View Full Version : swearing

18-05-2006, 04:21 PM
lol if you place a 2 before and affter a fillted word it should become unfillted

18-05-2006, 04:46 PM
no it dont i

done 2fhk? but i spelt write

Stress Free
18-05-2006, 04:50 PM
Sh*t & Tw*t work though

18-05-2006, 05:00 PM
In my vBulletin adminstration control panel it notes that it will also filter any words containing these letters in the combination or a near combination or something like that. So, I don't know why that happens.

Anyway, why do you want to brake the filter? Ok, you can swear when you hurt your arm or leg etc. 'cos it litrally just comes out your mouth without thinking about it, but why do you need to swear on a forum? Its not going to do anything else but exagerate how 'angry' you are. In which case people will probably think your a weirdo for getting soooooo angry over other peoples views on a ...Habbo Forum?

18-05-2006, 05:01 PM
Stupid new game enginge. I can't even be bothered with Rune atm, too much lag.

18-05-2006, 05:04 PM
ive only tryed 2f***2 and 2Sh**2 and they both work,

Deathxcs if you use the nearest sever to you with the least people on then there should't be too much lag

18-05-2006, 05:06 PM
In my vBulletin adminstration control panel it notes that it will also filter any words containing these letters in the combination or a near combination or something like that. So, I don't know why that happens.

Anyway, why do you want to brake the filter? Ok, you can swear when you hurt your arm or leg etc. 'cos it litrally just comes out your mouth without thinking about it, but why do you need to swear on a forum? Its not going to do anything else but exagerate how 'angry' you are. In which case people will probably think your a weirdo for getting soooooo angry over other peoples views on a ...Habbo Forum?
He's talking about on Runescape, not the forum.. Also I believe Jagex has patched this now, if they haven't then well done getting people to abuse bugs.

18-05-2006, 05:31 PM
Stupid new game enginge. I can't even be bothered with Rune atm, too much lag.
There is no lag anymore. :s

Why would you want to avoid it anyway? People will just report you and you'll end up getting (temporary) banned.

18-05-2006, 05:32 PM
In my vBulletin adminstration control panel it notes that it will also filter any words containing these letters in the combination or a near combination or something like that. So, I don't know why that happens.

Anyway, why do you want to brake the filter? Ok, you can swear when you hurt your arm or leg etc. 'cos it litrally just comes out your mouth without thinking about it, but why do you need to swear on a forum? Its not going to do anything else but exagerate how 'angry' you are. In which case people will probably think your a weirdo for getting soooooo angry over other peoples views on a ...Habbo Forum?
hes talking about rs lol! (this is runescape forum :p)

And no theres no lag at all.

18-05-2006, 05:46 PM
Well I haved to say I'm sorry. I didn't look what forum I wasp osting in and expected it to be something simular to 'Discuss Anything'.

There was absolutely no need to give me bad reputation for that - and whomever did submit be bad reputation is frankly, an IDIOT.

18-05-2006, 05:59 PM
Well I haved to say I'm sorry. I didn't look what forum I wasp osting in and expected it to be something simular to 'Discuss Anything'.

There was absolutely no need to give me bad reputation for that - and whomever did submit be bad reputation is frankly, an IDIOT.
your vip, you should check :)

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