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Results 11 to 20 of 41
  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default my hero

    I was walking through a room 1 day and a guy name Marc12-12 he approched me, and asked me waat i thinked about the scamming going on. i didnt no wat he was saying becaouse i was a newbie. so the next day i perchashed credits. i was hacked then i asked Marc12-12 again about it, he told me all about what happened and donated to me and told me how to advid scams!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    on computer chair

    Default my hero

    on the first day i cant quite remember his name but on the first day i was told to give my password and i wud become a hobba lol i thort a hobba was a hc lol i was a reel noob so i gave him my pass anyway and he said i had a problem an cud not be a hobba so i went bk on my file he next day and he had not changed the password or anything and i had 2 rooms in one i had a stool but i was rele quite shocked as i didnt buy any credits at all and in my other i found a lapland at the time i just thort he had made me a hobba and i got this stuff but then someone said i wasnt a hobba im not sure whether this guy was seriously being kind or whether he had fforgot to give it to his file but i was a member of habbo club and 3 days later i got a hc sofa. i was rele quite shocked and i still dont know whether he was ind or whether he was reel dumb but o well i considered him as a good friend and then he told me that he had to leev habbo and now i dont know him he was reel kind to me aswell now i realise that i was rele quite lucky and i shall never give my pass away again this it not safe and i advise other ppl not to go giving out there passes i just got lucky but i doubt u lot will
    dont give out ur password
    if everyone wants to be different then why call people because they are different.
    obey the habbo way and stay ok.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Sulake Labs™

    Default My Habbo Hero

    Habbo Name: -Flip15-

    Back when I was a habbo newbie, getting stuff on habbo was pretty hard. Back when I met my friend at school, he was the one that told me about habbo. I use to hang out with him on Habbo, talk to him ect..Me and him were pretty poor. We had no furni, nor room. He'd finally gotten furni and stuff from this guy named "Y3S". So, I'd decided to quit habbo then. I come back about 4 months later, find out, he's in HC, he's got alot of rares so-on. I talk to him again, "Wow, how'd you get all this stuff?!". He tells me, "Well, I worked for all of it advertising with High-Lighting, Copying, And Pasting (Advertising) for him, He'd give me alot of plastos and other little pieces of furni." All of a sudden, the trade box opens up, and well, he donates me plenty of stuff I can use. Tells me "I don't need any of this stuff anymore. I don't need norms anymore." If you'd go into his room, he's got HCs, Thrones, and so-on, not sure if the room is still open or not. I can't see him anymore, he's transfered schools, and he doesn't really get on habbo like he use to. He's a great friend on Habbo, and real life. His name? -T-MONEY- I believe maybe some of you have seen him before on the UK habbo. Where ever he is, I hope he's got some time to get on habbo. Where ever he is, I hope he's ok. I've never repayed him back what he's done for me. Gotten me to the top of habbo. If you search my name, those rooms are made because of him. I thank him for it. In every way. The rooms aren't open yet, because I like to spread furni everywhere. They'll be done soon. He's like a brother to me though. Whenever he comes back, I'm going to treat him with some gifts, and get his number, so we can get back to talking and stuff. Thanks man. :eusa_clap

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Default hi

    do we get anything special if we don8?

    Edited By MissAlice - Competitions Manager
    When in the competition forum only post competition entries - Do not post questions or comments it is not the place to do so.
    Last edited by MissAlice; 02-10-2004 at 01:41 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo name: EvilBrandon

    Habbo hero Con-Friend: SKaterJess

    about a year ago, i was being threatened if i didnt trade anyone, he made hate rooms and other stuff, he told me if i dont trade him he will bann me, since well i didnt knoe what to do he got his hobba friend and helped me, he was a great friend, months passed, later when pets came out, he said if i gave him furni he would buy me a doggy, i gave him about 23 creds of furni, he later scammed me and removed me... and hes not a friend...

    Edited By MissAlice - Competitions Manager

    He was a hero at first
    This entry is just for a twist, not for the real competition
    Last edited by Moose; 02-10-2004 at 02:00 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default My Habbo Hero

    My Habbo Hero by Genius-Kid (Eric)

    Although I have left his Habbo and Real Name disclosed for various reasons including some old Habbos that may have heard nasty rumors (that weren’t even true) about my friend, who also was my hero, he certainly was a great person. Very very long ago, the memories were vague but important. The first meeting we had was distinct and I can remember it as it was yesterday. I apparently was a competitive racer back then, and it was a tense race, as the prize was this blue (that was the color I believe) pod I wanted so badly, even though today I’d go for higher things. It was down to this one person along with me (I believe I was competent when it came to quick seats) and at that second either someone offered me or I lagged horribly, for I remember it was a very unfair race, and the stubborn owner would not “redo” it. My Habbo Hero at that time, complained that it was unfair and that someone had offered me, and the owner apparently kicked him. He returned and offered to “pay to stay” for me, and thus, the owner was greedy and accepted. Furthermore, I was encouraged to not waste the person’s pay to stay (I also thanked him very much), I won the match, and of course, the blue pod was mine. Feeling unworthy, I wanted to give it back, but he would not take it. An entire two weeks worth of laughing and getting to know each other past, and we created a raceroom ourselves (most of it was his stuff), and when I wanted to make a “chill” out room, he supplied a lot for me, nothing “rare or fancy” but I was happy, not because I could make a room, but because I had a true friend. Various days past with people calling me a “noob”, where my hero would stick up for me, even when we both struggled to defend ourselves against their rude words. I had also introduced my friend to my hero, and we three all became good friends. I had schooling to go to one week where my friend spent time with my hero, and many busy times occurred. For two weeks I returned, only to be tricked (I wasn’t very smart back then) into giving out my password. I created a new name and my hero gave exactly the same furniture I had lost back (he had quite a supply) but I would not accept it, scared to get scammed once more. I became busier and yet busier, and almost two months later, after not talking to my friend for weeks, I could not find him (or anyone else for that matter) on my console. Apparently my entire console had been wiped out. I sent him a Friend Request and waited, for many days and weeks, until the friend who had met him told me what had happened. My friend, a true Habbo Hero to me - no longer walked on this world.

    By Genius-Kid (Eric)

    PS. I tried my best to recall everything and turn it into a tale.
    Last edited by Eric$; 09-10-2004 at 02:43 AM.

    My Habbo name is Genius-Kid. Please do not f/r me if I do not know you. Thank you.

  7. #17

    Default My habbo hero :D

    Magenta My habbo hero is dr.boo1, when I was being bullyed in real life she listened and understood, comforted me . She still comes on today and i'm really REALLY grateful she's my mate.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    The Computer

    Post This is just a Tribute

    Habbo name: Goggleys
    Story: Well, when I 1st joined habbo it was just after Ione's birthday, and I had no idea what to do, and I didn't know how to get furni, and so I left. Then, about a year ago, my mate was on and told me about it, I forgot about my name from the year before (which I then remembered later when I guessed it :eusa_danc ), and made a new account, the one I use now. I still didn't know what to do, until I went over to my mates house (the one who introduced me to it again) and he went into a room, and as a joke, said 'Type your pass, it comes out as *****!'
    I had no idea this was a scam, and found it quite funny to see people shouting things like 'N00B!' or 'Scammer!' I didn't no what they meant at the time either, so as soon as I got home, I tried it on my account as a joke. When I suddenly left the room, I didn't no I had been kicked, and so I went into a help centre, and did it again. I was banned for 2 hours and now understood what it meant. So I went back on after 2 hours and didn'y try it anymore. I was really upset, and I went into a random room, and it was owned by my Habbo Hero. I asked how he got all his stuff, and he simply said 'bought it'.
    I asked what he meant, and he told me about everything on habbo. I was really greatful, and he gave me 2 HCs and loads of iced furni (which is still my favourite furni)! I asked why he did it, and he said 'I'm repaying debt to an old friend'. I don't no what he meant even now, but I advertised for him, and he got his room really popular, and I know it's still very popular today, and he gave me 2 mochas and a silver nelly . I shall not reveal this habbos name, as he doesn't want everyone beggin for furni from him, and saying their a n00b. He has helped me numerous times in the past, and I have only every repayed him once: When he was hacked and lost everything. I gave him all of my stuff exept for one thing: a prezzy which he had given me. It was to remember him for everything he did, and I would never dream of trading it ot putting it in a room. I keep it in my hand at all times so it is always with me. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong story short: YOUR THE BEST!
    Let me in please!!!
    er...Let me in? :evil:
    LET ME IN!!! :eusa_wall
    Ok then...CHARGE!!! :BangHead:

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Default My hero by ©andihex ™

    When I was hacked, one year ago (I had 20 thrones, 30 hc and a dino). One
    of the hobbas gave me a couple of thrones.
    I was happy at first, but I didn't get rid of the keylogger. The hobba told me how to get rid of a keylogger and told me how to avoid another keylogger. I didn't get anymore thrones, but who cares...

    HôBBAS ARE MY HERôS™ :eusa_shif

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default My hero

    My hero has got to be the one and only danny6600!! His alterations are just amazing he showed me how to do a real alt. Thankyou danny

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