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Results 1 to 10 of 32
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Wigan, England

    Latest Awards:

    Default Your Habbo World - Ends 12th March

    We all love habbo, don’t we? We all enjoy going on it, whenever we have a spare moment. But what I’d like to know is, what you like best about it! Write a poem telling me why you enjoy playing on habbo. It could be because of the great friends you’ve made or the fantastic public rooms. Whatever it is, I want you to let me know!

    To enter this competition you must be a registered member of our forum. Habbox is giving all its members (NOT STAFF) the opportunity to enter this competition.

    The Prize: One Green Para kindly donated by TooClose

    Your entry should look like the example below:-

    Habbo Name: Janeh
    Your Poem:

    And remember to enter this competition you must be a registered member of the Habbox forum.
    Follow the link below to go to the competition entry page and click on the post reply icon, and remember to leave your habbo name.

    This competition will run until 12th March unless otherwise stated. After that the winner will be chosen and MissAlice will hand over the prizes in Habbo.

    One entry per Habbox Member ONLY.
    Please read the terms and conditions at the bottom
    (In Black)
    Terms and conditions: To prevent foul play, we only allow one entry for each pc. If more entries are sent using the same pc all the entries will be discarded. You can send in your entry until the competition is closed at some time on March 12th 2005. Please be aware that some competitions may be extended, or even closed early due to the number of entries. The winner will be announced on the site and in this forum and will be contacted by MissAlice to collect the prize. Habbox has the right to close the competition at any time before the competition ending date and the winner will be judged from all the entries received up to that point. ALL Habbox staff are excluded from participating in Competition, unless Competition states they may. This includes trialists who become staff before this Competition closes. Any entries that break the forum rules in anyway will also be disqualified. Prizes must be claimed within two months of the winner/s being announced. Unclaimed prizes will be used again in a future Competitions.

    When in the competition forum only post competition entries - Do not post questions or comments it is not the place to do so.

    Winner Announced - 13th March
    Winner - ThugLikeMe

    Below is the prize in the winner's room.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Spectate; 27-03-2005 at 08:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo name: FiftySeven


    Habbo is cool,
    But most people are a fool,
    I help them out.
    Instead of shouting and getting a clout.
    I even got a bunch of flowers for someone,
    While I was eating a bun.
    I just love habbo,
    It makes me think of the word " Babbo "!
    And thats why I love habbo.

    Enjoy and good luck peeps.
    Last edited by Homosexual; 19-02-2005 at 05:24 PM.
    what is fetch gretchen?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Default name - Dodge

    Colourfull pixels fill the screen,
    Magenta, purple, cyan and green.
    Enter the hallway, what do I see?
    Hundreds of faces, smiling at me.
    Approaching one, as I start to speak,
    friends and companions are what I do seek.
    Flooding the room, a habbo does yell,
    finished abruptly, by a short banning spell.
    Amused and content, I go see a friend,
    unable to find him, a message I do send.
    These are the reasons why Habbo's so great,
    10 out of 10 - a must, I do rate!
    Last edited by Frost; 19-02-2005 at 04:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Habbo Name: Bennit

    Habbo is great - i hear you cry why?
    Well number one the staff, dionysus with his pie.
    The hobbas too are great to keep language clean -
    From the scammers and hackers than make habbo mean.

    Another thing, the trading is fun.
    Trading rares that you have bought or furni you won.
    Whether its for a laugh or just to try your luck,
    In the mazes, your sure to get stuck.

    And then comes the best part of habbo - making new friends,
    Best buds for ever, or untill habbo life ends.
    But the strictest thing that makes it the best to play.
    You guessed, it keeps it fun, the habbo way!
    Last edited by 8Marcus8; 19-02-2005 at 05:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Arrow Poem!

    Habbo name: Fishorchips


    Habbo is fun, there is things to do!
    All sorts of rooms and hotel veiw!
    You can shout, whisper or even say!
    Habbo is open to this very cold day!
    Gaming, Chill, a casino and more!
    Purple dino, wallpaper and floor!
    Jackets, hats shoes and things!
    You can make yourself preety or a big scary Ming!

    Tandom Poem!
    Last edited by Dazzle; 11-03-2005 at 06:51 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Well, i think my poem is Ok.. :rolleyes: But what the hey! ...
    Habbo Name: Julia7

    HabboHotel is a cool place,
    Where you can recognise face after face!

    Keepin' you safe is what Hobba's do,
    Oh! And don't let scammers scare you.

    Having fun and chatting to mates,
    Chillin' out in every place!

    All the events, and stuff are fun,
    So I'd just like to say, thanks and well done!!

    *Bows* :eusa_danc That poem is to Habbo staff, Sulake and that lot! :p
    Do you know the muffin teddy, the muffin teddy ...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Luton, England

    Default My poem

    Habbo name: Hustler-Kid

    From Callie the HM
    To the newest member
    Habbo is open every day
    January through December

    It's protected by Hobbas
    Silver and gold
    They kick all the nasties
    So I am told

    Credits mean furni
    Club Sofas and Stools
    Dinos and Thrones
    Every piece is cool

    We all love Habbo
    It's probably the coolest creation
    Created by Sulake
    Its sweeping the nation!
    Like my post? Gimme Some Rep!

    Add My New Habbo, Stargazing
    iPod's Don't Smell!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    T-dot, Ontario


    This took too long to write, too long.

    Habbo in the summer
    Such a cool place to be
    Sitting by the Habbo pool
    Having coke or tea

    Having lots of icecream
    Swimming every day
    It's the only way.

    pop into the Welcome Lounge
    And help out someone new
    You'll find your day has just become
    Better than you knew.

    Habbo Name: Wallmart

    P.S My friend helped me aswell, his habbo name is Kwasny
    Last edited by Wallmart; 20-02-2005 at 04:11 AM.

  9. #9

    Smile My Habbo Poem! :)

    habbo name: :.frozen.:

    my poem:

    when I'm on habbo I'm never alone
    even if I'm in a room all on my own!
    my friends on my console are allwayes there
    weather it be habbo or habboet, they are allwayes willing to share!

    there are habbos, and staff moderators too
    and at first when I joined, I realy had no clue!
    so at the welcome lounge I browsed around,
    and I saw a hobba and felt safe and sound

    I made a room like my friend suggested
    and an scammer came !! but I reported him and he was arrested!

    Habbo's there, day and night! and the hobbas will happily tell you whats wrong and right!
    so forget your problems and travel to the world of pixles and couler,
    habbos the word, habbo will not fade and will not get duller!
    so join in the fun and come along theres a whole pixleated world out there!

    so stay safe and have fun, relax in the sun and Enjoy yourselves!

    By :.frozen.:
    Last edited by :.frozen.:; 20-02-2005 at 11:01 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004



    Edited by MissAlice - Competitions Manager
    When in the competition forum only post competition entries - Do not post questions or comments it is not the place to do so.
    Last edited by MissAlice; 03-03-2005 at 05:12 PM.

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