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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Default My Hero: Hur!ey

    Habbo Name: Hur!ey

    Yes, you are wondering why in the world my hero is myself. Well, my hero is not myself.
    You see, when I started Habbo Hotel, I started as xxaznxgrlxx (I have no idea what happened to this account). I had a friend, who was using this account, Hur!ey. After a while, she deciced to quit. She was my very best friend, and had always been very gernerous and kind to me. I was very depressed, so we decided to stay in contact over MSN.
    When she left, she decided to give her account away. I'm not sure if this is was a very good choice, but she felt she should. She didn't have the heart to leave her little dog (now mine), Roxy. So, she gave her account to me.
    Now, Hur!ey is my very own account. I miss her very much, and she's been very dear to me. We haven't been talking for a long time, but she'll always be there in her heart. Not only did she leave me an HC account, a dog, and bunches of furniture, but she was also always there for me.
    If she hadn't given anything at all, she would still be my hero.

    My own avatar won't upload. -.-

    For those who didn't know (I don't blame ya'll), I'm a girl. ^-^

    UK: hur!ey
    USA: Jaq-E

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Latest Awards:

    Talking My habbo is hero is Magnetics

    he is the best mate ever on my birthday he bought he hc for free

    when he needs a piece of furni ive got he always gives me a 3cred profit and the deal is unfair for him. He ven gives me free furni

    he lets me use his casino, he asks his mates if they have furni that i need and is always the first person to my shop when i open it. :eusa_danc

    i had no furni and when he was on his old habbo i met him. He gave me a paying job at his race room and now im richer than i could of imagined !!!

    He used to give me his super rares and tell me to see what i could get for them. he had complete trust in me and i was a newbie at that time.


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


    Habbo name: akaPenguin

    After my first week of Habbo, I had absolutely no furniture. Suddenly, my friend in real life left so of course he gave me all of his furniture. This isn't my Habbo Hero, as any good friend would do that. So, someone stayed at my room after I hosted a race game, and he said "Hey, I have this really rare green sofa, it's not in the catalogue, you can even look. I will give it to you for your account pword" and I said "Well, I'll think about it" Quickly, my Habbo friend (not the scammer) reported him and messaged me on MSN and told me that it was a scam. So, the habbo got permanently banned and my account was safe. I would have been so devestated if I had been hacked. When trophies came out, I did something I never do, bought credits, and bought him two gold trophies. One for saving my Habbo and one for being my best friend in the future (this happened in '02). With the other credit? I bought myself a duck wrapped in a present so I could dance on it. I will keep his name disclosed.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default My old hero!

    My old hero!
    I remember when I had graduated from medical habbo's where I became a professional habbo surgeon. I didn’t pay any notice to the business world of habbo where money was everything. One day I came into some money but all the time people where always under minding me. They would try and scam you but I didn’t trade so they would shout “Yellow chicken, Coward, Idiot!” I would feel left out and no one would help me. One day I got depressed and felt that trading was the aim to habbo. So I went to habbo’s London trades where I felt I could make furniture there. Now a realise that that was a stupid thing to think and why should I of ever had make that decision? Soon a strange habbo Walked slowly towards me trying hard for me or others not to notice that somebody was coming up but I could tell that he was after something but I was in a tense state not to take any notice. “Yo dude ill trade your stuff for my account” Said the unknown stranger waving at me. I thorght he had so much furniture and turned a blind eye. “Ok so what you got then?” I answered. “I’ve got 7 thrones in my locked room and 2 Orange parasols and a lot more than that but that furni will be a surprise” Replied the unknown stranger. So I began the trade when suddenly an unknown man who happened to be in the room called TwistedSon Interrupted the trade. “Dr don’t do that! He is going to scam you. I bet he has no rare stuff in his room. Trust me! It’s happened to me before. Just don’t do it.” He announced in bold typing. I took his Advice and cancelled the trade. The scammer quickly replied that I was a stupid thug and that I should have never been on habbo and ran out of the room.
    I soon checked his name and there was no such thing of Locked rooms or even Rooms! “Thanks there mate you saved my account from being scammed. Can I do anything to repay you even though I have no furniture spare yet” I Answered. “No problems there chum I hate to see people getting scammed. Like I said I was once scammed off my blue amber. Id hate to see that happen again to a friendly habbo” He replied. I became his friend ever since that very day and we are now best friends of the whole of habbo! He has always helped me with everything and lends me furniture. We share business’s here and lots of furniture is made! He defends me thru scams and even thru emails. He always sent me trophies and sent me Birthday presents. And it was the same with me. I always sent him as much as I could when I could. He is the only habbo who could persuade me never to give up habbo because if I did I would miss out on a lot. He would treat me with respect and dignity and be caring to me. Any habbos being nasty to me would be kicked and he would make it as a joke. He would teach me about the habbo safety as well. Now I am ready for any habbo scams to cross me and I owe it all to my pal.
    A true hero and beloved friend

    the end
    Last edited by ideabox; 18-10-2004 at 06:34 PM.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I live in the wonderful world of canada (Yes... I AM CANADIAN!)

    Default My Hero - ALL4TECHNICS

    I can honestly say that ALL4TECHNICS is the warmest and most beautiful kind of person I know :Smile_blu And I know she inspires alot of people [Including you MissAlice] She may not be my FIRST habbo hero but she is the one that I look up to mostly, She sets such a good example just being herself. Shes so honest and so helpful and for that I thank her
    Love you ALL4TECHNICS Keep being you !
    :Stop: Jess :Stop:
    :eusa_shif You Found Me! :eusa_shif

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    birmingham england

    Default :D

    Habbos names : Vito201- , JAck20012002 , :james , .peter (now gowk) and last but not least Simplesimon12

    I met all these people at habbox hotel when i was fairly new to habbo (about 2 months) they all helped me and we all became good close freinds specially me and ross (simplesimon12) now we hang out in HxHD and chat and have a laugh , these people also helped me when i got keylogged and did their ultimate best to help me get back on the road of habbo fun these are real nice habbos and i would like to say thanks a lot - alex
    xx Abby xxX's

    M a z e

    M o d e r a t o r ! :eusa_danc

    Parasols is my name on :wav: :afro:

  7. #37


    My Habbo Hero: Enigma

    Enigma is the best Habbo Staff guy you'll ever meet. One day I found him in my club, doing what? I don't know. I was friendly to him and he was nice right back. When I clicked on him it showed that he had 'give rights' and 'remove rights' on him. I was wondering why he had both, so I asked. He told me he was Habbo Staff. I was like.. !!! lol. I'd never actually got to meet a Habbo Staff/Hobba before, I was so excited. After a while I realized he wasn't any different than the rest of us, and it was nice that he thought that way, too. He didn't act all high and mighty. I wasn't rich, not by far, but I thought I was quite well off, compared to some other Habbo's. All of a sudden my hand opened up. I was like.. what the? And there I saw a trophy. I was so happy, so I dropped it. Of course, it was from Enigma It was dedicated to me, stating that I was one of the friendliest Habbo's he's ever met. If I had creds, I would've bought him one right back Later on, Enigma, some friends, and I were all talking about Habbo Club. I heard cha ching! Cha ching! Cha ching! And I had no idea what it was. I was like.. I hear a chaching noise on my computer :S Enigma goes, check your purse. So I do, and there is 30 creds in there. He said it was for me to buy HC. From then on Enigma and I have been pretty good friends, and he is the best Habbo Staff EVER. =] And that's my story.
    Happy Habboween! F/R x.Chelseh.x

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    My fist habbo hero was.......

    [IMG]http.Stone cold steve austinhabbo![/IMG]

    Edit by Spectate - Competitions Assistant
    Please only post competition entries when in the competitions forum. There is no picture shown here. Please add your entry here if you have one.
    Last edited by Spectate; 22-10-2004 at 11:35 AM.
    cass14 Nookybear! cass14

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default My hero ^_^ with my mysterie ending

    ^_^ my story starts.....

    my 3rd month of habbo ^_^ i had jsut bought hc, i neva had much furni but i guess white a few were rares ^_^ i neva knew alot about habbo but i had a best friend. they gave me a few things, i found out they were rares was so sweet.

    i was in my room sorting them out wen some1 came in :S they asked for furni. i gave them a lil something. wasnt rare or ne thing. kidna selfish rofl. well they asked 4 my pass and they wud buy me creds 4 my kindness. i told my best frend and they came rushing to my room and reported the scammer for me. ^_^ i was so happy and thankful. but i soon relized that it was jsut the beginning.....t

    he scammer was not just a scammer but a hacker and hacked in2 mine and my best frends accounts! i lost every thing. Kitty.Cuddler. lost her hc and her furni
    i mde a new habbo .Steph.. which also got hacked throo a scam website. i then made steph=04= but...i neva found my best friend .......

    now i work closely with people who know wot to do with hackers ^_^ habbox and hobbas r gr8 and help alot. i stik close 2 the habo way so i will always be okay!!!
    Never Give Up
    Don't Let Them Beat You
    Nothing Is Impossible

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Thumbs up Wuvable2 You were the nicest person In the WORLD.

    Her Name was Wuvable2
    M name was .:sweet-thing:. It was my First Day In habbo and I was asking what do you do on HabboHotel The were all laughing and calling me names. Then i felt very sad
    and went to my room in habbo And just stayed tehre and was very sad..
    Then this girl came over her name was Wuvable2
    She was like wats wrong and i told her then she said it ok and explained to me what habbohotel was..
    Then She said why dont you buy credits I told her that my kinda Broke at the moment so i cant.. then we talked and talked then after a few moments i clicked on my purse by accident and tehre were the 100 credits
    and i dint know who bot them for me
    Then these peices of furniture kept appearing in my room caz i set it o let other and put down
    then i asked Wuvable2 did she get me 100 credits and did she organize my room and baugt me furni she said yes becaus ei cant bare to see such a kind person so sad ... I was so so so so HAPPY and now were Best Friends
    she was my HABBO Hero..
    Last edited by eknitaa; 23-10-2004 at 03:02 PM.
    ---- Lovely Kind & Sweet ----
    ( Theres Always a --- KEY ) (TO) (Something) (OR) (Everything)

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