thats an old picture but nevermind, it has a double loop the loop and a corkscr'ew, i went on it 3 times, its great!:eusa_danc
its in holland if you didnt know
thats an old picture but nevermind, it has a double loop the loop and a corkscr'ew, i went on it 3 times, its great!:eusa_danc
its in holland if you didnt know Not finshed yet but please look my tutorial
190 rep points!!!
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corks'crews hurt you ;[ They hammer your head into the shoulder harness's ;p
the harnesess are like pillows, thats an old picture, they have these really nice trains now Not finshed yet but please look my tutorial
190 rep points!!!
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ahha :p
I like the look of the double loops :p they look fun
theres a ride like it at Wonderland in Torronto Not finshed yet but please look my tutorial
190 rep points!!!
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O_o... we're about the only 2 people who post in this forum now ;[
oh well...
Hmm that ride looks familar from somewhere...
k, it looks excellent =]
Im Visting Six Flags Soon Me And My dad Are Touring Them
your lucky!
Im going to knotts berry farm soon...
so your going to all of the six flags?
your lucky, Id never be able to do that [well I will when I get a car... brumm :p *swerve* AHHHHH *crassssh*]
My mum and dad hate themeparks [dont ask where I get my love from, I think I was adopted]
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