You may have been wondering why I haven't done an alt in over a week now, but it's because I have been working on thism taking ages, it's basically from scratch, I added as many people from Habbox as I possibly could, if you think I have missed anyone majorly important, just say.
I'm very proud of this, I think it came out almost perfect, just as I first imagined it, and to the staff that I pm'd you them questions, they didn't really come in handy in the end lol, nevermind.
Also, as it is such a huge alt, there is probably going to be alot of pixel errors, if you could point them out, i'd be very grateful. It shouldn't take too long to load either, I made it so it doesn't stretch too far across the page, so it should fit snug on a 800x1024 screen, thanks!
Moved by Jammy06 [Forum Moderator] Moved from other habbo alterations to elites
Edited by Global [Forum Moderator] 'Mmazing job!