As part of our birthday celebrations we will be hosting a number of competitions such as this where you can win prizes that are forum prizes or Habbo prizes.
HabboxForum needs more reputation ranks! We believe the most a user has on the forum is around 17,757 reputation points. As you can see from below our current reputation ranking system doesn't quite fit that criteria.
- User is a disaster ~ -100
- User can only hope to improve ~ -50
- User has a little shameless behaviour in the past ~ -10
- User is an unknown quantity at this point ~ 0
- User is on a distinguished road ~ 55
- User will become famous soon enough ~ 75
- User has a spectacular aura about ~ 100
- User is a jewel in the rough ~ 125
- User is just really nice ~ 150
- User is a glorious beacon of light ~ 175
- User is a name known to all ~ 200
- User is a splendid one to behold ~ 300
- User has much to be proud of ~ 400
- User has a brilliant future ~ 500
- User has reputation beyond repute ~ 600
- User has much dedication towards Habbox ~ 700
- User is becoming a star ~ 800
- User is becoming a name that is recognised ~ 900
- User is a great example to all ~ 1000
- User has surpassed expectations ~ 1250
- User is someone to look up to ~ 2000
- User is ranked above most ~ 3000
- User has almost made it to legendary status ~ 4000
- User is a HabboxForum Legend! ~ 5000
What can you do?
We need the following being added:
6000 > 7000 > 8000 > 9000 > 10,000 > 15,000 > 17,500 > 20,000
These additional ranks will also need a comment such as "User is a HabboxForum Legend" for example. You can also mix up the ones already if you would like. If you feel you can come up with the best ranks then you can either win yourself 50 credits or Forum VIP.
If you want to take part than just send your entries in a Private Message (PM) to Forum God with the subject of: Reputation Ranks. You can do this by clicking here.
Closing Date
Since we are nice we shall give you a week! This competition will close on Friday 29th June 2012.