I expect many of you have looked at the alt competitions that we run, and thought to yourself I could do that, or maybe I could do better hehe. Well here is your chance to show off your skills. The opportunity for you to create something unseen before which MUST relate to summer. The choice is totally up to you. You might want to create a new piece of furni, or even a new summer outfit, get your thinking caps on and get creating :p
To enter this competition you must be permanent staff when the winner is announced.
The Prize:
One HC Sofa kindly donated by Lukeisok
Your entry should look like the example below:-
Habbo Name:
Followed By Your Entry:
What are you waiting for? Get creating!
Follow the link below and click on the post reply icon, please attach the image in the post; do not give any links to other websites and finally don't forget to leave your habbo name.
This competition will run until 15th May unless otherwise stated. After that the winner will be chosen and MissAlice will hand over the prize in Habbo.
One entry per Habbox Staff Member ONLY.
Please read the terms and conditions at the bottom (In Black)
Terms and conditions: You can send in your entry until the competition is closed at some time on May 15th 2005. Please be aware that some competitions may be extended, or even closed early due to the number of entries. The winner will be annouced in this forum and will be announced in the final post of this competition and will be contacted by MissAlice to collect the prize. Habbox has the right to close the competition at any time before the competition ending date and the winner will be judged from all the entries received up to that point. Any entries that break the forum rules in anyway will also be disqualified. Prizes must be claimed within one month of the winner being announced. Unclaimed prizes will be used again in a future Competitions.
When in the competition forum only post competition entries - Do not post questions or comments it is not the place to do so. ANYONE COMMENTING WILL ALSO BE UNABLE TO ENTER ANY COMPETITION IN THIS FORUM FOR ONE MONTH FROM THE DATE OF THEIR COMMENT.