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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post
    Mostly I watch movies, listen to music, and write. I used to read quite a bit, but I haven't been able to in a while. I get through probably ten to twenty films a month. I play video games occasionally and I know if I lived in a more rural area, I would probably walk a lot.
    do you still go to cinema?

    I used to go like weekly, then I started going like once a month with pal(s), but cancelled my card after that and haven't been in order a year now, so much stuff I need to watch but I can't be bothered watching if it I'm on my own it's a hard life man..

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottish View Post
    do you still go to cinema?

    I used to go like weekly, then I started going like once a month with pal(s), but cancelled my card after that and haven't been in order a year now, so much stuff I need to watch but I can't be bothered watching if it I'm on my own it's a hard life man..
    Yeah, I watch everything that comes out here. Though my local cinema is only small, so that only amounts to about three or four films a month. Wish I lived somewhere with a larger cinema, but sometimes I do travel to see certain films, and I try to go to events and special screenings. Went to the London Korean Film Festival opening gala last year. I used to go to the cinema loads with my friends, but I moved away a long time ago, so I always go alone now. I quite like going alone — I always thought the cinema was a bit of a strange outing with friends, since you don't really talk until afterwards. Often me and my friends will still watch the same movies and end up chatting about them regardless. Though it is nice to watch certain films with company.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post
    Yeah, I watch everything that comes out here. Though my local cinema is only small, so that only amounts to about three or four films a month. Wish I lived somewhere with a larger cinema, but sometimes I do travel to see certain films, and I try to go to events and special screenings. Went to the London Korean Film Festival opening gala last year. I used to go to the cinema loads with my friends, but I moved away a long time ago, so I always go alone now. I quite like going alone — I always thought the cinema was a bit of a strange outing with friends, since you don't really talk until afterwards. Often me and my friends will still watch the same movies and end up chatting about them regardless. Though it is nice to watch certain films with company.
    Yeah I just don't enjoy doing much alone, so always have to do it with a partner or friend, I'd rather have a friend I can chat to throughout the movie and after it than just do it on my own.

    I may get into it again one day, definitely need to see new Fast and Furious though!!

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Nothing here.

    But back home I always did gardening, out with friends every week drinking, cycling now and again.
    Hey, nice to see a fellow gardener here. (sunglasses) I had nothing to do with plants and gardens, but I like to play garden simulators like Harvest Moon. Now have a big backyard and I should definitely make a big garden there. But now it's such a mess. By the way, can you suggest me a good lawn mower? I'm currently reading reviews here and want to test one of those. Any suggestions?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundelionwin3 View Post
    Hey, nice to see a fellow gardener here. (sunglasses) I had nothing to do with plants and gardens, but I like to play garden simulators like Harvest Moon. Now have a big backyard and I should definitely make a big garden there. But now it's such a mess. By the way, can you suggest me a good lawn mower? I'm currently reading reviews here and want to test one of those. Any suggestions?
    Get a petrol one, electric are weak and don't last as long.

  6. #16
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    Photography (mostly documentary stuff)
    Go to the gym
    play vidya and watch movies c:
    go for long walks (blessed to live in a national park)
    used to do some basic whitehat stuff and sometimes got paid but i dont do that much anymore

  7. #17
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    Have my sacred time in the mornings on my days off where I sit in bed with a cup of tea and read in the quiet by myself. Thought my parents were really weird for doing that when I was little but can totally see the appeal now; my room is south facing so it's so lovely to sit in the quiet with a cuppa and have the sun shining right on me. I'm a morning person anyway so it's just a time when I'm really happy.

    Other times of the day, I do home workouts bc they suit me and I like feeling strong, mostly simple strength exercises but I do plenty of cardio in the rest of my life. For instance, part of a netball club that I go to on a couple of weekday evenings which I looove so much, love the endorphin rush following a good session and I'm considering joining a competitive league (time permitting) too.

    Spend a lot of time doing uni work as I'm a part time uni student so I suppose that might kinda count towards my "spare time". Tbh, I really enjoy what I'm doing even when I'm stressed out by deadlines so it is hard work but it also feels really rewarding.

    Then spend time with pals, going to the cinema quite a bit recently, my local arts picturehouse has a Studio Ghibli month coming up where they show ghibli films on weekends so I'll go to all the ones I can. Normally go out for a few drinks with my friends on a Friday or a Saturday at least once every two weeks. And then netflix of course, netflix is my brain switch-off time and I've been powering through Bob's Burgers on amazon prime as well. Get reallyyyy tired of social interaction sometimes, especially in the evenings, so I really value the time I get to chill out watching netflix and eating chocolate.
    Last edited by Empired; 10-10-2019 at 05:22 PM.

  8. #18
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    Since I got ill it's generally just video games.
    But I used to love arts & crafts, puzzles and scrapbooking.

    I actually had a small business making & selling handmade gifts which got quite popular (500+ likes on Facebook!) but only lasted a year before I got poorly and had a big falling out with my sister.

    I sold personalised picture frames, hessian bags, painted crockery amongst other things.
    My non-creative sister was in charge of bath bombs lol.

    Here are some pictures of some of the stuff I made!

    (Sorry for the amount, gotten eager and want to share lol!)



























    - - - Updated - - -

    Since I got ill it's generally just video games.
    But I used to love arts & crafts, puzzles and scrapbooking.

    I actually had a small business making & selling handmade gifts which got quite popular (500+ likes on Facebook!) but only lasted a year before I got poorly and had a big falling out with my sister.

    I sold personalised picture frames, hessian bags, painted crockery amongst other things.
    My non-creative sister was in charge of bath bombs lol.

    Here are some pictures of some of the stuff I made!

    (Sorry for the amount, gotten eager and want to share lol!)




























    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
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  9. #19
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    Those are awesome Lucy, I hope you get back into it. Xx

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