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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

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    @xxMATTGxx; you should remove the rule about not allowing to organise meet ups on the forums as pretty much everyone has done that- there's a thread somewhere!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

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    A2. Do not post inappropriately ~ Habbox Forum has an audience that includes younger members, and as such all content must be suitable for those members. You must not:
    •Talk about adult subjects in an explicit manner.
    •Post images, videos or links that with inappropriate content like gore, nudity, obscenity or annoyance.
    •Post links which may cause a nuisance to other forum members, such as "Rick Rolling" etc.

    Both of them could be allowed if a bad spoiler is present, although the latter isn't really needed.

    A4. Do not accuse others of scamming or hacking, or any other illegal activity ~ making baseless accusations only leads to arguments and often members are targeted wrongly or unfairly. We do not allow you to accuse anyone of hacking, scamming or illegal activities with or without evidence so as to maintain a positive atmosphere about the forum.

    If there's sufficient evidence I honestly don't see why it shouldn't be allowed - we're about the community anyway and we're actually saving them from potentially being scammed. However, it might be best left to moderator's discretion.

    A5. Do not post private details or information ~ We do not allow you to post private information about yourself due to security concerns. Disclosing any information about another forum user without their consent is also not allowed. This includes:
    •Private messages
    •Forum ban reasons/dismissal reasons
    •Private conversations (Skype, Habbo, etc.)
    •Images / videos of the user or links to a page where an image/video of another user is located (this includes social networking sites, facebook, myspace etc)
    •Trying to organize real life meet-ups
    •It is also not allowed to give out the personal details (specific address, phone number etc) of anyone, forum user or otherwise.

    The 'Private conversations' part could do with removing, and shouldn't only be dealt with if it breaks another rule - e.g. targeting or being rude to members. The real life meet ups needs to be removed as threads have been allowed about it for years.

    A7. Do not post pointlessly ~ ~ Do not post off-topic ~ An off-topic post has no relevance to the topic or any previous post that is relevant, or does little to positively contribute to the discussion.
    ~ Do not spam/make pointless posts. It is not allowed to post random, meaningless, posts or threads on the forum. Examples of this are (ROFLCOPTER!!!!!!); (BYRDSB +HKK; ) (I am a plane)
    ~ Do not posts threads which only allow for short, one or two word answers and do not promote active discussion. Repeatably posting short replies such as "Yes" or "Nope" is also forbidden. What is classed as pointless or abuse is entirely down to the discretion of the Forum Department.
    ~ You may not make posts that contain plain images only. Images that includes text are allowed so long as they are relevant to the threads discussion. This rule does not apply to the forum games or spam forums.

    The first part, 'has no relevance to the topic or any previous post that is relevant' we want discussion to improve, and as long as it's somewhat related to the topic I feel it should be allowed. I know this is done some what, but it isn't done all the time.
    'Do not post threads which only allow for short replies' this could do with tweaking - suggest that if they do post them and no discussion is taking place other than yes or no then the thread could be moved to spam.
    The picture one I got told was removed ages ago?

    A8. Please observe the correct posting protocol:
    •Do not multiple post within the 15 minute edit time of your original threads
    •Do not multiple post after the the 15 minute edit time without posting valid additional information.
    •Do not pointlessly bump old threads. You may only bump threads if your post is relevant and something that can generate more discussion. What is and isn't pointless is up to the moderators discretion and is final.

    The double post thing is fine, but an additional note could be added that some forums do merge posts within this time, but it's best just to edit your post if you can.
    I understand do not pointlessly bump old threads, but I think some threads that are being bumped for 5 years, which could increase discussion, but they could also make a new thread? I don't think there should be a time limit, but again it could be up to the moderator's discretion what is too long and what isn't as well as what is and isn't pointless.

    A12. Use the Video BB code appropriately ~ It is not allowed to post more than three videos and/or vines in any one post or more than one video in any one visitor message. Videos and/or vines are also not allowed to be included in your signature.

    As long as they're in spoilers if you have more than 3 then I don't think it's a problem. The visitor message one is fine though.

    B1. Forum Names •May be anything at registration so long as deemed acceptable
    •Must be 3 or more letters but no more than 15 letters
    •Consists of the characters A-Z, 0-9, or `~@#$%^&()_-=[{}]\:;”’<>,./?

    The 'must be 3 or more letters' needs altering a bit maybe, some people (like myself) have 2 letter Habbo names, and some forum members already have them. Perhaps just saying unless it's your Habbo name?

    B4. Do not post anything offensive about other sites - This includes sites that have anti Habbox content. It is strictly forbidden to ask or talk about flooding, hacking or damaging any website in any way.

    Pretty sure some forum members have posted their rants about other fansites?

    Commenting in the trading section

    Please remember that commenting in the trading section is only permitted if it is a question about the buying or selling of the item.
    For example, the following would not be allowed:

    As long as it's on topic and somewhat relevant I think it should be fine to an extent.

    Also trying to click on Graphics and Welcome forum rules via the links in the rules gives me the you do not have permission page, and seeing they were upated a while back that's a bit shocking .

    'If you think that someone ripped graphics from somewhere please contact either Phil (Forum Manager), Nick (Assistant Forum Manager) or a Forum Super Moderator (e5 or Calum0812) and it will be looked into.'

    That needs changing.

    2. Only post your own work. Any work that is not yours that has been found to be ripped will be removed from the forum.

    That's never followed, so this could be altered that you MUST state if it's not your work.
    Last edited by xxMATTGxx; 28-06-2015 at 09:09 PM.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empired View Post
    Nonetheless the point about not closing threads is interesting. I think they should continue to be closed but instead of suddenly closing them I'd like a little warning. Like if the argument is heating up have the mod send out a little warning that the thread will be closed if it continues, and then allow people to reply stating their arguments as to why it shouldn't be closed if they want to.
    Moderators are most likely able to see both sides of the argument anyway which leads to them making a call on whether or not the thread should remain open. Having people state their arguments would just go round in circles as whenever we close a thread we are always going to get people kicking off. Providing a warning has been done before and generally the thread dies down shortly after that, so yeah they do work in some regards. If a thread is in need of intervention by moderators then often closing it is the best method (especially when there's bullying etc involved) so I don't think that'll change - that last part was kind of a response to Bloop and not so much Charlie!

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by lRhyss View Post

    • Allow the same swear words with are allowed on HabboxLive. It's stupid banning them in one aspect and not the other.
    • Bring back gender forums
    • Inform moderators that pointless posting doesn't need to be addressed in Spam (seriously).
    • Make moderators forum wide, just like super Moderators. It would be more effective as it would be easier and quicker for someone to deal with a situation outside their hold, when another moderator isn't active or away.
    • I know it's not to do with the rules, but; Change the god damn moderation minimums. If it hasn't changed already, the way it's currently assessed is stupid and unfair. Why should they be told to reach a minimum that might not even be possible? It makes moderators overly strict in some cases.

    - - - Updated - - -

    and get Habbox removed from the Official list? This ain't the days of ClubHabbo anymore, mate.

    There isn't really minimums - Just ratings of Poor to Excellent which there has to be, otherwise a mod could do nothing and there would be no consequences. The activity of the forum is taken into account with the logs, so if only 2 people posted that week and you had to edit them twice, you'd get an excellent. But if 1000 posts were made and u edited 2 of them, you'd get poor, because there is always gonna be something wrong with a lot of posts.

  5. #35
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    A8. Please observe the correct posting protocol:
    Do not multiple post within the 15 minute edit time of your original threads
    Do not multiple post after the the 15 minute edit time without posting valid additional information.
    Do not pointlessly bump old threads. You may only bump threads if your post is relevant and something that can generate more discussion. What is and isn't pointless is up to the moderators discretion and is final.
    Add a rule that prevents thread spaming, making allot of new threads within minutes from the same user. I would consider this token grinding and spam.
    Former: Habboxlive dj (Oddy), Content designer, Pixel artist, Forum moderator, Forum developer

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by OddKrAtNo View Post
    Add a rule that prevents thread spaming, making allot of new threads within minutes from the same user. I would consider this token grinding and spam.
    why? more threads more forum activity

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemons View Post
    why? more threads more forum activity
    I agree but for example 5 threads in 5 minutes in the game section would just be spam. I agree that it would be great with more activity, but not spam acitivty where only 1 person stands for all the posting in 1 section
    Former: Habboxlive dj (Oddy), Content designer, Pixel artist, Forum moderator, Forum developer

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    can we have nicki minaj on our banner

    pigged 25/08/2019

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by OddKrAtNo View Post
    I agree but for example 5 threads in 5 minutes in the game section would just be spam. I agree that it would be great with more activity, but not spam acitivty where only 1 person stands for all the posting in 1 section
    So say, as I have an interest in games, I decide to join the articles department once more and wrote out games articles that I wish to share on the forum, (people want articles posted on the forum more) I shouldn't be allowed to post them whenever I wish? I don't agree with what you have proposed. This is just an example, I agree with Zitrone, more forum activity is better than none.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by OddKrAtNo View Post
    Add a rule that prevents thread spaming, making allot of new threads within minutes from the same user. I would consider this token grinding and spam.
    Quote Originally Posted by OddKrAtNo View Post
    I agree but for example 5 threads in 5 minutes in the game section would just be spam. I agree that it would be great with more activity, but not spam activity where only 1 person stands for all the posting in 1 section
    Basically you're telling people to post less? If someone posts 5 separate threads, on 5 different topics within 5 minutes, surely that's not spam, that's generating conversation and discussion? Something the Forum needs. The only way it would be spam, would be if someone posted 5 threads on the same topic, across the forum.

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