The Habboxmas Elves have risen from the Habbox shelf and have stolen all of gifts and presents. Can you help us by finding all of our stolen presents?

Flyingjesus and Jamie have received reports that the elves have hidden gifts across the site and forum - head over to

The Habboxmas 2023 Forum

to see what they have been getting up to!

Each present sighting ( or trap that has been set) will win you some presents! - Keep checking back for more opportunities to WIN!

The more presents you claim the more goodies you can win!!

Habboxmas 1st Prize

200c, 3 months VIP and a super top secret gift from SANTA!!!

Habboxmas 2nd Prize

100c, 2 months VIP and a top secret gift from the Elves!!!

Habboxmas 3rd Prize

100c, 1 month VIP and a secret present left under your tree!


Habboxmas has arrived in the forum shop!

Head on down to the shop now to take a look at the icons that we have available, We also have THREE animated forum VIPs available to you for 500 tokens apiece (again for 2 weeks)!

Head over to the thread to find out more!!! -
Habbox Christmas Shop - [ OPEN ] (

Habboxmas 2023 Will end on the 1st Jan 2024! , so what are you waiting for!!