Happy 8th Birthday HabboxForum!
Today HabboxForum turns 8 years old! It has been eight years since HabboxForum first opened with the vBulletin forum - Some of you will remember that far back, some of you won't. But regardless of how long you have been on the forum for you can still celebrate the forum birthday with us! We have prizes up for grabs and other goodies that you can take part in.
Limited Edition Donator
Since it's HabboxForums birthday we have decided to release a Limited Edition Donator! This is now for sale and will only be on sale until Monday. You will receive a rather funk coloured name which also put a birthday cake to your name and you will also get a Limited Edition forum award.
If you would like to see this in action then just go to here - You can also buy this donator and any of our other donators by going to here.
Do you know your HabboxForum history?
Think you know quite a bit about the history of HabboxForum? Well we have a quiz just for you. This quiz has questions that are about the past and present times on HabboxForum. Don't worry, there will be three winners and they will all receive prizes. You can take part by clicking here.
8 Year Milestone Award
Well since we have now turned 8 years old! We have now activated the 8 year milestone award. So if you have been on the forum for 8 years* then you can now request that award. To do so, all you have to do is click here.
* = You must be requesting the award on the account that has been registered on the forum for 8 years.
Let's reflect back...
Been on the forum for a while? Let's reflect back in history and talk about HabboxForum. Share your stories that has happened to you on the forum - The good, the bad and the times where it has been fun or even made you upset! You can do all of this in our birthday discussion thread by clicking here.
Reputation Ranks - Think you can make us some crazy new ones? Click here to take part.
HabboxForum Balloon Bonanza - Can you find all of the balloons? - Click here to take part.