Oh no! Cupid has lost the password to his special Valentine's forum and he can't remember it! 😱
Join us in a heart-filled adventure to help Cupid find the lost password. Clues will be scattered around the forum, and you’ll need to solve riddles to uncover them. Are you ready for the challenge? Let's start the quest! 💖🔍
What's the Prize?
Question: I’m the part of the body you need to love, I’m in your chest, I beat and throb. What am I? 💓
Riddle to find the next piece of the puzzle:
When hearts beat faster and smiles are true,
You'll find the next clue where feelings ensue.
In the realm where love blooms and life shares its view,
Seek what love means, to me and to you. 💘🔍
Clue: The riddle is pointing to a forum category and a thread title. 📜💬