If you dont believe in God have a look at this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eGpWW6scsg
1 minute long.
If you dont believe in God have a look at this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eGpWW6scsg
1 minute long.
Last edited by PaulMacC; 14-02-2009 at 04:15 PM.
Hmm, do I believe in a God who created the Universe? No. Do I believe there is a God, yes. I think everything happens for a reason. I don't think a Youtube video is sufficient enough to change my mind so I didn't watch it.
I certainly don't believe in the God that Christians do because there is proof for example that the Bible doesn't contain the truth. Like God creating the Earth and it only being 6000 years old.
If there is a way you can integrate Darwin and religion into the existence of human kind then yeah, maybe.
simple answer : yes.
pigged 25/08/2019
Pffft no.
noooo when will people realiiseeeeeeeee
there is not 1 shred of evidence
there is tons of evidence saying otherwise
i think ppl who believe in god are very arrogant (no offence)
Last edited by Swearwolf; 14-02-2009 at 04:20 PM.
No, imaginary friends are for children.
Conductor of the Runaway Train of Militant Homosexuality
I think that a lot of people who do believe in God merely believe it because they need to believe that someone is there for them so they fall back onto religion for support and the belief that God is there to help them through their life.
I believe in God, yes. We were made for a reason just like the theory of Paley's Watch.
The big bang cannot create a human being with all the specific features. Such as eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, nose for smelling.
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