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  1. #11
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    I dont believe in religion but I do think that there could be some super power running everything (not changing it but just setting the world up). But I just as much think that there is no power and it is just chance that we are here.

    I am really interested in the quantum physics stuff about how the world is and differnt theories.

    So I do think that there are different pre set paths that you could take but you can choose what path you want to take. but the universe branches everytime you make a decision (everytime any atom in the universe moves) So there are almost infinate different universes where every possible outcome has happened and we are lucky that we are in this one.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    Atheism is a strong belief that there is no god at all, it's not one open to suggestion. If you're unsure then you're agnostic, which is quite different.

    I do agree with you mostly on your other points however, but I don't really fear a religious dark age as such, as we're too far past that for it to happen.
    Actually my definition of atheism is correct, without even researching the term the very construction of the word shows its true meaning, A (not) thism(belief in god)
    Hence it is the LACK of a belife in god, not a belief that god does not exist.

    because of the two use's atheism has been split in to two category's, Strong athism and weak atheism.
    Weak, is in some ways simlar to agnostic in some ways as it is able to change if presented with new evidence, although is not the same, for unlike agnostic, being unsure whether god exists or not, atheism is simply without any belief at all, even to the existent of questioning whether this is or not.
    But if god does come down, throwing lightning bolts at people, i would then accept he exists.
    The reason i hate organized religion is because it breeds ignorance, and agurges from a conclusion, then attempts to put evidence on it, science takes evidence, and draws conclusions from it, Hence is the evidence suggests god then there may very well be a god, since NO existing evidance at all has very suggested a diety of any sort, i hold my athist belief.
    Strong athism on the other hand is just as bad as its religious conter part, already having made a conclusion, instead of actually baseing it on the avaible evidence, which is to be honest quite stupid.
    If you wish to read up on the ideas of atheism and the categorizations of strong a weak, im pretty sure wikipeida will have a article.

    Note: although science hasnt disprove a god/deity, it has already disproved most of the chirstan bible and that there are 100s of logical contradictions in the cristan concept of god, so whether or not a diety or creator exists, the concept held by most western religions are definilty not it.

    ps. Although you do not fear a religios insigted dark age reoccuring, this is the goal of most the current islamic militants, as well as a greate number of fanatical christan terrorists as well, although the news is obligated to cover then 1 or 2 islamics blowing up people, and ignoreing the 100s of christan terroists who are busy firebombing abortion clinics/animal testing centers etc etc around the US...

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01101101entor View Post
    ps. Although you do not fear a religios insigted dark age reoccuring, this is the goal of most the current islamic militants, as well as a greate number of fanatical christan terrorists as well, although the news is obligated to cover then 1 or 2 islamics blowing up people, and ignoreing the 100s of christan terroists who are busy firebombing abortion clinics/animal testing centers etc etc around the US...
    I agreed with all you said in the post but I dont think you can say there has only been one or two cases of islamics blowing up people.

    There are thousands of islamics with car bombs and stuff in the middle east.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BL!NKEY View Post

    There are thousands of islamics with car bombs and stuff in the middle east.
    If I was an Muslim living there I would probably be the same, besides they are only a minority out of millions of Muslims in the world.

    My mum was a Catholic living in Derry at the time when Catholic/Protestant fighting was at its highest, and this wasn't long ago that Christians were doing the exact same as what's going on in the Middle East now. In fact in that and other areas of Northern Ireland and even Eire there are still horrific incidents going on, such as killing people because of what branch of Christianity they are. Look up the Shankill Butchers, I'm pretty sure that they are as bad as any small time Islamic car bomber.

    I bring this up as most the violence within the middle east is due to Shi'a/Sunni (sp, sorry) friction and similar things are going on, or at least were until recently in other religions.

    Edited By Jin [Forum Admin] - Correcting misleading spelling
    Last edited by Jin; 07-12-2006 at 08:06 AM.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BL!NKEY View Post
    I agreed with all you said in the post but I dont think you can say there has only been one or two cases of islamics blowing up people.

    There are thousands of islamics with car bombs and stuff in the middle east.
    Its always surprising exactly how much bias the media can put on a situation "/
    3 4 car bombs a day in the worst part of iraq right? around 20 dead... the death toll from shootings in a single US cities can beat that on many days. Granted this is only certain cities, but the death rates are much higher across the country. The Christan terrorist hit targets on a daily basis as well if we look at a global level "/
    And if you want to go over all time, just keep in mind about witch burnings and crusades, christantys always had a habbit of invading other country's if they have different beliefs "/ and although the case could be made GW bush is just even more stupid that hes given credit for, he has said in a number of speachs about iraq he wants to bring "Christan values" and convert the middle east, as opposed to just forming a democracy...

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01101101entor View Post
    Interesting the general concencus is quite the obvious, for example most aithiests are usualy open to debate as opposed to the fundamentalist christans who tell me i shall rot in hell for all eternity for my grave sin of not belive in there chosen deiety? Primary becuse aithism is a lack of belife as opposed to a belief in itself, hence there is nothing to challenge, a true aithiest would indeed accept there was a god if the available evidence pointed towards one, or if maybe there was any scientific basis for a deiety or creator at all, granted this is technically weak aithism, but i believe that is closer to what aithisim should be than the "strong aithism" which is an active refusal to believe in a diety.
    Man I got told Lol. I do however think atheists are normally first to point he finger towards certain religions when it comes to terrorism
    I’ll be a story in your head, but that’s okay, because we’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? Because it was, you know. It was the best. A daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away. Did I ever tell you that I stole it? Well, I borrowed it. I always meant to take it back. Oh, that box, Amy, you’ll dream about that box. It’ll never leave you. Big and little at the same time. Brand-new and ancient and the bluest blue ever. And the times we had, eh? Would had…Never had. In your dreams, they’ll still be there. The Doctor and Amy Pond and the days that never came.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan2nd View Post
    Man I got told Lol. I do however think atheists are normally first to point he finger towards certain religions when it comes to terrorism
    In what way, from an athiest prospective, no religion is favored, hence any decisions based on whos to blame for a terrorist act is not bias towards ones own belifes. Although it can be clamed religion is the cause of most wars, and has indeed be proven to be so, this is not pointing the figer to any particular religious denomination. I know certain islamic militants are committing terroist acts in iraq while also many chritans are busy firebombing abortion clinics, or just blowing each other up, take northen island as a good exsample of this, and its still going on in some cases even now "/

    I can think of no exsamples of athiests clameing a specific religion is to be blame for terrosim? well at least not any athiest that has a clue about what athism actualy is or has any subject knowlage, the occaonal moron maybe.
    Although its equaly important to note Athism is a LACK of faith not a faith itself, hence no single person could ever reprisent all athists, since that would be like haveing a single represntive for ALL religions "/

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan2nd View Post
    Religion is a touchy subject in my opinion people who don't have a religion are more touchy about it than people who do

    Untrue. There is nothing to offend to people who dont have a religion, is there? There is nothing you can say to an athiest that offends their beliefs. They dont believe in god, there isnt anything there so they arent touchy about it. People who believe in god are much more sensitive about their beliefs, because there is actually something there to offend.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan2nd View Post
    Man I got told Lol. I do however think atheists are normally first to point he finger towards certain religions when it comes to terrorism

    Hmmmm, dont think so. There is no bias to religions with athiesm, thus there is no tendency to point the finger at any specific religion. Other religions have conflicts with other religions.

    And Ill just say my favorite quote ever: "Religion is a source of comfort and strength in a world torn apart by religion" ~ Jon Stewart

    I believe if there were no religion in the world, ever, the world in general would be a much better place. However, since we actually do have religion, people should believe what they want as long as their practice doesnt interfere or cause danger and havoc on the population.

    But there is no place for religion in government. I am 100% for the complete seperation of church and state.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedStratocas View Post

    Untrue. There is nothing to offend to people who dont have a religion, is there? There is nothing you can say to an athiest that offends their beliefs. They dont believe in god, there isnt anything there so they arent touchy about it. People who believe in god are much more sensitive about their beliefs, because there is actually something there to offend.

    Hmmmm, dont think so. There is no bias to religions with athiesm, thus there is no tendency to point the finger at any specific religion. Other religions have conflicts with other religions.
    Actually they get offended by religion if I said God created the Earth evolution dosn't exist I would get a ton of scientists jump down my throat

    to boldk then what about when someone made that thread about wintervill or what ever how many people who were athiests straight away made some kind of refrences to muslims?

    (names removed)

    Birmingham is overun with Asias and Blacks most whom are Muslims.

    Ive heard about this sort of stuff before happening in Birmingham and it's pathetic.
    I am bloody FED UP of muslims and other cultures, barging into england, which is a CHRISTIANIC country, wrecking all our celebrations and ruining it all. They get things like Diwali, let us have Christmas... If they don't like it, they should go back to THEIR country.
    This is stupid, just because the other religions suddenly bombing places we can't even have a traditional christmas.

    Church parking isn't free anymore because it's "unfair on the muslims".

    So what? Christian country.
    and thats only a few and I know what you going to ask next how do I know their atheists well from the pole in the thread ' what is your religion' over 80% of posters said they were atheists ad if you balance the number of replys you get an idea( guesstemet)

    I actually found a video on youtube which frankly I found discusting and it was by a Christen minister it was basically saying anyone who isn't christien is a satenist (sp?) which I strongly disagree with which is why i think you should be free the have any beleifs you want
    Last edited by Dan2nd; 06-12-2006 at 09:11 PM.
    I’ll be a story in your head, but that’s okay, because we’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? Because it was, you know. It was the best. A daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away. Did I ever tell you that I stole it? Well, I borrowed it. I always meant to take it back. Oh, that box, Amy, you’ll dream about that box. It’ll never leave you. Big and little at the same time. Brand-new and ancient and the bluest blue ever. And the times we had, eh? Would had…Never had. In your dreams, they’ll still be there. The Doctor and Amy Pond and the days that never came.

  10. #20
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    Well back to the original question.

    My view is that religion is perfectly fine as long as it isn't shoved down the throats of other people, which is where problems come in.

    Which, unfortunately is something that seems to be happening a lot in Britain these days with a Labour government which is bending over backwards for the minority but not thinking about the majority.

    Religion is not the problem, other people's attitudes towards it are.

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