Habbo name: witelink
Habbox name: iGod
Entry: -
Well after many hours spent racking my brains as i searched for inspiration for a superhero in the Amazon rainforest, kicking insects from my shoulders and chopping through vines the size of small trees, An idea struck me (incidentally so did branch of a nearby tree as it swung in the wind, which sent me flying into a muddy bath). My hero would be something i needed out here in the dark jungle, and in the hotel itself...insect repelent, well i needed INSECT repelent here, but only repelent in the hotel.
It wouldn't be one of those fancily dressed up superheroes going around with their underwear over their trousers (or pants for all u americans), no this would only be a simple spray that you could spray on at the same time as deodorant everyday. When any breaker of the habbo way came near you the repelent would kick in; the unlawful habbo would be thrown backwards through the air as the sweet smell of decentness hit him hard, then all his scammed off furni would fall out of his big hand and go to its rightful owners.
It would be an intersting prospect seeing meanies being thrown around everywhere, and for poor hacked habbos to get all their furni back. An interesting, but reasurring prospect which made me smile as i finally broke out of a mangrove swamp into a clearing in which stood the mighty temple of the forest. As i climbed on hands and knees up the steep staircase to the top, still wishing as ever i owned both the repelents at this time, i had another idea, on special occasions, wouldn't it be great if the scammer repelents all joined together to create an artificial habbo, who held massive giveaways containg hundreds of pieces of furni, and yes, any scammers who wanted to get some would be blasted away.
Once i was at the top i sat down on a fallen rock and looked out over the rainforest and thought to my self, who will need a habbo as a hero, afterall, nobody is perfect, when you can have a flawless spray. With this i lay down on the stone floor and dreamt wild dreams of, well mushrooms and wild fairies actually, not what i was expecting really, but i knew that habbo could soon be saved from the dark, slowly gripping fingers of evil lord Scam (i know him, well i saw him in a restaurant once).