Below are some facts and figures for you all to enjoy and peruse, you can view last years Forum Statistics by clicking here, if you'd like to compare.

Our top viewed threads of the year were...

Countdown from 2023 with 57,843 views
Count TO 2023 with 60,993 views
[HxSS] Points & Leaderboards with 3,187 views
[HxSS] Points & Prize reporting with 6,264 views
[HxSS] Events List with 2,300 views

Most viewed forums (NB this does not count the views of threads INSIDE of the forums):

Forum Games
Chat about Anything

The most viewed user profile of the year was @Cadigyna;

We had an amazing 1,589 people register to join HxF! With an amazing 299 of those being in November and 217 in August.
(Beating last year by a whopping 868 registrations!)

Our busiest day of the year was 15 August 2022!

14 Posts were reported to Moderators throughout 2022

A total of 51 transactions for purchased VIPs, helping towards the cost of running Habbox
(Excluding Shop Purchases)

We helped raise £156.10 for Ukraine which went to Red Cross Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal

Highest month with the most Posts was August with a mind blowing 2,679 posts
with July and May coming in 2nd and 3rd with 2,442 & 2,195 respectively

52 people signed up from a referral...
with @Shannon; taking home the trophy for most referred members for the 3rd year in a row with a total of 7

We uploaded a total of 22 new forum icons for you to purchase in the shop throughout 2022
and 2 brand new VIP to choose from!

You purchased things from the shop 337 times
@someboyrafa; bought the most things, with 43 purchases
The Welsh Flag was the most popular item with 63 purchases overall
(PS these two stats might be related!)

We added 9 brand new Awards to the forum!

We added... 3 new arcade games to the Forum Arcade - in total the Arcade had over 6,000 views
and the most played games were...

Ball Run
Tetris Cube
Break the Line

You earned a total of 301,102 Tokens through posting/birthdays/events & competitions

During the year of 2022 you gave out
1,312 Loves
69 Shocked
223 Laugh

Thread with the most Likes: Eurovision 2022 Sweepstakes - win 50c! (29 Likes within)
Thread with the most Love: RIP Martin (Bolt) (112 Loves within)
Thread with the most Shock: [HxSS] What's Your Superpower? (5 Shocks within)
Thread with the most Laugh: [Rare Values] Poison Ivy (15 Laughs within)

Single Post with the most Likes: @FlyingJesus;'s post here(6 Likes)
Single Post with the most Love: @lawrawrrr; 's post here(10 Loves)
Single Post with the most Shock: @Empired; 's post here(2 Shocks)
Single post with the most Laugh: @Rachelhabbo; 's post here(7 Laughs)

Highest month with the most New Threads started was June with a whopping 183!
Closely followed by May with 182

Throughout the year a total of 1,441 Threads were created & 14,412 posts!

The user with the most posts in 2022 is @jamiexo; with 3,268 posts
coming in 2nd is @tbl; with 2,515 posts
@Chipmunks; 3rd with a total of 1,745 posts

Congratulations to the above 3, you've won yourself the following:

1st: 2,000 Tokens & 4 Months VIP
2nd: 1,500 Tokens & 3 Months VIP
3rd: 1,000 Tokens & 2 Months VIP

Plus the rest of the top 10 receive 500 Tokens & 1 Month VIP

2022 Posting Stats