Xbox live - Fridge Salesman
Steam - Plus09 or Olibruv
PSN - DaHillyBoy
Xbox live - Fridge Salesman
Steam - Plus09 or Olibruv
PSN - DaHillyBoy
xbox live; iMoonPig
Steam: Legoette
GoldenMerc for steam
irRoss for xboxlive
Steam: (I put the link as there are loads of Traci's lol)
Wii U: Dandelion (this is shared amongst me and my siblings looool)
Xbox - Jordan 25T
If anyone wants to add me on Xbox my gamertag is gatorade101.
xbox gt - Jess Mercury
I mostly play forza horizon & black ops 2, black ops 1 or mw3
PSN: Lurr_7
Not really into any FPS (except the occasional corny match on Duke Nukem), but if anyone actually plays Twisted Metal or All Stars, add me
Also looking for someone who's willing to try to pair for the Companion trophy on Journey.
Last edited by JoeyK.; 07-02-2013 at 10:48 AM.
Former Competitions Manager & International Division Manager
Former Moderator, HxHD Staff, HabboxFriends Staff, International Super Moderator
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