Ah, finnaly here it is. A slice of life made into a guest room. Hope you like!
Thread Moved by AndieJohanny
Ah, finnaly here it is. A slice of life made into a guest room. Hope you like!
Thread Moved by AndieJohanny
Last edited by AndieJohanny; 23-06-2005 at 10:47 PM.
nice 9/10
i no piers aint in the slice of life though lol
edit: been while since i been 2 slice of life :p
Last edited by =blimy=; 11-04-2005 at 07:39 PM.
Ty, and it's Luigi who is in Slice of Life, They look exactly the same, minus a few things so I just plonked him in there :p
it could be luigi? :s
edit- oh right... u said that
lol, Anyone gonna rate it :s.
Would be gratefuly :p
I think thats wicked! 10/10 =] Well Done
Good, well doen, but furnitres too plasticy for me. 8/10
Tis Gd :p I Wud Say 9/10 Cos of Reasons already sed... :eusa_clap
Also U Didnt have Beepers :p ( I know U Cant See Beepers B4 u say nething )
You french fried when you should have pizza'd. If you french fry when you should pizza, you're gonna have a bad time....
It rawks [ You should be graphics designer! ]
what is fetch gretchen?
10/10 dude it rawks
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