we actually focused on getting more staff in at Habbox we'd actually do well, that went bust though which is fine.

    We do giveaways for listeners sure but we also get quite a few people hired from there too, it was just the other week we asked people in the queue and advertised a lot about jobs and we ended up hiring some DJs and some even applied for other departments so we do it for listeners and to get Habbox' name out there, let people know we're actually still alive and kicking and looking for new people to join our departments.

    As for Guest DJs, I agree we have been quite relaxed on that however, we're going to put our foot down and make sure that either they DJ or they go. It's as simple as that really. 3 slots a month I don't think is a lot and they agreed to that when they were given Guest.

    We'll be working on some weekly shows, new events such as 'The Apprentice' which is coming soon which is really exciting. We'll be branching out a lot and focusing more on getting DJs in and making the shows more entertaining and less streaming!

    Thanks for the feedback and we'll make sure we take everything on board .
    Last edited by despect; 07-12-2016 at 11:14 PM.

  5. #5
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    i think because what sam has said, i don't really know any of the DJ's and they never integrate really into the community where as if the DJ's were people I knew then I'd prob tune in if they asked me to

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catchy View Post
    i think because what sam has said, i don't really know any of the DJ's and they never integrate really into the community where as if the DJ's were people I knew then I'd prob tune in if they asked me to
    This is something I hoped I could help a bit when I opened up applications for members of the community to do shows like weekly shows where they can do a themed show etc with supervision of course but I didn't really get any interest. I posted it in CNB. I thought if members of the community could do shows as well it'd fill up the timetable for one, people would know who they are and we could really get a lot of listeners in. Those people would get full training too.

    Maybe we could advertise that more?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by despect View Post
    This is something I hoped I could help a bit when I opened up applications for members of the community to do shows like weekly shows where they can do a themed show etc with supervision of course but I didn't really get any interest. I posted it in CNB. I thought if members of the community could do shows as well it'd fill up the timetable for one, people would know who they are and we could really get a lot of listeners in. Those people would get full training too.

    Maybe we could advertise that more?
    that sounds like a good idea but personally i'd never do it as I think I'm just too old for that (no offence to anyone at all that's just my personal opinion and I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it) I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels that way as I kind of see Habbox radio for the younger audience

  8. #8
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    I have to say there should be more weekly events, and maybe we could have an advertising sub-team so people in Habbo can find us and know about us. We could also have an open day going into 2017, where people just come and visit and ask about Habbox.
    just here to be political considering there's been a pretty one-sided viewpoint on here for a couple of years x

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hungryfront View Post
    I have to say there should be more weekly events, and maybe we could have an advertising sub-team so people in Habbo can find us and know about us. We could also have an open day going into 2017, where people just come and visit and ask about Habbox.
    Agreed with the weekly events tbh. We can work on that . In regards to the advertising sub team I think all staff are supposed to be advertising and are strongely encouraged to do so. The open day hmmm interesting suggestion perhaps @Absently; or @lawrawrrr; might interested in some sort of open day although we did do something very similar before.

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Youll be seeing changes being made in the upcoming months! D

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samanfa View Post
    I haven't really got answers to the questions specifically, but I'll still give feedback!

    ~ I don't know many of the staff at all. The department is big compared to the other ones at Habbox, but the HabboxLive Department's presence on the forum is awful (sorry, but it's true). There's a couple of DJs I could name who interact on the forum, post threads engaging potential listeners to tune in whether it be to win big prizes or just to increase listener numbers, but as for some - they have 0 posts and have been staff months! I know posting isn't part of a DJ's job, but a part of their job is to gain listeners and keep them tuned in, I don't see why we should tune in when the DJs don't bother to interact with us in the first place.

    ~ I know this is going to be sorted, but the bulk of the department don't come on the forum nor do they DJ, so I believe if you eliminate those who aren't pulling their weight then the numbers will decrease within the department, but it'll be more manageable. This won't improve listeners, but it might potentially get more people hired, who actually stay active! I say this because the majority in the department just sign in once and then don't come on again, I think perhaps this is just more general feedback for the department, but you could potentially look at why they don't stay and what you as a manager could do to improve that.

    ~ There's a lack of listeners. Apparently it's 'picked up' recently, but I've just tuned in to find no one on air, with one other listener besides me, that doesn't give me any urge to keep tuned in. If I see 1 listener, I will just assume that the DJ is streaming, there won't be any interacting, no competitions etc. so I will tune out. Why are the listeners so low? It's not that late but for some reason no one's really interested.

    ~ If there's music on that I like, I'll gladly tune in for a bit, but there rarely is and if a DJ is streaming (linking on to the one listener thing) then they're obviously not taking requests so music I like probably won't be played.

    ~ There needs to be more radio shows, I don't mean giveaways and stuff like that, they don't keep listeners coming back for more as it's just the standard wait for the code and repeat it in the room; once they have their furniture they tune out and don't come back. I would keep them interested on air more, do bigger competitions if your budget allows it, make it worthwhile to tune in - you could even do a real life prize for a radio show as a one off, a lot more people would be interested then (you could potentially run this over a few days so they have to tune in more than once). I get bored of giveaways, it involves little interaction which is key as a DJ. If you want more forum members tuning in, offer more sought after prizes such as forum ones as opposed to Habbo ones, see what the potential listeners would like to win.

    ~ General feedback about the department again, you have approximately 23 members of staff in the department, 6 of them have the role of 'HabboxLive Guest DJ' yet only 2 of them have logged on within the last month, wasn't the Guest DJ role for those who had been high in the department previously, or showed dedication some other way? I would potentially reconsider the role entirely, and remove those who just have it for the name, make it a more 'worthy' role. What I mean by that is, have Guest DJs who will put time into the role, have Guest DJs who will potentially host a bigger event every once in a while to make HabboxLive great again. I don't want to go on about staff too much, but I believe once you know who is and isn't working in the department, you have the ability to remove those who don't pull their weight then you can focus on the staff that actually want to be there! You can give more time to them and you can all come up with a plan together on how the department can improve.
    To summarise:

    ~ Get DJs posting on the forum more/visiting Habbo/Habbox official rooms more.
    ~ Get rid of all those who don't DJ or come on the forum (I understand that you don't need to come on the forum to DJ, so those who are doing neither, get rid). Remove Guest DJs who just have the role for the sake of it.
    ~ Come up with better radio shows instead of just giveaways, they don't solve long term problems.
    ~ Offer better prizes.
    ~ Increase listeners and get DJs interacting with the listeners more.
    I'm probably going to get warned for posting off topic here but oh well ahah.

    I've read everything you've said and i agree with them. I'm currently away at the moment and RMs know why. Going to your forum prizes instead of Habbo ones all the time, when I'm on air I try to do a competition to win a weeks worth of VIP which I was going to give out of my own VIP, which I thought Forum members wanted VIP but no one higher than 5 listeners tuned in.

    It's also the time of the day for EU and INTL, we have loads of EU DJs and not many INTL ones which I'm sure RMs are working on however if it's EU, people are normally in school, working, college etc so can't tune in or DJ.

    I'm sorry Radio Management I know I'm a staff member and shouldn't be posting on here but yea

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