HabboxLive VIP has had a little make-over, instead of a boring black username with a treble clef
you now get a nice pulsating username

You can purchase this from the forum donation page here, or by winning competitions run by the HabboxLive department
either On-Air, On Client, or on the Forum!

In-line with this, we have some more awards

Purchasing/Winning HabboxLive VIP

Purchasing/Winning Generic Habbox VIP (All)

Purchasing/Winning Valentines VIP

Winning Comps VIP

Being Top Poster of the Month

Being Top Debater of the Month


Want the HabboxLive or Habbox VIP (All) Awards?
to purchase the VIP and the awards will be yours!

NB: These awards are automated, and will be added to your account
once the forum is scheduled to perform it's daily update task


Previous Updates:

Arcade Make-over
Location Flags
Highscore Thread/Awards in Postbit


Feedback and suggestions on all and any updates is ALWAYS appreciated and welcomed, so please feel free to do so by clicking here or to shoot me a PM.
If your idea is used then you'll also receive this fancy shiny award!



Shoot me a PM to check whether or not you're entitled to any Anniversary VIP
More information on that here