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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    I have a lotttttttttt of dreams of me driving and then losing control (or not being able to brake) and crashing, also an enormous number where I either have really long hair or my teeth fall out.
    i have dreams about my teeth falling out all of the time too.

    Most of them, I wake up and I'm like okay this is fine, but the last one I had about this, it was SO vivid that I literally woke up and felt my teeth because of how real it felt. Super weird

  2. #12
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    Default What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?

    I have tones of weird dreams, some being in my old school/ current college, at my own funeral or someone else’s and I’ve even dreamed that I was my Habbo avatar playing bleep test for the summer spectacular. I’ve even had dreams which have really been beneficial regarding habbox more especially the wiki. Which I’m sure @lawrawrrr; and @Ekelektra; must also have dreams over.

    Anyways cut that short my mind never shuts off…..
    Last edited by _spirit; 12-10-2021 at 12:42 PM.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cameron446: View Post
    I have tones of weird dreams, some being in my old school/ current college, at my own funeral or someone else’s and I’ve even dreamed that I was my Habbo avatar playing bleep test for the summer spectacular. I’ve even had dreams which have really been beneficial regarding habbox more especially the wiki. Which I’m sure @lawrawrrr; and @Ekelektra; must also have dreams over.

    Anyways cut that short my mind never shuts off…..
    The Habbox dream I remember the most was there was this shop where you could buy irl clothes that were on Habbo, so I went there to look for my clothes (flower crown, black leather jacket etc.) and there were other customers who were picking out the irl versions of their Habbo clothes and I was trying to guess who they were based on their selection like 'oh they picked out a paparazzi camera that could be ozad!!'

    But the shop was in the UK so I travelled all the way there just to visit the Habbo clothing shop lol also lawrawrrr was the shop owner.

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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekelektra View Post
    In those dreams usually I'm either the age I am now or about to graduate high school (18) and it turns out I have to repeat grade six because something went wrong and I didn't actually finish it and either I'm the only old one in a class with literal grade sixers or my high school classmates also have to repeat it too.
    OH, good GOd, just imagine that I was just scrolling down this thread with the keyboard arrows preparing myself to tell you people about my recurring dreams upon being a grown-up somewhat forced to attend elementary school classes because "something within the school's database indicated that I didn't quite complete high school all along" but, yay, we are not alone here

    And, the weirdest thing! They have patterns!:
    - I am the oldest one in class
    - Something in the dream always indicates me that I miss all Monday classes specifically, and something in my head says "Oh, no!, I never attended a single Portuguese class in my life, why won't I ever get up early on Mondays, and the "real" me feels a bit of real anxiety for this IMAGINARY duty
    - (now, the WORST part) I either get up late OR get up early but when I'm about to leave, I check the clock and - wow - it's too late now
    - Halfway through school, I notice I forgot an item (mostly the backpack), I run back home and resume my path, attempting to walk fast, but you probably know what "walking fast" means.. when... you are.... dreaming

    But, yes, these kind of dreams are -way- far from amusing and, as I know now, they're obviously associated w how I - who knows why - got a bit irrational fear on "not having done all the post-graduating logistical stuff", whatever, just so I could have a fresher feeling of closure other than how unpredictably abrupt the high school's end was, as in "is high school done?" "did I actually miss an implicit step and now, over 20, will need to sign up for 5th grade again?" and these weird thoughts come and go every time I need to come up with new responsibilities that require me to prove to a company that I did high school, lol, then I got to recheck the papers and read the "Lucas Marques blabla has done everything and he's good" certificate

    Other dreams include, in childhood, being frequently chased by two adults I knew from sight IRL (although they weren't exactly evil) and, once they ultimately caught me off guard, they'd make some weird smiling expressions and tickle me without touching me, and I could feel it for reals!, except for the usual laughing part that it's made of.. Maybe that's just one of those weird hormonal growing up things that happen when we're kids in sleep?

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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LUCPIX View Post
    - Something in the dream always indicates me that I miss all Monday classes specifically, and something in my head says "Oh, no!, I never attended a single Portuguese class in my life, why won't I ever get up early on Mondays, and the "real" me feels a bit of real anxiety for this IMAGINARY duty
    I get these too!! They're always in high school or university where I always take the day we have PE off because I hated it, but then realise 'omg *class I never did like classical literature* is on the same day as PE and I've never even been to that class and am about to fail it because I always take Thursdays off!!'

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  6. #16
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    This is a fun one,

    so im on this fancy housing estate, like its fancy full of 5 bed and 4 bath houses, and i go into my Dads house, the insde is exctly like his house the outside isnt. anyway i go in and head up stairs to his office and look out the window and see the full moon thats slowling eclipsing red, i rush outside to the street all these neighbours come out and stare at this blood moon and then the moon shatters! everyone freaks out shards of moon just plumet to the earth and everything is red and on fire. my dad is dressed for the apocolypse im confused...

    and then i wake up, it was without a doubt the weirdest dream i have ever had
    Shocked jamiexo Shocked

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekelektra View Post
    I get these too!! They're always in high school or university where I always take the day we have PE off because I hated it, but then realise 'omg *class I never did like classical literature* is on the same day as PE and I've never even been to that class and am about to fail it because I always take Thursdays off!!'
    I like to conclude that we dream these things because we... care about our studies; hence the involuntary punishments

    They will come in extremely handy in the next couple of weeks as I'm literally just commencing my first Uni semester. Yay, no need to redo fifth grade!

  8. #18
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    I have weird dreams all the time but I just woke up from the most TERRIFYING dream in the world I have to post on this right now. So I dreamt me and my sister (but she was young young which she isn’t now) were in a hotel room and my father had covid in there but he had just left the room and I was doing a test. There was a weird movement from behind the curtains and I go is it a bird and my sister goes nah and I’m like yeah it is and she then grabs the curtains and the bird and then the PIGEON falls to the ground and bloody flies at me and is biting my hand and I swear I felt it really bad irl and it was getting worse and worse because my sister was trying to pull it off but he was just biting harder, then my sister was trying to tempt it away with a doner meat and chips that was on the floor Idk. But anyway I didn’t get my covid result in the end.
    Laugh jamiexo Laughed

  9. #19
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    Ok I had a dream last night where me and a few others I didn't know were being held against our will by some man mad that was killing people randomly on the street.. Skip a few hours because that's how dreams work and this same person is now someone I know, someone I haven't seen in about 8 years, and now we're friends and I think I'm blissfully ignoring his crimes and killings and just chatting to him, but then I get out my phone and I notice it's cracked and I'm super upset about this and I think I use this as an excuse to leave and he lets me and I tell him we should hang out again sometime but I have no intention to do this, I just wanted out, he agrees and then I wake up.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  10. #20
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    I was at a concert holding a baby and running through crowds of people trying to get to safety and this massive woman with these hoop earrings wanted to have a piece of me but I couldn’t knock her out because I was holding a baby so I decided to run. It was the running it scares me! I have had so many odd dreams I won’t mention the second one it’s far too crazy

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