Calling all Habboxers, there has been a terrible accident and now we need your help. If you think your up for the challenge then I suggest you get comfortable.
Just when everyone was preparing for a peaceful Easter, the poor Easter Bunny had his own problems. On his journey around the world preparing to deliver the eggs to all the boys and girls, there was a terrible accident which caused his Easter jet to crash.
This is where you all come in, as he was falling over Egypt 15 eggs spiralled down and landed around the pyramids.
Do you think you can find all 15? I sure hope you can.
So it is so simple to enter, all you need to do is use the picture below, circle where you think the eggs are hiding and PM Mrs_Plant your answers.
If you find all 15 eggs you will receive 50 Eggs.
The less eggs you find the smaller amount of eggs you receive.
Happy Hunting.
All entries that find all 15 will be random generated to win 1 GOLD BAR!
Find Those Eggs