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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    United States of America

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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    actually really good

    seemed to have turned a corner and more in control of my life and dont dread getting up now!!

    as tacky as it seems its like being reborn in some ways
    I'm really glad to hear this! Not tacky at all, I know what you mean :p

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

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    I've only just seen this thread and I guess this advice comes a little late but maybe someone else out there is reading who needs to read this too. I have suffered with depression myself and find it really difficult to take anti-depressants because the after effects literally makes me feel quite sick and loss of appetite so that never really helped me. Before lockdown I was heavily involved with the Mind charity, they had a programme near me called "Live a better life" and through all their sessions for various mental health stuff the thing I found that helped me the most was doing something physical.

    I was at my happiest when riding a bike around a nature reserve with other people from Mind, when you're looking around at beautiful surroundings and doing something active your mind is too busy to think of anything negative. I ended up joining my local gym and working on fitness because I wanted to be able to ride my bike without panting and gasping for breath (it now transpires I've got asthma), but I was able to ride up a steepish incline much more easily thanks to my work at the gym.

    We also had a place we'd go to, to do some gardening where they grew lots of fruit and veg, there was even a couple of hives there and that again is something I enjoyed through Mind. My mental health improved considerably just by doing these simple things.

    All that has sadly gone out of the window because of lockdown but as soon as I'm able I will be doing those things again and enjoying them more than I did previously because I won't take it for granted.

    Maybe there are similar programmes nearer to you? I can't recommend it enough for people to do this and there isn't an age limit either.

  3. #13
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    I think this is such a current subject. I think the stigma around mental health is still there and still present when actually having mental health issues is not theorrtically any diffrent that treating a cold as it will cold will pass with time. Everyone is going to experience it at somepoint in their lives. So I wouldnt feel angry or fustrated.

    It's up to you and how you feel personally. There are loads of options so give them all a try and see what helps and suits you. If it's not being offered ask the question first. If non of them work for you then think about medication.
    Last edited by Shannon; 07-03-2021 at 11:03 AM.
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  4. #14
    Join Date
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    start up a bucket list and try think outside the box all the time. You want to achieve something in life u think alternative that way your doing that thing just in a different way.

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