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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozzinator View Post
    So say, as I have an interest in games, I decide to join the articles department once more and wrote out games articles that I wish to share on the forum, (people want articles posted on the forum more) I shouldn't be allowed to post them whenever I wish? I don't agree with what you have proposed. This is just an example, I agree with Zitrone, more forum activity is better than none.
    I'm not saying that you should be limited to when you want to post it, i'm saying that maybe a rule like this for threads could be something.
    A8. Please observe the correct posting protocol:
    Do not multiple post within the 15 minute edit time of your original threads
    Do not multiple post after the the 15 minute edit time without posting valid additional information.
    for example dont make more then 5 threads each 15 minutes or so.
    Former: Habboxlive dj (Oddy), Content designer, Pixel artist, Forum moderator, Forum developer

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by OddKrAtNo View Post
    I'm not saying that you should be limited to when you want to post it, i'm saying that maybe a rule like this for threads could be something.

    for example dont make more then 5 threads each 15 minutes or so.
    No that's a dumb rule.

    And I say that as someone who doesn't post that many threads anyway, but if I wished to, I should be allowed to.
    Last edited by Danny; 29-06-2015 at 12:51 PM.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by OddKrAtNo View Post
    for example dont make more then 5 threads each 15 minutes or so.
    what exactly do you want this rule to achieve, out of curiosity?

    people are always complaining about a lack of threads that are original/a lack of them in general, and that rule would just be pointless anyway? if somebody has an idea for five threads then it's not doing anybody any harm/anything wrong if they wish to post them. five within fifteen minutes is stupid, yes it would prevent any spam but the forum could benefit from more threads, no?

  4. #44
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    To be to OddKrAtNo, there are times when really bad threads get spammed that don't promote any real activity or discussion and in some cases, could easily be a couple of word reply. I, however, remain neutral on the subject and just wanted to present the other side of the argument.

  5. #45
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    More threads the merrier! As far as I am concerned, make 5 threads in 5 minutes, as long as they are all different and don't relate and create proper discussion, then I can't complain!

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by e5 View Post
    and create proper discussion
    This is the point I believe; those threads tend to have people responding once to the question at hand and then never returning to the thread again. There is no discussion involved
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  7. #47
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    I think swearing/language could be opened up (yes, I'm a hypocrite for what I've said about 10 years ago). is for 13+ users, yes? According to many classification sites and sources, 12A or 12+ year olds can handle the F word in light uses, so it goes to reason that lesser swear words should be fine provided they do not violate other rules (abusive behaviour etc) or are excessive to the point of being pointless (as per the relevant rule(s)).

    Coupled with making moderators having powers in all forums, it shouldn't be that difficult to ensure users are not being excessive or abusive to others.

    I definitely think ******* (bas.t.ard), *****, (b.itch), **** (, ***** (, **** (, ****** (ret.ard) and a plethora of other words should not be filtered. was removed ages ago and for some unknown reason was refiltered, even though it was only abused once yet most of the time it was being used playfully.

    This is 2015. In Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova Prime said and that film is popular amongst teens.

    Saying it is to catch out bots etc is a bit silly. Again, if you make sure moderators moderate all forums rather than are stuck to forums they probably do not care about (and some really do not have an interest in their respective forums), they can catch them out. I quite like some Wiki sites that give active and long-serving members minor moderation powers to help those with greater powers micro-moderate forums, but given Habbox's colourful history with abuse, this may not be viable.


    Leave moderating to the moderators could be removed. It's not like an ordinary user can edit a post, remove a post or move a thread anyway. Same for imitating a member of staff - the user title is there for a reason and it's not that difficult to catch someone out lying. If it's done by PM the user being scammed should know better at 13 and should man up and accept some responsibility. A warning in the PM pages saying "Know who you are talking to" ought to suffice, if all else fails.


    Posting protocol rule is just common sense or is caught out by the system. Bumping old threads shouldn't be an issue in 2015 - I rarely see forums who have that sort of draconian rule and even if they do moderator discretion is a thing.


    If anything, you could shrink the rules into a few playful lines:





    And all that hippy, lovey dovey crap.

    Then you can expand on them. The rule page is so untidy and authoritarian you may as well tell users fun comes with terms and conditions.
    Last edited by GommeInc; 30-06-2015 at 03:56 PM.

  8. #48
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    Funnily enough I agree with brining back global moderators because right now they have 3 moderators and 3 is enough for the forum right now and they could probably even do with 1 SMOD (If global mods arent coming back). In the situation where global moderators are re-introduced they can have a head moderator (essentially staying in their super mod user group, just a not so cool name lol), say mdport and/or e5 and the rest were normal moderators but could just moderator in all forums he could make sure everything is being done smoothly. If the forum manager doesn't want to give moderators the mod cp they could just give access to the post reports forum to all the moderators and then they edit the title and an admin job for the head moderators would be to go into the mod cp and check it of with a comment and such, whilst only the head moderators are only allowed to deal with signatures, avatars and staff. Head moderators would also have the duties of posting moderator reports/motm threads etc while the forum manager will do more admin things such as getting the stats for reports making sure everything is posted on time/everything done so that it gives the head moderators more admin work rather than just all moderating work because you do a fair amount of admin work as a forum manager, which essentially trains them up if a forum manager ever leaves they do have a general idea of what you need to do near the end of month when these things are posted. Anyway this thread isn't about this but thats what I would think about doing if i was ever back in a forum management role.

    I do agree that swearing needs to be more relaxed, seeing as most 12vies smoke dope and swear at their parents why not just relax it on here. Habbo seems to be relaxing their swear filter and i'd say every other habbo forum has no filter but I think we still need a filter but for it to be more relaxed.

    A5. Do not post private details or information ~ We do not allow you to post private information about yourself due to security concerns. Disclosing any information about another forum user without their consent is also not allowed. This includes:
    Private messages
    Forum ban reasons/dismissal reasons
    Private conversations (Skype, Habbo, etc.)
    Images / videos of the user or links to a page where an image/video of another user is located (this includes social networking sites, facebook, myspace etc)
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    It is also not allowed to give out the personal details (specific address, phone number etc) of anyone, forum user or otherwise.
    I do think this whole rule needs to be wiped because whenever a private message from a dismissal gets 'leaked' onto a post everyone knows about it anyway, as well as the private conversations. If a member doesn't want it to be on the forum / or if its some important chat from a managers chat they can report it and it can be removed. I do think that you shouldn't be allowed to post someone elses photo without their consent and you shouldn't be able to post numbers and addresses

    A8. Please observe the correct posting protocol:
    Do not multiple post within the 15 minute edit time of your original threads
    Do not multiple post after the the 15 minute edit time without posting valid additional information.
    Do not pointlessly bump old threads. You may only bump threads if your post is relevant and something that can generate more discussion. What is and isn't pointless is up to the moderators discretion and is final.
    The first line should be taken out because it will automatically add to your first post. I've also recently seen some mods will merge and modwarn peoples posts if they have posted twice in a row, it think that it isn't needed to put a modwarn on the post, I just think that you need to merge it and leave a message in the edit box and/or VM the user.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    This is the point I believe; those threads tend to have people responding once to the question at hand and then never returning to the thread again. There is no discussion involved
    That is true

  10. #50
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    Might be worth pointing out, but the follow sub-rules do not exist or cannot be viewed or have been deleted:
    Graphic Forum
    Welcome to Habbox Forum

    The rest of them could just be posted on in the Forum Rules, seeing as linking to threads written by people who either are not staff or never use the forum any more seems a bit messy.

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