I have decided to run our own Folding@Home Habbox team
For those of you who don't know what folding is and are interested in helping out, you can check out this site here to find out all about it.
For those who do know what folding is, and are interested in folding for us, then please do so - we could use the help!
Team Name: Habbox Folding
Team Number: 133305 (Clicky)
If you are going to fold for us, please try to use your forum usernames as your folding alias. This will make it easier for everybody to know who's who.
Finally, if you would like to check out the team stats and find out how many points each person has managed to produce. Check it out here. You may find that the stats are being updated - This will happen quite often and will last for approximately 45 minutes each time.
Happy Folding!
Thread stuck by ---MAD--- (General Manager)