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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default How To Make Money On Runescape ( Or Armor or eneything )

    Here are some tips if you are a member or Non member.

    Members Can -

    Pickpocket Someone and get some money
    Attack the goblins in the hut bit and get some money (Theres no people)
    Go to the wilderness lots of rich peope will die there (Take The Money)
    If a mysterios Man comes up or eneyone else accept to it
    Go ask around say you need 500gp to get a ring of dueling

    Non Members Can

    Just kill people
    Go To The Goblins (Beware non members are usally full so there be lots)
    Fish and cook things
    Look for things on floor to take
    Go to wilderness look for some rich things to take

    Thats all i really know on my tips but members are more better because it isn't busy in goblins bit in members so members probbaly can get 5 levels a day which would take ages still lol

  2. #2
    NukeCannon Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by BloodKane90
    Here are some tips if you are a member or Non member.

    Members Can -

    Pickpocket Someone and get some money
    Attack the goblins in the hut bit and get some money (Theres no people)
    Go to the wilderness lots of rich peope will die there (Take The Money)
    If a mysterios Man comes up or eneyone else accept to it
    Go ask around say you need 500gp to get a ring of dueling

    Non Members Can

    Just kill people
    Go To The Goblins (Beware non members are usally full so there be lots)
    Fish and cook things
    Look for things on floor to take
    Go to wilderness look for some rich things to take

    Thats all i really know on my tips but members are more better because it isn't busy in goblins bit in members so members probbaly can get 5 levels a day which would take ages still lol
    i thort the thread was about makin money not change it would take about 1-2 hours to get 5k in the golblins bit as they drop like 5-10 coins at a time u wana make money get fletching and w/c up for members and fishings for non members

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Mo, USA


    I got my money by mining 1k coal a day. Took awhile at first but over time I was able to get that in 4 hours. (getting lvl 60 mining really helped... the guild in fallie is "Coal Heaven"!!!!) Then I'd go to the trading worlds and sell 1k coal for 150k.

    New miners can sell iron for around 50ea.

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