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View Poll Results: Which way did you vote in the EU referendum today?

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    Default EU Referendum Megathread (Brexit)

    Want to post anything regarding the EU Referendum? Post them in here.
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    Default UK's most senior legal officer, the Attorney General, considering backing EU exit

    Attorney General could vote to leave European Union

    Exclusive: Jeremy Wright, the Attorney General, is "50/50" on whether Britain should stay in the European Union and has significant concerns about the growing influence of European courts

    Jeremy Wright, the Attorney General, could vote for Britain to leave the European Union

    Quote Originally Posted by Daily Telegraph
    England's most senior legal officer could vote to leave the EU amid fears that that European courts are eroding Britain's sovereignty, The Telegraph has learned. Jeremy Wright, the Attorney General, is considering joining the campaign for Britain to leave the European Union over concerns that David Cameron's deal may not go "far enough".

    Mr Wright, who sits in the Cabinet, is said to be "50/50" on whether Britain should stay in the European Union. The Attorney General has particular concerns about the increasing influence of European courts and the growing impact of human rights laws, The Telegraph understands.

    Mr Wright is one of a series of Cabinet minister known to have concerns about the strength of the deal Mr Cameron has negotiated with EU leaders. His reservations emerged as the Prime Minister travels to a critical summit in Brussels this week to thrash out a final deal on the terms of Britain's EU membership.

    Mr Cameron will carry out negotiations with European leaders on Thursday and Friday before returning to Britain to formally announce the start of the referendum campaign. Mr Wright's position is particularly intriguing because, as Attorney General, he must provide legal advice to Mr Cameron over the legal implications of any deal that is struck.

    Employment Minister Priti Patel is rumoured to be strongly backing a British exit from the EU

    Quote Originally Posted by Daily Telegraph
    A minister told The Telegraph: "It is perfectly feasible that this is a legally enforceable agreement but doesn't go far enough. If he doesn't think it's a good enough deal he will vote to leave. "At the moment he is undecided, he is conscious that this is not the final deal yet and major changes one way or another could swing his decision. He is 50/ 50. "He also has significant concerns about the influence of the European courts. There is a question of whether Britain needs to pull out of the European Convention on Human Rights entirely."

    Mr Wright declined to comment.

    The Attorney General joins senior Conservatives including Michael Gove, the Justice Secretary, and Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, who are yet to declare their intentions. Mr Gove is said to be "definitely wobbling" while Mr Johnson yesterday said he will "come off the fence with deafening éclat" when the Prime Minister has completed his negotiations.

    Five Cabinet ministers are said to be preparing to back the out campaign, including Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, Chris Grayling, the Leader of the Commons and Priti Patel, the employment minister.
    Looks like a lot of them are on the verge of declaring they want us out of the EU. It's known Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn personally also wants out.

    How many in the end publically back it we do not know yet, as it is said Cameron and Osborne are blackmailing MPs with threats of no promotions and sackings if they come out and back a British exit from the EU. That should tell you really all you need to know about the strength of their 'argument'.

    Given another poll came out today showing a huge decrease for the Remain campaign hopefully it gives the likes of the AG the courage to back Brexit.


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    In other news, the UK's most senior legal officer, the Attorney General, is considering backing the UK to stay in the EU. I know you spam this subforum with loads of eurosceptic rubbish but this has to be one of the most ridiculous, non-newsworthy threads you've ever made. Are you so deluded that you consider it a win when the attorney general has yet to decide whether he's for or against the UK leaving the EU?
    That's when Ron vanished, came back speaking Spanish
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Don View Post
    In other news, the UK's most senior legal officer, the Attorney General, is considering backing the UK to stay in the EU. I know you spam this subforum with loads of eurosceptic rubbish but this has to be one of the most ridiculous, non-newsworthy threads you've ever made. Are you so deluded that you consider it a win when the attorney general has yet to decide whether he's for or against the UK leaving the EU?
    Oh you don't like this news do you? Legally it shows the worthless agreement is built on sand.

    Let's be honest, he is weighing up his career prospects as are the others. We know Michael Gove backs a British exit from the EU and has done for years, but even he is "currently on the fence" because he feels loyalty to Cameron and Osborne. Theresa May is known to favour exit, but is weighing up her career prospects too. Jeremy Corbyn on the other hand has walked many times through the voting lobby to oppose the EU and has made statements against it as a backbencher, yet he too is being held hostage now by his own party on the issue. Conservative MPs are being threatened with no promotions/sackings if they back an exit hence why Savid Javid (long standing eurosceptic) is yet to come out. Cameron has told MPs to "ignore" the feelings of their local Associations on this - the very people who got those MPs into Parliament and Cameron into Number 10.

    We know many want to leave, but whether they'll put their careers first or the country remains to be seen. Hence why I posted it.

    England's most senior legal officer could vote to leave the EU amid fears that that European courts are eroding Britain's sovereignty
    The renegotiation will do nothing to solve this therefore it is reasonable to expect he'll back an exit. Unless he puts his party/job before country.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 16-02-2016 at 12:02 AM.

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    Default Leaked memo reveals Belgium, France, Spain and Hungary plan to 'trim back' UK Deal

    Leaked memo 'fresh blow' to David Cameron

    Quote Originally Posted by Daily Telegraph
    Earlier we revealed how Francois Hollande, the French president, will tell David Cameron that his deal will not get any better and there can be “no bidding” at the decisive summit on Thursday night.

    A leaked text reveals how Belgium, France, Hungary and Spain will plan to trim back Mr Cameron’s deal, and then prevent it being copied to halt a “contagion” of reform across Europe.

    Leaders will seek to water-down his welfare reforms, making them limited to only newly-arrived migrants, and weaken a mechanism sought by George Osborne to prevent Eurozone countries from ganging-up against the City of London.

    According to the text, the Prime Minister will be fighting on multiple fronts to save his deal. He is understood to be deeply disappointed that leaders have responded to his reform agenda by closing ranks and boxing the UK in, rather than suggesting their own reforms for the bloc.

    France has set out red lines including no “veto” over the euro area, and insists that Britain’s mechanism to trigger a full debate on Eurozone issues where it has concerns cannot “affect the operation of the euro area”.

    Ever Closer Union, the integrationist clause on what the UK wants an opt-out, should remain “the rule” for EU states. For France, Mr Tusk’s draft deal “makes sense, but it should be a point of arrival – no bidding”, the document says.
    The demands made by Cameron were already pathetically weak and now they're being watered down even more.

    And this is all before we've even approved/disapproved the deal in a referendum. Even after that, EU courts such as the ECJ as well as the Parliament can overturn parts/all of the deal if they wish because the deal isn't worth anything as it isn't in the treaties. If it isn't in the treaties, the treaties come first.

    Ask yourselves this. If they're already ganging up on us and trying to overturn little reforms, as well as making sure the legal clause of "ever closer union" aka more powers keep going to the EU remains in the treaties, how will they behave when you've all been fooled into voting to Remain? Answer: we'll be screwed again like in 1975.

    And remember this in the referendum when you hear lies of "the UK should stay in and help reform Europe and not just walk away" well that is exactly what we are doing and we're not getting anywhere. They're not interested in 'reform' and they're certainly not interested in a looser EU.

    Why would anybody vote for this?

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    In today's huge and totally shocking news: Pro-EU leaders don't want less EU power
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    Default Corbyn: Dave's Deal "Irrelevant, Theatrical Sideshow"

    Corbyn: Dave's Deal "Irrelevant, Theatrical Sideshow"

    What Jeremy Corbyn really believes in: an EU exit

    Quote Originally Posted by Guido
    Jeremy Corbyn tonight confirms Labour’s schizophrenic position on the referendum: he thinks Cameron’s renegotiation is “irrelevant” and a “theatrical sideshow“, yet will blindly campaign to Remain “regardless of the outcome of the talks“. Eurosceptic Jez speaks the truth:

    “The negotiations David Cameron is conducting on Britain’s relationship with the European Union are a theatrical sideshow… David Cameron’s misnamed “emergency brake” on migrants’ in-work benefits is largely irrelevant to the problems it is supposed to address. There is no evidence that it will act as a brake on inward migration.”

    Yet ‘Europhile’ Jez spins on behalf of his party:

    “The Labour Party will campaign to keep Britain in Europe in the forthcoming referendum, regardless of the outcome of the talks being held in Brussels today. That is because it brings investment, jobs and protection for British workers and consumers.”

    We know where Corbyn’s heart really is on the matter. He voted to stay out of the European Community in 1975, he holds the traditional Bennite view that the EU is a bosses’ and banker’s union. John McDonnell is a hard-core Eurosceptic and supporters like Owen Jones are Brexiteers. You can see which Labour MPs have previously been Outers here.

    They know Dave’s deal is nonsense but they are selling out to put party, and their own positions, before country…
    So they, the Labour leadership, admit the deal is rubbish, and we know they privately want out of the EU but are scared of ripping the party apart.

    In other words like so many politicians they're placing party before country. It should tell you all you need to know about the EU debate.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 18-02-2016 at 06:37 PM.

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    Default SIX Cabinet Ministers come out to back Britain leaving the EU

    We're out! SIX ministers head straight for the Brexit as Cameron announces EU referendum for June 23rd after late-night 'deal' in Brussels

    - David Cameron today addressed the nation to say he had 'negotiated a deal to give the UK special status in EU'
    - Theresa May, Sajid Javid and Michael Fallon all came out and backed the deal and vowed to join PM's campaign
    - But Michael Gove leads a group of six cabinet ministers directly to a Vote Leave rally after historic Cabinet meeting
    - And Chris Grayling said the deal failed to win power over borders, trade deals or control of the 'national interest'
    - PM's announcement came after the first Saturday Cabinet meeting since Falklands War began at 10am today
    - The referendum date was today confirmed and Britain will go to the polls on Thursday, June 23

    Government ministers including Priti Patel, Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Gove are backing Britain leaving the EU

    Quote Originally Posted by Daily Mail
    David Cameron today confirmed the EU referendum that will determine the future of Britain and define his career will take place on June 23. Following a landmark Cabinet meeting that lasted more than two hours, the Prime Minister addressed the nation in Downing Street.

    But within minutes of the speech, six of Mr Cameron's Cabinet ministers appeared at a Vote Leave rally to sign on to the campaign against the Prime Minister. Commons leader Chris Grayling said Mr Cameron's deal had failed to secure power over Britain's borders or allow the Government to strike trade deals around the world - insisting a 'sovereign country should be able to do that'.

    And Justice Secretary Michael Gove said he had wrestled with his conscience but had to back Brexit despite the Prime Minister's view. Mr Cameron told Britain today: 'You will decide and whatever your decision I will do my best to deliver it. 'The choice is in your hands but my recommendation is clear: I believe that Britain will be safer, stronger and better off in a reformed European Union.'

    Despite his plea, six of Mr Cameron's top team - Culture Secretary John Whittingdale, Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers, Justice Secretary Michael Gove, Commons Leader Chris Grayling, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith and Employment Minister Priti Patel - went directly from Cabinet to the Vote Leave campaign headquarters.

    The group literally signed on to the Brexit campaign by autographing a huge Vote Leave placard.

    Mr Gove released a statement running to more than 1,500 words explaining the reasons behind the 'most difficult decision of my political life'. He said: 'I believe that the decisions which govern all our lives, the laws we must all obey and the taxes we must all pay should be decided by people we choose and who we can throw out if we want change.

    'If power is to be used wisely, if we are to avoid corruption and complacency in high office, then the public must have the right to change laws and Governments at election time. 'But our membership of the European Union prevents us being able to change huge swathes of law and stops us being able to choose who makes critical decisions which affect all our lives.

    'Laws which govern citizens in this country are decided by politicians from other nations who we never elected and can’t throw out.'

    Mr Gove continued: 'Far from providing security in an uncertain world, the EU’s policies have become a source of instability and insecurity.

    'Razor wire once more criss-crosses the continent, historic tensions between nations such as Greece and Germany have resurfaced in ugly ways and the EU is proving incapable of dealing with the current crises in Libya and Syria.'

    And he concluded: 'This chance may never come again in our lifetimes, which is why I will be true to my principles and take the opportunity this referendum provides to leave an EU mired in the past and embrace a better future.'
    June the 23rd. Let's make it our independence day.

    Well done to the cabinet ministers putting their convictions before their careers. It's likely one of those ministers will become PM after the vote.

    No news yet on Boris Johnson but his close friend Michael Gove has backed an exit as has the Deputy Mayor of London.


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    Update: another endorsement for the Leave campaign.

    The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), the largest party in Northern Ireland, has just announced it is backing British independence from the EU.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 20-02-2016 at 04:25 PM.

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