I think MMORLG is a Massively Multiplayer Online Real Life Game, unless wiki lied to meee.
Anyway, I'm kinda tired of Habbo and I've looked at quite a few other games like errr Wizard 101, Roblox, OnVerse, Second Life etc. and I just find them not so fun. I'm not sure if they're classed as MMORLGs so ye oops. I've tried some other stuff like RS and WoW before but yet again, not really my thing either and I don't know of anymore decent 'virtual life' games.
I'd prefer it to be 3D obv, and not be too childish like ... err Toontown (?) I like the idea of a controllable avatar and I'd still want to be able to go to rooms, speak to people, play games and all that stuff. Does anyone know of anything good like this? (Apart from Habbo.)
Don't even jokingly suggest IMVU either eurgh.