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Results 21 to 30 of 48
  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Habbo Name: !.Hotshot.!
    Habbox Name: !.Hotshot.!


    My super hero would be called Habbohero and have a veiw of the whole hotel and could see automaticly when anyone was breaking the habbo way!!! When someone was breaking the habbo way then he would ban them for a week!!! Then if the same habbo broke the habbo way again he would ban them for a month!!! And if the same habbo broke the habbo way for the 3rd time then that habbo would be banned from habbo forever, and there furni and credits would be the prize in the next habbo competition which took place!!! If the habbo which was banned forever never had any credits or furni then its tough look!!! Habbohero would be able to see absolutly everything going on in the hotel!!! And each month habbohero would give out an award for the best habbo of the month with 50 runners up!!!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    T-dot, Ontario


    Habbox name: Wallmart

    habbo name: Wallmart

    Entry: My superhero would be great! Super! Outstanding! My Superhero would have the knowledge of Safety ninja, the cunning of Callie, The strength of Donnie santani, and the strange of Dionysus, Therefore, gaining the name of Snillsantsus! Protecter of!
    with its crazy-wacky-cunning powers he would send the Hack-ors fleeing in shame.

    and such similiar.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Latest Awards:


    HAbbo Name: Jiis
    Habbox name: -=Ryuji=-
    Entry: My super hero would be a speshal animal called PH (Pixel.Hero)
    There would b an icon bside your purse wit a pets face.. you click iy and the PH appears... it would ask you what had happened you tell it what is wrong and because it was wit ya it can record all your msgs. so it would be able to pick up the scammers name
    Last edited by -=Ryuji=-; 09-08-2005 at 03:34 AM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo Name: TheLostDino
    Habbox Name: Brandon
    Your Entry:
    My super habbo would be a scam/scripting the lot fighter, When you make a new public room a super habbo will be there, too be on guard. And if someone trashed your room, super habbo would instantly report it to the hotel staff, same as like errored you, done something to you. If someone scripted your furni, super habbo would instantly turn it back and report the person. Super Habbo would be incredible.
    Last edited by paradox; 12-08-2005 at 09:45 AM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo name: BLuweesH
    Super Habbo name: BLuweesH

    I'd look like an ordinary person. But you'd see the superhero once I would shine all golden around with glowing skin and golden hair. I would be saving all those in trouble, making scripters use their 'special powers' for good and a special power that I would inherit is that I could fly around the hotel and just teleport from one to the other, with the ability to also create a piece of furniture, any kind.

  6. #26

    Default !Super!Crime!Habbo!

    Habbo Name: Jechtwolf
    Habbox Name: Jechtwolf

    Your Entry:
    Well My super habbo will be unstoppable! Invincable! Outstanding!
    Magnificiant! My Super Habbo will B an Animagus (changes into objects and animals). He would Blend into his background and catch the scammer off Gaurd. When !Super!Crime!Habbo! catches a Scripter/Scammer then that Scripter/Scammer Will automatically Be bannded Depending how serious the crime is!

    Special Abilities: !Super!Crime!Habbo! Will be able to disguise to a normal habbo to catch his fellow enimies red handed. He can split himself into 100 of him. He has the strengh of DJ-3000, The quickness of all of the habboz staff put together.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo Name: Dust-Ball.
    Habbox Name: Habbo-Land

    My Entry:

    My habbo hero would be everyone who works at Habbo.Help and Habbox Help Desk they are all kind. Everyone Wants to help each other and i have got to know some of them. I would love to see of these help full habbos as hobba or even staff 1 day
    Last edited by nvrspk4; 27-08-2005 at 06:25 PM. Reason: Put In New Habbo Name
    We Will Rock You!
    .._...|..____________________, ,
    ....../ `---___________----_____|] = = =
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    ....// (..) ), ----"

    Signature edited by Agesilaus (Forum Super Moderator): Signature image was exceeding the size limit for your usergroup an font size reduced as it is against the rules to have a font size bigger than 4.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo Name : happeedude
    Habbox Name: happeedude

    My entry
    My 'super'hero would sprint all the way to the bottom of the hotel, go into the car park. He would use his eyes to beam down more cars. So no more jokes would be said about Habbo having loads of Habbo's and only two cars.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2005
    o.O nosey!

    Default Super-famous-girl!

    Habbo Name: famous-girl
    Habbox name: famous-girl
    entry: Super-famous-girl!

    My Super habbo would have long jet black hair and would wear a black and red cloak!!! She would have a power to undo the damage scammers, hackers and scripters caused and she would put a smile on every habbos face!

    Avatar removed by Agesilaus (Forum Super Moderator): Avatar image was exceeding the size limit for your usergroup.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Latest Awards:


    habbo name: rossco2004
    habbox name: rossco2004

    My machine would be a "casino trader". what happens is the gambler puts in the furni he wants to bet and the dealer puts in what the prize would be and the machine holds the furni til the game has been decided(if the gambler agrees to the prize being offered). whoever wins is given the choice whether they can withdraw their furni or re-bet it. the "casino trader" would also be able to detect any scripted/fake furni and delete it and using the 1st guys super scripter detecter :-P identify who made it and ban them, lol.

    The machine is a small bright coloured cube box with a lid which opens and closes as furni is put in and a conveyor belt coming out of it so that when when someone wins a prezzie is produced and goes down the small conveyor belt(for effect) then appears in the habbos hand.
    love this video
    "leeeeeroy jeeeeeennnnnkinssssssssssssss"
    ppl traded
    crimson ---- jordam
    Rauhl ----- ark alost
    cwmbran ------ harl2015
    threatened - chimptears

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