Chapter One - Corpral Room

Ash sat at her dressing table. She ran a hand through her black hair and sighed. She looked at herself in the light-studded mirror and saw her dark caramel coloured skin and deep chocolate eyes. Her smile was tired, aswell as charming. Her nails were long and painted dark red, and they were sharp enough to scar someone badly.
The room Ash was in was dark with portraits of previous celebrities hung on it's dreary gray walls. The lights around her mirror flickered. She sighed and started to apply make-up. Blusher, foundation, then Lipstick. She always applied her make-up in that order. Just one of Ash's pet peeves.
Ash always wanted things to go her way, no matter how she got it. However, things like this come with a price.

That's when the flashback started. Ash was back in that square and corpral room, with only one bulb attatched to the wall. It was flickering away.
There were three people in the room.

"I lent you money. And you continue to dodge the payments you owe me. I kept warning you and you kept ignoring me. You must pay." said Ash.

"I.. erm.. please. I can't afford to loose any more money! I beg you! Please! Give me one more chance and I will repay you-"


The begging man's sentence was interrupted as he was shot in the head with Ash's pistol. The girl standing next to Ash, Irene, was watching intently. Ash watched herself literally murder a human..